Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus Verizon LTE, Honeywell/2GIG Compatible Posts

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Hi DIYers! Our content and video teams have planes to catch, but first we managed to produce the first video from ISC West 2019. Our very own Frank Longo speaks with Jeremy McLerran, the Director of Marketing for Qolsys to discuss the company's recent transition into commercial markets.

Qolsys iq panel 2 at and t wireless security system with at and

When Qolsys released their IQ Panel 2 System, it was designed primarily for residential use. Then in 2018, the company began offering the IQ Panel 2 Plus. This is essentially an upgraded version of the original IQ Panel 2 with the ability to support PowerG Sensors. With the exceptional wireless range of PowerG Sensors, Qolsys saw the opportunity to begin marketing their IQ Panel 2 Plus for commercial markets. They obtained the necessary certifications and now present the IQ Panel 2 Plus as the ideal solution for both residential and commercial applications.

Jeremy provided us with a phenomenal interview, and we found everyone at Qolsys to be extremely helpful and inviting. We highly encourage you to watch the following video to learn more about Qolsys and their commercial platform:

Keep checking our blog next week for more content from ISC West 2019. We look forward to sharing more in-depth interviews and videos!

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Hi DIYers! We are taking a look at two very interesting products today. The DSC PG9934P and the DSC PG9944 are the ideal PowerG Image Sensors for use with the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus Alarm System. They can both send quick and convenient images to Alarm.com upon activation for remote viewing.

When the original Qolsys IQ Panel 2 System was released, it required a Qolsys IQ CARD-IS to communicate with Qolsys Image Sensors. This is still the recommended image sensor option for those with a standardIQ Panel 2. However, the IQ CARD-IS actually uses the same antenna that is used by the PowerG daughtercard for the IQ Panel 2 Plus. As a result, it is not feasible to use both Qolsys Image Sensors and PowerG Wireless Sensors with an IQ Panel 2 System.

But with the DSC PG9934P and PG9944 PowerG Image Sensors, there now exist viable options for IQ Panel 2 Plus owners. Each device can auto-enroll with a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus System much like any other PowerG Sensor. Remember, there is a special trick to auto-enroll PowerG Sensors with an IQ Panel 2 Plus. Knowing this technique can save you some frustration when you go to enroll the sensors!

After putting the panel into its wireless enrollment mode, press and hold the learn button on the PowerG Sensor. An LED light will appear after a brief moment, but you should not stop holding the button. Keep it held down, and the light will disappear. Then it will reappear after a brief moment. At that point, you should release the button to auto-enroll. As image sensors, you can add up to five of these devices on a single IQ Panel 2 Plus System. This can be any combination of up to five total PG9934P and PG9944 sensors.

Qolsys iq panel 2 at and t wireless security system with at and

Both motion sensors function like any standard PIR motion detecting sensor by looking for changes in infrared (IR) energy that occur with movement. But as image sensors, they will take pictures using their built-in cameras. These devices can also be configured to send images upon a panel disarm or during alarm events. Only one image will be sent out at a time with the PowerG Image Sensors.

Any resulting image is first sent to the IQ Panel 2 Plus, and the system forwards the image to Alarm.com. From there, Alarm.com will pass the image to anyone included in the notifications group. The image can be sent through text and email. You just have to configure that notification settings on Alarm.com. More information about setting up this feature can be found in this FAQ.

In order to use the PG9934P or PG9944 with an IQ Panel 2 Plus, the system must be running firmware version 2.3.0 or higher. More information on this firmware update is available here. At this time, Alarm.com recognizes the photos produced by these sensors as "Panel Camera" images. This is the same category of images that the camera on the front of the panel uses when it takes Disarm photos.

We believe that Alarm.com may change this category name during a future IQ Panel 2 firmware update. After all, we expect that users would want a different category for images produced by the panel and images produced by their image sensors. But for now that is the category to look for if you are having trouble finding the resulting images. Also keep in mind that Panel Camera Images must be enabled on Alarm.com for the feature to work. Note that you can also view the images from the panel.

You can see image upload activity in the Events Log on the Alarm.com website, which looks like this:

And below is what the resulting images look like on the Alarm.com website. Note that the image is listed as "Panel Camera", but it is actually from a PowerG Image Sensor.

And if you get the image via text message:

The major difference between the PG9934P and the PG9944 is that the PG9944 is suitable for outdoor use. It is weather-resistant and capable of surviving harsh environments. But the PG9934P is designed for indoor use only, and it will become damaged if exposed to heavy rain, wind or dust. Additionally, the motion sensor for the PG9944 is slightly more advanced than the one used on the PG9934P.

But in principle, these devices function in largely the same manner. Both feature PowerG technology, which includes an extended communication range and 128-bit AES encryption for added security. They also both offer pet immunity options, with the PG9934P being suitable for small animals weighing up to 85 pounds, and the PG9944 being suitable for small animals weighing up to 40 pounds. Keep in mind that mounting location is very important for ensuring proper pet-immunity.

If you would like to learn more about the PG9934P or PG9944, please reach out to us! The best way to contact us is to send an email to support@alarmgrid.com. Our team will review the email and get back to you as soon as possible. You may also call us at (888) 818-7728 during our normal business hours of 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Hi DIYers! We have received news that Qolsys has made the latest firmware version for the IQ Panel 2 available through downloader rather than having to apply a patch tag. The company has also refined the facial recognition feature on the IQ Panel 2 to work more effectively than before.

Qolsys iq panel 2 at and t wireless security system with at and

As you may remember, we talked about the facial recognition feature last month. We found that it worked fairly well at the time, but we're happy to hear that Qolsys has been continuing to improve the feature. Users should now find that the panel camera now recognizes suspicious faces more accurately. Once a user has properly calibrated the feature, they can receive alerts regarding any suspicious activity via text and/or email. We recommend reading our previous blog for more information about the feature and how to get started.

If you haven't already updated your IQ Panel 2 System, now is a great time to do so. Start from the main screen of the panel. Then press the small grey bar at the top. Choose Settings, followed by Advanced Settings. Then provide the system's Installer Code, which is 1111 by default. Select Upgrade Software, and then Upgrade Using Network. Then complete the on-screen instructions to perform the upgrade. Please note, your IQ Panel 2 System must be connected with a local WIFI network for the upgrade to go through successfully.

Remember, you need at least 10 saved faces before the facial recognition feature goes into effect. And the more faces you have, the more accurate the software will be. We recommend the strategy of repeatedly arming and disarming to continuously take photos until you have enough images. The images you take might not appear on Alarm.com right away. You may need to logout and then log back in before the images will appear. But if you're like us, you will soon have a surplus of images!

Then we had a different person disarm using that same code. Sure enough, we received a notification in our email!. The IQ Panel 2 was able to distinguish between the approved saved images and the different individual.

Remember, you must enable the feature in two different areas on Alarm.com. You must provide contact information in the Users tab and configure the feature:

And you must set the same recipient in Unexpected Activity within the Notifications tab:

We hope that you will enjoy using this new feature on your IQ Panel 2. Remember, you need a monitoring plan if you want to use this feature and Alarm.com. You can sign-up for monitoring by clicking the orange Alarm Monitoring button in the upper-left corner of this page. Please email support@alarmgrid.com if you have any questions.

Note: Due to privacy concerns, this feature is currently available for users in the 50 US States. We are hopeful that this feature will be made available to users in Puerto Rico and Canada in the future.

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Hi DIYers! We have learned that Alarm.com has rolled out the facial recognition feature for the Qolsys IQ Panel 2. This feature notifies a user if an unrecognized face disarms the system using a valid code. The user can receive these unexpected activity alerts via text and/or email.

Qolsys iq panel 2 at and t wireless security system with at and

This is the first time we have seen a home security system using facial recognition technology. Although the feature is still in its early stages, we believe it will be very useful in helping end users remain safe and secure. Facial recognition will work with both the standard IQ Panel 2 and the IQ Panel 2 Plus, as long as the system is connected with a local WIFI network and running at least Firmware Version 2.3.0 or higher. More about this Firmware Update is available here.

In order to use this feature, you must enable the Capture Panel Camera Disarm Images from within the IQ Panel 2 settings. To do this start from the main screen of the system, and press the small grey bar at the top. Choose Settings > Advanced Settings > Installer Code (default 1111) > Installation > Camera Settings. Then make sure the Disarm Photos option is enabled. Press the picture of the house at the bottom of the screen to return to the home screen when finished.

The setting will also need to be enabled and configured through Alarm.com. If you don't already have a monitoring plan with access to Alarm.com, you can check out our alarm monitoring page for more information. If necessary, check with your alarm monitoring company to make sure that the Unexpected Activity Alerts feature and the Images - Plus feature are both enabled. At this time, only customers in the United States can use this feature.

Each user should have their own access code for the system. This is necessary for the facial recognition feature to work properly. If you need to create a new user, you can login to Alarm.com through the website. Click the Users tab on the left, and then choose Add New User. Then follow the steps to add a new user to the system. This will involve choosing a system code and providing any notification information.

From there, you will proceed to turn on the facial recognition feature. Login to the Alarm.com website, and choose the Settings tab on the left. Then choose Facial Recognition. You must then approve the necessary agreements before continuing. This will tell the panel to start collecting data for facial recognition. However, you won't be able to use the feature right away. You need to collect some images first!

Most users should just go about their business collecting images as they use the panel. Or you can be like us and repeatedly arm and disarm the panel to quickly collect images. Make sure you are using the code associated with the user you want to enable the facial recognition feature for. Just be aware that it may take a few moments for the images to show up on alarm.com.

Once you have collected some images, choose the Settings option on the Alarm.com website, and choose the Facial Recognition option. Press the blue Get Started button underneath Configuration. Then choose the user you want to configure facial recognition for. Choose the calibration option. Alarm.com will show you if there are any images to review. Go through and choose the checkmark for any image that is yours. If you see any image without your face, press the X button. You will need a minimum of 10 images to enable the feature.

Once you have 10 images, you can enable Unexpected Activity for facial recognition. From Alarm.com, choose the Notifications tab. Then find the Unexpected Activity option, and make sure it is turned on. Then press the pencil on the right to edit the settings. You will see the option for Facial Recognition. Make sure it is enabled for the user with at least 10 approved images. Then you can choose where the notifications will be sent at the bottom of the screen. Both emails and phones for text messages can be configured. Press Save when finished.

You will then receive alerts for any unexpected activity!

If you have any questions about this feature, please reach out to us! You can email us at support@alarmgrid.com or call us at (888) 818-7728 during our normal business hours of 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to helping you get the very most out of your IQ Panel 2 System.

Note: Due to privacy concerns, this feature is currently available for users in the 50 US States. We are hopeful that this feature will be made available to users in Puerto Rico and Canada in the future.

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Hi DIYers! We have very exciting news for Qolsys IQ Panel 2 users today. Software update 2.3.0 is now available! This biggest highlight of this update is the ability to control up to four distinct partitions with the system. Other great features are also provided to enhance the system.

Qolsys iq panel 2 at and t wireless security system with at and With the all-new partition support, the IQ Panel 2 is now the second wireless alarm panel we carry to support the feature, after the 2GIG GC3. This feature allows a user to essentially section off their alarm system so that they can restrict access to certain areas. Each partition can be assigned a certain set of user codes in order to determine who can access each part of the security system.

After receiving the update, a screen lock feature will also be added to limit access to the panel. Please note that you must enable partitions from within Installer Settings before the feature can be used. This will also apply the screen lock. After you have done this, the main screen will reflect that partitioning has been enabled, and there will be a Partitions option within the Advanced Settings menu.

Also note that this update is available for both the original IQ Panel 2 System, as well as the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. Other features that also come with the update include:

  • Support for new PowerG devices for IQ Panel 2 Plus System, including the PG9936 Smoke Detector, PG9933 CO Detector, PG9307 Recessed Contact, PG9309 Vanishing Door and Window Contact, PG9309 Door and Window Contact with Auxiliary Input, PG9312 Outdoor Door and Window Contact, and PG9862 360-degree Ceiling Mount PIR Motion Sensor.
  • Ability to create 6-digit user codes.
  • Improvements to panel camera, including "peek-in now" and "peek-in next motion" from Alarm.com, as well as disarm photos after remote disarm through Bluetooth, key fob or ADC.
  • Local automation features for panels not yet set up with ADC, including automatic locking of all locks at night, setting all thermostats to automatic mode, and controlling lights to activate Light 1 at night and turning off all lights in the morning.
  • Maximum number of thermostats increased from 6 to 10.
  • Maximum number of door locks increased from 6 to 20.
  • User code names now sync automatically between the panel and ADC.
  • New Sensor Type of "Temperature - Group 51" for the PG9905 PowerG Temperature Sensor.
  • Fixed various bugs.

To perform the update, press the small grey bar at the top of the main screen. Choose Settings > Advanced Settings > Installer Code (default 1111) > Upgrade Software > Patch Tag. Then enter in "iqpanel2.3.0". Press OK. Then choose "Upgrade Using Network". If the panel is connected via WIFI, you will be able to begin the installation process.

If you have any questions about this update, please reach out to us! You may email us at support@alarmgrid.com. You may also call us at (888) 818-7728 during our normal business hours, which are 9am to 8pm EST M-F. Please note that our office will be closing at 6pm on December 31st, and we will be closed all day on January 1st.

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Hi DIYers! Recently, we paired an Alarm.com Security Camera with our Alarm.com account so that we could try viewing it through a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus Alarm System. We gotta say, we're extremely pleased with the crystal clear recording capabilities, and we're sure that you will be too!

Qolsys iq panel 2 at and t wireless security system with at and Streaming video directly to the panel from Alarm.com is a feature available for both the standard Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus Systems. The system just needs to be running firmware version 2.2.1 or higher, and the user needs an alarm monitoring plan with video surveillance that is set up with Alarm.com. For Alarm Grid customers, these are our Platinum Level Plans.

Only select camera models are compatible with this feature. At the time of this writing, the following Alarm.com Security Cameras can be used with the IQ Panel 2 or IQ Panel 2 Plus for panel streaming:

Many of these cameras can support two-way audio as well. For our testing, we worked with the ADC-V522IR 1080P Indoor Security Camera. We were amazed with the quality of the video, both through Alarm.com and from the panel itself. The two-way audio functionality worked great as well.

If you don't believe it, just see for yourself. Here's a quick photo taken of our IQ Panel 2 System as it streams live video and audio. Yeah, our support room is a bit messy, but bear with us! The key point here is that the quality looks absolutely tremendous for an easy-to-use security camera. Just imagine putting one of these cameras in your home and streaming directly from Alarm.com and your IQ Panel 2 System!

We also took the opportunity to create some new FAQs to help users get started with this feature:

We have to give it to Qolsys for creating such a versatile alarm system with this outstanding feature. Now you can view your ADC Camera from Alarm.com when you're on the go, or from your alarm panel when you're at home!

You can get the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 or IQ Panel 2 Plus and many great Alarm.com Security Cameras from the Alarm Grid website. If you ever need any help deciding please reach out to us any time at support@alarmgrid.com. You can also call us during normal business hours, which are 9am to 8pm EST M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

Update: When streaming cameras to the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 or Qolsys IQ Remote (keypad streaming introduced in FW Update 2.4.0), the stream will typically time out after three (3) minutes. At that point, the user may receive a "Video Device Not Responding" notification. They will need to refresh the screen to continue streaming. An Alarm.com Streaming Video Recorder (SVR) device can more reliably provide continuous local playback when connected with a stable network.

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Hi DIYers! We recently made a post that compared wireless systems with hardwired ones. We ultimately concluded that most end users are better-suited with a wireless system. If you have decided that you need a wireless home security system, this buyer's guide can help you review the options.

Remember, no matter which system you buy, you will need an alarm monitoring plan to go along with with it. Please review our alarm monitoring page for more information. Below are some of the best wireless security systems on the market today and what makes them so great:

Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus

Qolsys iq panel 2 plus verizon lte with powerg s line and legacy

The Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus is arguably the most robust alarm system on the market today. Each version provides support for PowerG 915 MHz Sensors and a choice of one legacy sensor type (319.5 MHz, 345 MHz or 433 MHz). The PowerG Sensors are particularly renowned for their ability to be used from up to 2,000 feet away from the IQ2+ System in open air. This is also one of the few wireless all-in-one panels with the ability to display the live feed for Alarm.com Security Cameras right from its screen. The panel also includes a built-in LTE cellular communicator (AT&T or Verizon) and a fully functional Z-Wave Plus Controller. In fact, this is one of the very few systems where virtually no add-ons are needed. However, the IQ Panel 2 Plus is one of the more expensive wireless panels available on the market. But users will certainly appreciate its sleek, modern design and superb functionality. The system uses Alarm.com as its interactive service platform, and it can readily connect with the service. All versions of the IQ Panel 2 Plus can be seen here.

Choose the IQ Panel 2 Plus if:

  • You want the remarkable signal range that comes with PowerG Sensors.
  • You want the ability to easily bring over existing wireless sensors (319.5 MHz, 345 MHz or 433 MHz) with your new security system.
  • You want the ability to view your security cameras right from your panel.
  • You don't mind paying top-dollar for an alarm system.

Honeywell Lyric Controller

Honeywell lyric controller encrypted wireless security system

The Honeywell Lyric Controller is still the flagship HomeKit security system from Honeywell, and the time-tested company has once-again produced an excellent panel. The Lyric is perhaps the best system on the market today for use with Apple HomeKit. It can pair natively with HomeKit in order to provide all of the functionality that a user would expect with the feature. The Lyric System also has its own lineup of encrypted sensors, called the Honeywell SiX Series. Additionally, it is backwards compatible with the Honeywell 5800 Series. Another factor that separates the Lyric from other systems is its ability to be used with Total Connect 2.0. This service is designed exclusively for Honeywell Alarm Systems, and it offers similar functionality to that of Alarm.com. The system's built-in WIFI card allows it to readily connect with the service. One downside to the Lyric is that it only includes a Z-Wave classic controller as opposed to a Z-Wave Plus controller. While it can support Z-Wave Plus devices, they will only have the capabilities of Z-Wave classic devices when used with this system. Please note, a separate Lyric Cellular Module is needed for cellular connectivity.

Choose the Lyric Controller if:

  • You plan to use your alarm system with Apple HomeKit.
  • You prefer using Total Connect 2.0 over Alarm.com.
  • You want to use encrypted Honeywell SiX Series Sensors.
  • You don't require a Z-Wave Plus controller.


2gig gc3 diy wireless security system w slash 7 screenThe 2GIG GC3 just gave itself a major upgrade in the form of partitioning support. This makes the GC3 the first ever AIO wireless system to support partitioning. 2GIG refers to this feature as "smart areas", and the system on the latest firmware, and up to four of these areas can be supported. Beyond that, the GC3 is also highly regarded for its strong build quality. That's not to say the other panels are lacking in that department, but the GC3 is perhaps the sturdiest system we have ever worked with. Its touchscreen controls are extremely responsive, and its full-color 7-inch display is a joy to look at. The system can use 2GIG 345 MHz Sensors and Honeywell 5800 Series Sensors. One weakness of the system is that it does not support any type of encrypted sensors at this time. But it does include a built-in Z-Wave Plus Controller for smart home devices. Like the IQ Panel 2 Plus, the system uses the Alarm.com service. But the user will need to buy a separate GC3 cellular communicator to use ADC.

Choose the GC3 if:

  • You need partitioning support.
  • You want a system with superb build-quality.
  • You want to use the Alarm.com platform.
  • You don't need encrypted wireless sensors.


2gig cp21 345 front

The 2GIG GC2 is our pick as a "budget" security system. We know that many people getting into home security will not need all of the advanced features that the state-of-the-art systems have to offer. That is where is the 2GIG GC2 comes into play. With the right support, it can still serve as an extremely viable option for many users. The panel features a 3.75" by 2.25" touchscreen with very responsive controls. This is considerably smaller than the 7-inch touchscreen displays of the other panels on this list, but it will work just fine for many users. The panel can support up to 60 wireless zones. Again, this is considerably less robust than the other systems, but it will be perfectly acceptable for most smaller and medium-sized homes. The system includes a Z-Wave classic controller for supporting smart home automation devices. In order to get the GC2 connected with Alarm.com, a separate GC2 cellular communicator is needed. Overall, if you're looking for a new security system at a reasonable price, you can't go wrong with the 2GIG GC2.

Choose the GC2 if:

  • You're shopping for a system on a budget.
  • You want a simple, yet capable alarm system.
  • You don't need support for as many wireless zones.
  • You don't need a larger touchscreen display.

If you still need help deciding on a wireless system, don't hesitate to reach out to us for support! You may email us any time at support@alarmgrid.com. Or you can call us at (888) 818-7728 from 9am to 8pm EST Monday thru Friday. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Hi DIYers! There's an unfortunate misconception in the security industry that wireless systems aren't as reliable as hardwired systems. A person may look down on wireless systems due to the the potential for hacking, wireless signal ranges and the limited battery life of wireless sensors.

Honeywell lyric controller encrypted wireless security systemThe reality though is that wireless systems are just as reliable, if not more reliable, than their hardwired counterparts. Wireless systems also offer greater convenience and more flexibility both when setting up a system and when moving it to a new location. As a result, it's not much of a surprise that most new alarm systems are of the wireless variety. With a wireless system, a user will not need to run wires across the building, and installing equipment will be made much easier. Wireless systems also have the added benefit of requiring fewer add-ons than wired systems. But even with these positives, some people may still not be convinced that wireless systems are often the superior options. Today, we're going to break-down some of the biggest misconceptions against wireless systems and prove that they are truly a viable option for home and business security.

A major concern we often hear about with wireless systems is that they could be wirelessly hacked. The fear is that a potential intruder could use specialized equipment to takeover the sensors or the control panel that is used with the system. From there, the intruder could control or disable the system and enter the property uninterrupted. While this is extremely uncommon, it is a legitimate concern for those who require the highest level of security for their home or business. However, wireless hacking is really only possible with older, unencrypted sensors. Many newer alarm systems will support encrypted wireless sensors that are virtually impossible for outsiders to takeover or hack into, even with the most advanced equipment available. The way that encryption works is by having both the panel and the sensors know a unique encryption key. Any information that is sent out is encrypted for maximum security. Once the information is received, it is decrypted using the encryption key. This process is often referred to as a "digital handshake", and it allows for wireless sensors to be some of the most secure in the industry. Some wireless sensors that utilize encryption include the Honeywell SiX Series Sensors for the Honeywell Lyric Controller, the Qolsys S-Line 319.5 MHz Sensors for the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and IQ Panel 2 Plus Systems, and the DSC PowerG Sensors.

The next misconception we hear with wireless systems is that the wireless signals are too weak to work reliably. Some users are afraid that even once the sensor has been paired with the system, its signal could weaken over time, and it might not work reliably. This could not be further from the truth. Once a sensor is paired with a system and permanently mounted within in range, it will always work with the system. The key is to not move the system or the sensors around, as it could disrupt the signals. But there's really no reason to do this.

Users should also remember that each sensor has a certain wireless signal range that should be kept in mind when planning the system. For example, Honeywell 5800 Series Sensors have a signal range of about 200 feet away from the system. On the other hand, a DSC 915 MHz PowerG Sensor will have a wireless range of roughly 2,000 feet in open air when used with an IQ Panel 2 Plus! Remember that walls and obstacles can reduce these ranges, as the wireless signal will have a more difficult time reaching the panel. Just make sure that the sensors work reliably from their final locations before you mount them permanently. If wireless range is an issue, then you may be able to overcome the problem by using a compatible wireless repeater. Some examples of wireless repeaters include the Honeywell 5800RP and the DSC PG9920.

A third concern we come across with wireless systems is that wireless sensors offer a limited battery life. Some users ask us what happens if the battery for a wireless sensor suddenly dies. They believe that their security system could randomly stop working all because a battery died. While it's true that not having to rely on batteries is an advantage of hardwired sensors, this does not make wireless systems any less reliable. A wireless sensor that uses batteries would not just suddenly stop working in most cases. Instead, there are multiple preventive measures put in place to keep the user safe.

Whenever a sensor battery is low, it will transmit a warning to the security system. The user will receive this alert on the panel and know to change the battery as soon as possible. In most cases, the user will have a week or longer before the sensor will die. This will give them plenty of time to replace the battery. And if a sensor does ever go offline entirely, the panel will alert the user to the loss of RF supervision. This way, they will know if a sensor is ever not being detected by the panel before it becomes any type of security concern.

Qolsys iq panel 2 at and t wireless security system with at and In addition to being more convenient and easier to install, there is one other major advantage that wireless systems offer over wired systems. That is, wireless systems cannot be as easily tampered with. A hardwired sensor can have its line to the panel cut by a potential intruder so that it no longer functions properly. Of course, when this happens, the hardwired system will recognize this and trigger an immediate trouble situation. This makes this a relatively minor security concern. But it would still be very inconvenient to have to rewire the sensor and make sure that its working order has been restored.

A user might even bypass the zone for the time being and leave the system vulnerable until they can properly address the issue. With wireless systems, there are no direct physical connections, and this is much less of an issue. In that sense, because there are no physical connections to cut, an encrypted wireless system might be considered more reliable than a wired system in many cases.

Modern wireless alarm systems offer excellent reliability for homes and businesses. Virtually all of the concerns or doubts regarding wireless setups are unwarranted and not of real concern. Therefore, wireless systems offer excellent reliability and protection for virtually any home or business. They make for a great option for anyone looking get into alarm monitoring. And once you have a wireless system, make sure to sign-up for an alarm monitoring plan from Alarm Grid. We offer varying plans based on the needs of the customer. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us at anytime through email at support@alarmgrid.com. You may also call us from 9am to 8pm EST M-F at 888-818-7728.

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We have recently been made aware that the maximum range for the DSC 915 MHz PowerG Sensors is only 2,000 feet in open air when used with the IQ Panel 2 Plus. This is quite shorter than the 2 kilometer maximum range when these same sensors are used with DSC PowerSeries Neo Alarm Systems.

Qolsys iq panel 2 at and t wireless security system with at and Through testing, we have determined that the range of PowerG Sensors is noticeably shorter when they are used with a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus instead of with a DSC PowerSeries Neo. This is likely due to the smaller antenna that is featured on the IQ Panel 2 Plus System. On a DSC PowerSeries Neo System, the sensors can achieve their advertised wireless range of up to 2km in open air. But the IQ2+ offers a considerably smaller wireless range, even with clear line of sight. The maximum range for a PowerG Sensor used with an IQ Panel 2 Plus is no more than 2,000 feet. This is much less than 2km. We also do not recommended trying to use the Power Sensors with an IQ2+ beyond 500 feet away in practice. This is especially true if many obstacles and walls are present.

Previously, we produced content that led some customers to believe that the maximum range of these sensors was 2km when used with the IQ2+. We have since learned that this is not the case, and we have adjusted our old content accordingly. These changes apply to all versions of the IQ Panel 2 Plus, regardless of which legacy daughtercard or cellular communicator is used. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused for our customers.

The only way these sensors can support a 2km signal range is when they are used with a DSC PowerSeries Neo System. These systems feature more powerful antennas that can allow these sensors to achieve their maximum possible distance. Alarm Grid does not sell any PowerSeries Neo Systems at this time, but we do offer compatible Alarm.com cellular communicators that allow us to takeover these systems.

That being said, 2,000 feet of open air range is still extremely impressive for any alarm system. Even customers with the largest of homes and should be able to utilize these sensors as they see fit. And if the range still isn't enough, a PowerG wireless repeater can be used to effectively double the range. This will boost it to more than 1,000 feet when used in most homes and up to 4,000 feet when used with an IQ Panel 2 Plus in open air!

Additionally, we've found that these sensors cannot auto-enroll with an IQ Panel 2 Plus like most other compatible sensors. Instead, the Serial Number for the sensor must be manually entered. For the PowerG Sensors, this is called the "DL ID", and it can be found on the sensor's box. The user must also set the Source Signal to reflect that of PowerG. Please keep this in mind when enrolling a PowerG Sensor with an IQ Panel 2 Plus Alarm System.

UPDATE: We have since learned that you can auto-enroll PowerG Sensors with the IQ Panel 2 Plus. This post explains the process.

If you have any questions about the IQ Panel 2 Plus or DSC PowerG Sensors, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You may email us at any time at support@alarmgrid.com, or you can call us from 9am to 8pm EST M-F at 888-818-7728. We look forward to helping you with your security needs!

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