Honeywell 6160V Posts

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We're back with another video recap! This time, we only published four (4) new videos, and they were all right at the end of the week. We hope to get more videos published in the upcoming week so that we can present a more robust video recap next time. But for now, here are our new videos.

Interlogix Simon XT: Setting Installer Code to Default

I show you how to reset the Installer Code on an Interlogix Simon XT Security System back to its default of 4321. You need this code or the Dealer Code to get into panel programming. Interestingly, the Dealer Code also has the same default of 4321. If you change the Installer Code, then you will not be able to change it back to 4321 unless you change the Dealer Code, or you factory default the system. Factory defaulting the Simon XT will reset the Installer Code back to 4321, and it will also reset the Dealer Code to 4321 as long as the Phone Lock setting for the system is OFF.

Honeywell VISTA: Custom Word or Phrase on Alpha Keypad

I show you how to set a custom word or phrase for the Alphanumeric Keypad used by your Honeywell VISTA Security System. You can set a custom word or phrase of up to (16) characters by accessing the system's Alpha Programming feature and configuring the custom word for the partition that your keypad is assigned with. After you do that, all of the Alphanumeric Keypads on that system partition will display the custom word or phrase. You may decide to change the custom word or phrase for a seasonal or holiday message, and it's great for adding a personalized touch to the system.

Wired Alarm System: Resetting

I show you how to reset your wired alarm system. When someone is talking about "resetting" a security system, they mean one of two (2) things. First, they could be talking about a power cycle reset, in which the system is turned OFF and then back ON. This is useful for safely making hardware changes, and it can also be used as a general and basic troubleshooting step. The other type of reset is a factory default reset. This will restore all settings and configurations for the system back to how they were when the system was brand new and hadn't yet been programmed.

Wireless Alarm System: Resetting

I show you how to reset your wireless alarm system. Just like a hardwired security system, a wireless system can receive the same two types of reset. Again, these are a power cycle reset and a factory default reset. The one big difference for a wireless alarm panel is that you can often perform both types of resets by choosing an option within the panel's programming menus. This varies between different types of wireless security systems, and you will likely need to refer to your system's manual to learn how to perform a power cycle reset or a factory reset for that particular system.

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Ah the Honeywell 6160 Keypad. This is perhaps the most common alarm system keypad used with the Honeywell VISTA Security Panels. It is an alphanumeric keypad that allows for deep-level programming of the system, and it allows for the backdoor method if a user gets locked out.

Honeywell 6160 alphanumeric alarm keypadWith these great features, every Honeywell VISTA System should really have at least one keypad from the Honeywell 6160-series. For the Honeywell VISTA 15P, VISTA 20P and VISTA 21iP, up to eight of these keypads can be supported, as long as appropriate power is provided. Even if you supplement your VISTA with additional keypads like the fixed English 6150 or the touchscreen Tuxedo Touch, you'll still want at least one 6160 Keypad around to perform deep-level programming functions and for using the backdoor method in case you ever get locked out.

Many users mistakenly believe that the 6160 is an actual alarm control panel. But that is not the case. The 6160 is just a keypad use for controlling the rest of the system. The actual system is most likely inside a metal container that is hidden somewhere in the building. Some users also mistake the name for the Honeywell 6160, believing that it is called the K4274V1-H M274. However, this is just the part name of the small plastic door that is used to cover the buttons. This small plastic enclosure is used across all Honeywell 6160 Keypads. Indeed, the actual name for the keypad is 6160.

In addition to the standard Honeywell 6160 Keypad, there are also two other very popular keypads that are part of this same lineup. These include the 6160V and the 6160RF. For all intents and purposes, these are the same keypads as the standard 6160, but each offers an additional feature. The V in 6160V stands for "Voice", and the keypad offers voice annunciation. This means that the keypad will speak out any zone descriptors and the current arming status for the system. Users can also use the 6160V to record and playback voice messages of up to 2.5 minutes.

As for the 6160RF, the letters RF stand for "Radio Frequency". This keypad has a built-in 345 MHz transmitter for supporting Honeywell 5800 Series Sensors. This a great keypad to add if you want to start using wireless sensors with your Honeywell VISTA System. Not only can uni-directional devices like standard security sensors, be used, the transceiver will also support bi-directional devices, like the Honeywell 5800WAVE.

If you have questions about any of the 6160 Keypads, please reach out to us! You can email us at or call us at (888) 818-7728 from 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to helping you with all your security needs!

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