Resideo Announces Two Important Firmware Updates

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Resideo has released several MyWebTech Technical Notifications this week. Technical Notification #119 announces a firmware update for PROSeries panels and PROWLTOUCH touchscreen keypads. Notification #121 addresses a firmware update for some legacy AT&T communicators. No action is required.

Technical Notification #119:

Technical Notification #119 announces a recommended firmware update for all PROA7, PROA7C, PROA7PLUS, PROA7PLUSC, PROWLTOUCH, and PROWLTOUCHC products. The panel firmware will be updated to version 03.2306.55, and the touchscreen keypads will be updated to version 3.424.34. This update improves WIFI connectivity between the panel and keypad.

It's important to remember that these panels cannot perform firmware updates using only an LTE cellular connection. A WIFI connection is required to download and install new firmware. This is why we strongly recommend installing a PROWIFI or PROWIFIZW module and connecting the panel to WIFI. If the panel won't use WIFI and you don't have touchscreen keypads, this update is not necessary.

Resideo is shipping updated units to their distributors. In the meantime, new panels will automatically receive any necessary firmware updates during activation and registration, provided a WIFI communication path is available.

If you have a PROSeries panel or touchscreen keypad, no action is needed. Resideo will automatically push the new firmware to all connected panels with a WIFI connection. The panel or keypad will reboot to install the update, so please be aware of this brief interruption.

In order to receive the firmware update, the product must meet this criteria:
  • Have a WIFI connection.
  • Be in a Disarmed state.
  • AC must be present.
  • Must not be in the process of reporting a signal.
  • Must not be in Walk Test Mode or Programming Mode.

Technical Notification #121:

The products affected by this notification are a little more obscure. The models affected are the LTE-IA, LTE-IC (Canada), LTE-XA, LTE-XC (Canada), LTE-CFA (Commercial Fire), and HWF2A-COM (Commercial Fire, Dialer Capture). Alarm Grid currently does not sell any of these products.

The affected AT&T communicators will receive firmware update 20.00.549.1 and AppZone firmware HW.00.1-25. These updates improve cellular connectivity with the AT&T network.

This firmware addresses minor connectivity issues reported with these units. Resideo will begin pushing the update en masse on the week of February 24, 2025. You can also manually request the update by triggering a test. For the LTE-IA and LTE-XA, briefly pressing and releasing the tamper switch initiates a test. Commercial fire products have a test button near the center of the communicator board.

During and after the update, the communicator may report the following signals:

Contact ID Code Description
E365 Cell Software Update Start
R365 Cell Software Update Finished
E366 Cell Software Update Failed
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