Honeywell GSMX4G-TC2 Posts

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Alarm Grid wants all of its customers to be aware that AT&T is now taking steps to formally discontinue their 3G and 4G networks. This is very important for anyone looking to activate an AT&T 3G or 4G communicator, as well as those who currently use either network with their alarm system.

Honeywell vista gsm4g alarmnet vista 21ip cellular alarm monitor

Starting Wednesday June 26th, 2019, it will no longer be possible to activate a new AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator with AlarmNet. If you want to activate an AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator on a Honeywell System for use with Total Connect 2.0, you must do so before this date. Additionally, if you deactivate an AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator for a Honeywell System on or after this date, then you will not be able to reactivate it. Trying to reactivate a deactivated communicator is considered the same as an activation.

Please note that this only applies to AT&T 3G and 4G Communicators on Honeywell Systems that are used with Total Connect 2.0. has not announced any deadline for activating an AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator. Alarm Grid will post any new information as it becomes available. For now, the deadline only affects communicators being used with AlarmNet.

A sole exception applies to any AT&T 3G or 4G Communicator that was manufactured within the past 180 days. These communicators come with SIM cards that are pre-activated by AT&T, and they can continue to be activated for the next 180 days, even after the June 26th, 2019 date has passed. You will not be able to activate the communicator after the 180 day period has elapsed. You will also not be able to deactivate the communicator and then have it reactivated. You can check the manufacture date both on the box and on the radio label sticker on the communicator.

Additionally, the AT&T 3G/4G Network is set to be shutdown in February 2022. After that, all AT&T 3G and 4G Communicators will stop working entirely. This applies to any AT&T 3G or AT&T 4G Communicator, including those used with Total Connect 2.0 or End users will need to upgrade to a new communicator or alarm system to maintain cellular communication. This does not apply to AT&T 4G LTE Communicators.

In order to maintain an active cellular communication path, it is crucial that you upgrade to an LTE communicator. LTE stands for "Long-Term Evolution", and AT&T is expected to support their LTE network for many years to come. Most alarm systems that we support currently have an LTE communicator available, while others should be releasing one in the coming months. We recommend checking through our selection of cellular communicators to see if an LTE communicator is available for your system.

Honeywell lyric lte a at and t lte cellular communicator for the

If you are affected by the AT&T 3G/4G Sunset, now is the time to take action. You still have an opportunity to keep your system monitored or upgrade to a new system if necessary. The best thing you can do is contact Alarm Grid immediately. We can verify which communicator your system is using if you aren't sure. If you do need an upgrade, we can make a recommendation of which communicator to go with.

Some systems may have an LTE communicator readily available, while others may have one set to be released in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, some users may need to upgrade to a new system entirely. The experts at Alarm Grid know exactly what you need to stay monitored, and we can present you with all the possible options. Remember, by upgrading to a newer LTE communicator, you are guaranteeing that you equipment can stay monitored for many years to come. We fully expect that LTE networks will remain active and in-service even as 5G technology begins to emerge.

Alarm Grid is on your side. We want you to stay monitored and protected. That is our absolute top priority as a company. If you are affected by the AT&T 3G/4G Sunset, we urge you to reach out to us. Likewise, we also urge you to reach out to us if you are not sure. We can check your equipment and confirm whether or not an upgrade is needed.

The best way to reach us is to send an email to Our team will reply to it as soon as possible so that you receive the support you need. You may also call us at (888) 818-7728 during our normal business hours of 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to helping you determine the best solution for your home or business.

Note: For information on the Verizon CDMA Sunset that went into effect last year, please click here.

Alarm grid inside security stickers

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AT&T has been announcing a deprecation of the 2G radios for a number of years. At midnight January 1, 2017, the network was turned off.

If you're one of the many Americans who has a 2G alarm system, and you've been caught flatfooted for one reason or another, Alarm Grid is here to help. For those who upgrade their 2G radio programmed to a different company's service to a new radio, Alarm Grid will provide 2 months of free monitoring.

If you have a bf error showing on your panel or a Check 103 error, we have some great FAQs explaining what you need to do to fix the error. Additionally, below, you will find a guide explaining how to go about fixing the problems. Generally you will need to replace your radio - a move that is dependent on the type of system you have. The following alert is on our FAQs pertaining to this issue, and will walk you through what you need to do to upgrade.

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We strive to have some of the best pricing on the internet for security products. When prices are reduced for us, we do our best to quickly pass off those savings to anyone who has made a purchase here.

In the last week, we have reduced the prices on over 100 items an average of 6%. Our Lyric kits have all seen price reductions between 6% and 19%.

Below is the list of all items whose price has been reduced. We hope you enjoy the savings!

URL Old Price New Price % Change
Honeywell K4563 2.99 0.99 202%
UltraTech 1240 14.99 8.99 67%
Honeywell 5881ENM 126.99 77.99 63%
Honeywell 5881ENH 198.99 128.99 54%
System Sensor CO1224T 83.99 54.99 53%
UltraTech 1270 29.99 19.99 50%
Honeywell WAP-PLUS 95.99 63.99 50%
Leviton VRS15-1LZ 92.99 66.99 39%
Honeywell 719 17.99 12.99 38%
Honeywell 5802WXT-2 53.99 38.99 38%
Honeywell 5802WXT 53.99 38.99 38%
Honeywell 5815 47.99 34.99 37%
Honeywell 5899B 3.99 2.99 33%
Honeywell WAVE2 11.99 8.99 33%
Interlogix 600-1048-XT-ZX-AT 117.99 90.99 30%
Interlogix 600-1048-XT-ZX-VZ 117.99 90.99 30%
Honeywell L3000 199.99 155.99 28%
Honeywell SIXSIREN 78.99 64.99 22%
Honeywell SIXGB 78.99 64.99 22%
Honeywell 702 22.99 18.99 21%
Honeywell 955PST 5.99 4.99 20%
Honeywell GSMVLP5-4G 162.99 135.99 20%
Alarm Grid LYNX-WEXT 87.99 73.99 19%
Honeywell LyricPK-VZ 522.94 439.99 19%
Yale YRD210 246.99 207.99 19%
Honeywell LyricPK-AT 518.64 439.99 18%
Honeywell L7000PK10-WIFI-3G 639.99 550.99 16%
Honeywell LyricPK10-VZ 672.11 578.99 16%
Honeywell GSMV4G 187.99 161.99 16%
Alarm Grid LYNX-EXT 145.99 125.99 16%
Honeywell LKP500 119.99 103.99 15%
Honeywell 5881ENL 67.99 58.99 15%
Honeywell LyricPK 448.52 389.99 15%
Honeywell L7000PK10-WIFI 529.99 461.99 15%
Honeywell L7000PK-WIFI 399.99 348.99 15%
Honeywell GSMV4G-TC2 199.99 174.99 14%
Honeywell LyricPK10-AT 660.99 578.99 14%
Honeywell LyricPK10 614.99 541.99 13%
Honeywell L7000PK-WIFI-3G 499.99 442.99 13%
Honeywell L7000 279.99 249.99 12%
Honeywell GSMX4G 141.99 126.99 12%
Honeywell WAP-ANT5DB 9.99 8.99 11%
Honeywell GSMX4G-TC2 154.99 139.99 11%
Honeywell 5819WHS 64.99 58.99 10%
Honeywell 300-07052 10.99 9.99 10%
Honeywell Lyric Controller 299.99 272.99 10%
Honeywell iGSMV4G 190.99 174.99 9%
Honeywell 5800C2W 84.99 77.99 9%
Honeywell 4232CBM 115.99 106.99 8%
Honeywell 1361-GT 12.99 11.99 8%
Honeywell 6148 66.99 61.99 8%
Honeywell 5800RPS 53.99 49.99 8%
Honeywell 4204 82.99 76.99 8%
Telguard TG-1 Express 174.99 162.99 7%
SkyBell DBCAM 207.99 193.99 7%
Honeywell K14139 14.99 13.99 7%
Honeywell SiXCT 25.66 23.99 7%
Honeywell Lyric-CDMA 104.24 97.99 6%
Honeywell 747PD 16.99 15.99 6%
Honeywell 4229 102.99 96.99 6%
Honeywell Lyric-3G 103.99 97.99 6%
Honeywell SiXPIR 58.28 54.99 6%
Honeywell 5834-4EN 54.99 51.99 6%
Honeywell AD12612 19.99 18.99 5%
Honeywell 5822T 42.99 40.99 5%
Honeywell 6149EX 69.99 66.99 4%
Honeywell WA7626-CA 23.99 22.99 4%
Honeywell 4208U 97.99 93.99 4%
Honeywell 5883H 245.99 235.99 4%
Honeywell 5800WAVE 102.99 98.99 4%
Honeywell 5800RP 103.99 99.99 4%
Honeywell 5800Micra 53.99 51.99 4%
Honeywell ACU 134.99 129.99 4%
Honeywell IS280CM 82.99 79.99 4%
Leviton VRF01-1LZ 141.99 136.99 4%
Honeywell VISTA-20P 144.99 139.99 4%
Honeywell 710 31.99 30.99 3%
Honeywell 5800PIR 97.99 94.99 3%
Honeywell iGSMV4G-TC2 199.99 193.99 3%
Honeywell L5210PK10-WIFI 451.99 438.99 3%
Honeywell LYNXRCHKIT-SHA 34.99 33.99 3%
Honeywell IS25100TC 39.99 38.99 3%
Honeywell 5806W3 79.99 77.99 3%
Honeywell ZWSTAT 159.99 155.99 3%
Honeywell L5210 199.99 194.99 3%
Honeywell L5210PK10-3G 487.99 475.99 3%
Honeywell VISTA-21iPSIA 212.99 207.99 2%
Honeywell VISTA-21iP 212.99 207.99 2%
Honeywell FG1625F 44.99 43.99 2%
Honeywell FG1625 44.99 43.99 2%
Honeywell 4219 89.99 87.99 2%
Honeywell L5210PK-WIFI 322.99 315.99 2%
Honeywell 748 46.99 45.99 2%
Honeywell FG1625RFM 48.99 47.99 2%
Honeywell 748LC 48.99 47.99 2%
Honeywell SIXFOB 25.51 24.99 2%
Honeywell 5821 52.99 51.99 2%
Honeywell 5800PIR-COM 107.99 105.99 2%
Honeywell FG730 56.99 55.99 2%
Honeywell L5210PK10-WIFI-3G 537.99 528.99 2%
Honeywell L5210PK-3G 364.99 358.99 2%
Honeywell VISTA-128BPT 379.99 373.99 2%
Honeywell CE3 64.99 63.99 2%
Honeywell 5898 133.99 131.99 2%
Honeywell 5828V 134.99 132.99 2%
Honeywell 5816OD 71.99 70.99 1%
Honeywell 5869 84.99 83.99 1%
Honeywell 5800RL 85.99 84.99 1%
Honeywell L5210PK 272.99 269.99 1%
Honeywell L5210PK-WIFI-3G 414.99 410.99 1%
Honeywell 6164US 211.99 209.99 1%
Honeywell GSMVLP4G 149.99 148.99 1%
Honeywell IPCAM-WO 287.77 285.99 1%
Honeywell IPCAM-PT2 273.99 272.99 0%
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Alarm Grid has reduced the price on almost all of our VISTA GSMs!

Our best selling dual path unit, the iGSMV4G has gone from $239.99 to 190.99. If you need the upgrade chips, the iGSMV4G-TC2, has gone from $252.99 to $199.99. A 20% reduction across the board. It is now the same cost to go dual path with an upgrade chip as it would be to do GSM only!

The GSMV4G was $213.99 and is now $187.99 (12% reduction). If you need the upgrade kit, the GSMV4G-TC2, it's gone from $239.00 to 199.99, a 16% reduction in price.

The at-the-panel communicator has seen a big reduction as well. While we generally try recommend the GSMV4G units to any new customers since they do not require you to do a power calculation, there are people who prefer to use a device that goes on the panel itself. For you, the GSMX4G or the upgrade kit the GSMX4G-TC2 are the perfect option - not to mention the GSMX series communicators is seeing our biggest price reduction. From 200.99 to 141.99 for the GSMX4G, and from 213.99 to 154.99 for the GSMX4G-TC2, the units have been cut in price by 29% and 28% respectively.

These options are great for anyone who wants to add a little bit extra security to their system for a modest amount of money. For those who aren't sure whether they want to add cellular monitoring to their system, but definitely want to be monitored over IP in the short term, rather than purchasing the 7847i, which is the IP communicator option for VISTA panels, the iGSMV4G will allow for single path monitoring as well as dual path monitoring thus allowing maximum flexibility to any alarm system owner.

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Keep moving. Nothing much to see here... except a lower price Honeywell's super popular GSM communicators. These Honeywell cellular communicators are used on a majority of Honeywell's wired security systems, including the 10P, the 15P, the 20P and more.

We are lowering the price from $229.99 on the GSMV4G to $213.99 (-7.4%), and the GSMX4G from $224.99 to $200.99 (-11.9%). The GSMX4G-TC2 was $237.99 and will now be $213.99 (-11.1%), and the GSMV4G-TC2 will now be priced at $226.99, down from $252.99 (-11.4%).

Ultimately, these are small changes. But we want to make sure that we are giving you the best deal that we can possibly offer on all of our products. A home security system is a wonderful luxury that gives all of its owners the peace of mind that can only come from knowing that your property and family are safe and secure. The cellular pathway is the most secure available in consumer grade security systems. So we're glad to be able to offer these communicators at such a great price.

If you're in the market for a home security system and all of this is just a little bit over your head, just pick up the phone and give us a call. We will gladly explain the difference between a GSMV4G and an iGSMV4G or any of the other communicators you're interested in learning about.

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If you have been thinking about upgrading your existing Honeywell security system, now is the perfect time. In the past, Honeywell security systems did not see major new features added with newer versions of the alarm control panels. Aside from minor tweaks to the programming options, there was never really a compelling reason to spend the money and get a brand new control panel. However, there have been some recent technological changes from Honeywell and their AlarmNet division that finally give customers a real reason to look at making a change.

First, Total Connect 2.0 was released in 2011. Total Connect is an interactive monitoring service that allows you to remotely arm and disarm your security system from any computer or smartphone. It also allows you to receive instant emails and/or text messages whenever new security system events occur. The original Total Connect service was Honeywell's first offering that allowed customers to get more out of their alarm monitoring service but like most new technologies, it needed to be polished. Total Connect 2.0 is bright and shiny and gives customer what they want. Unfortunately, when AlarmNet released the new Total Connect 2.0 service, it was only compatible with newer Honeywell security systems.

The other major technological change that requires a Honeywell security system owner to consider upgrading is the development of 4G cellular alarm communicators. We have talked in the past about how AT&T is discontinuing their 2G cellular network at the end of 2016. The 2G cellular network was very popular in the past before cell phones turned into mobile computers. All cellular alarm manufacturers, including Honeywell, built their communicators to work on the 2G network. Now that AT&T has but announced an end to the network that these communicators work on, everyone that has an existing cellular communicator needs to start thinking about upgrading to a communicator that will work past 2016.

Instead of dealing with the large expense of buying a new security system and a new cellular alarm communicator to take advantage of both these advancements, the GSMV4G-TC2  and GSMX4G-TC2 provide an easy and inexpensive way to upgrade to Total Connect 2.0 and 4G cellular communications. Both AlarmNet Total Connect 2.0 upgrade kits include a 4G cellular alarm communicator and PROM chips for both a VISTA-20P and a VISTA-15P. The PROM chip upgrades an older model VISTA panel so that it will be revision 9.12 and compatible with the newer Total Connect 2.0 service. No wiring changes need to be made and the existing system programming even stays the same. Upgrading couldn't be easier. If you have a VISTA-20P that can't do Total Connect 2.0 or a cellular alarm communicator that will need to be replaced, stop thinking about upgrading and get a new GSMV4G-TC2 or GSMX4G-TC2 today!


While Honeywell won't officially endorse this, we have found that the PROM upgrade chips that come with the GSMV4G-TC2 and GSMX4G-TC2 will even work with an older model ADT Safewatch panel. Therefore, any VISTA-15P or VISTA-20P, even branded versions, can take advantage of the amazing cost savings that these upgrade kits provide.

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