Resideo PROA7PLUSC Posts

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I began with the intention of making a single post about possible replacement options for the Lyric. But the post grew out of control and took on a life of its own! So instead, I'm making a series of posts, one for each suggestion. In Part 2, we'll concentrate on the Resideo PRO Series panels.

The Lyric was discontinued in 2021 and production of all SiX Series sensors has now ended. With that in mind, I've been looking at the various ways forward for current Lyric users. In Part 1 we explored the option of simply continuing to use the Lyric Alarm. In Part 2, we'll discuss replacing the Lyric with a like-panel. In this case, the Resideo PROA7C or PROA7PLUSC.

Feature Comparison FAQs:

Replace the Lyric With Another All-In-One System:

If you choose to replace the Lyric panel, using another all-in-one system is a great idea. The Honeywell Home PROA7, Resideo PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC panels are a natural choice. The PROA7, PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC can support nearly all the same sensors as the Lyric, though there are some exceptions as we discuss in this FAQ.

NOTE: The Honeywell Home PROA7 and the Resideo PROA7C are virtually the same panel with a different manufacturer's badge on the front. The Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS and the Resideo PROA7PLUSC are also virtually the same. In early 2025, Resideo announced they would discontinue the PROA7PLUS and begin only manufacturing the PROA7PLUSC.

Between the two panels, the PROA7PLUSC is the most like the Lyric in terms of features. For example, the Lyric has a front-facing camera as does the PROA7PLUSC. The PROA7C has no camera. The PROA7PLUSC comes with both WIFI and Z-Wave support included, the PROA7C doesn't, though you can add those features. You can see a full feature comparison between the PROA7C and the PROA7PLUSC here.

The PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC both support PROSIX and SiX Series sensors right out of the box. When a SiX Series sensor is added to either of the PRO Series panels the sensor is updated, effectively becoming a PROSIX sensor. Once this upgrade occurs, the SiX Series device cannot be downgraded again. That means it can never work with a Lyric panel after the upgrade takes place.

Another important thing to remember is that every SiX and PROSIX sensor can only be paired to one panel at a time. When replacing a Lyric system with a PRO Series panel, a specific set of steps should be completed, and in the proper order. You can read the steps for replacing a Lyric with a PRO Series panel here.

You'll need to work closely with your alarm dealer to complete a replacement steps linked above as only your alarm dealer can perform certain steps in the list. There is no direct replacement option through AlarmNet360 currently, as there is when going from one Lyric panel to another Lyric panel. You will be reprogramming all your zones when performing this replacement.

As previously mentioned, SiX Series devices are paired with the Lyric panel during programming. To disassociate a sensor for use with another panel, either the individual zone must be deleted while the sensor is powered on and can receive the delete command, or the entire panel must be defaulted with all SiX sensors powered and receptive to the default signal.

In the event of a Lyric panel failure with multiple paired SiX Series devices, sending the delete or default command may become impossible. Consequently, not only would the Lyric panel require replacement, but all paired SiX Sensors would also need to be replaced, as they would be unresponsive to pairing with a new panel. For this reason, it is better to replace the Lyric panel before a failure occurs.

Honeywell 5800 Series Support:

The PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC don't offer native 5800 Series support. To support 5800 Series devices a Honeywell Home PROTAKEOVER module must be added. With a PROTAKEOVER the system can support any one (1) legacy RF frequency from the following:

  • Honeywell 5800 Series - 345 MHz
  • 2GIG Unencrypted Sensors - 345 MHz
  • Qolsys/Interlogix Unencrypted - 319.5 MHz
  • DSC Legacy (not PowerG) - 433 MHz
  • Bosch - 433 MHz

In spite of the fact that several of the above mentioned manufacturers use the same basic frequency for legacy wireless, none of these are interchangeable. That means you can only support 2GIG or Honeywell 5800 Series, not both. We have tested this and this is a definite limitation. Incidentally, the FF345 behaves as a Honeywell 5800 Series device rather than a 2GIG one. The same rule holds true for DSC and Bosch 433 MHz sensors.


A key advantage of Resideo and First Alert panels is their versatile communication options, offering IP, LTE cellular (AT&T or Verizon), or dual-path connectivity. However, it's important to point out that IP-only communication leaves the system vulnerable to network outages. LTE cellular communication is much more reliable, though it is slightly more expensive when choosing a monthly monitoring plan.

Despite the reliability of LTE cellular communication, Alarm Grid still recommends a connection to WIFI. This is due in part to the fact that PRO Series panels can only receive over-the-air firmware updates via WIFI. Updates will not be sent using cellular data. If you have a panel in a location with no WIFI available, you can use your cell phone as a wireless hotspot. The panel will see this as a WIFI connection and should be able to download any available update.

Apple HomeKit Support:

If your Lyric is using Apple HomeKit you will be able to continue using it with the Resideo PROA7PLUSC. Unfortunately, the Resideo PROA7C does not support HomeKit. Also, once you have the PROA7PLUSC configured, you'll need to go through the process of setting up HomeKit with the new PROA7PLUSC from scratch. There is a bit of difference in using the PROA7PLUSC with HomeKit, you can read about that here.

HomeKit is a great way to automate you lifestyle-enhancement devices and integrate them with your alarm system, or vise versa. However, there are limitations to the security and life-safety devices you can monitor with it. For example, Apple HomeKit doesn't provide detailed notifications for fire or carbon monoxide alarms. You can read a comparison between HomeKit and Total Connect 2.0 here. Because of these differences, we still recommend that HomeKit users also use TC2.

Total Connect 2.0:

Switching from the Lyric to a PRO Series panel enables continued or new access to Total Connect 2.0. This remote platform mirrors panel functionality, allowing you to monitor status, arm/disarm, control automation, and program scene-based automation schedules and system event triggers.

Be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 3 in this series on Preparing For the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life. In Part 1, we discuss the considerations when continuing to use the Lyric. In Part 3 we discuss replacing the Lyric with a new VISTAH3 Hybrid panel.

Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 1

Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 3

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If you must replace a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS* panel, it is important to perform not only the proper steps but in the proper order. Failure to do so may cause some PROSIX sensors to become unresponsive, forcing a replacement of those sensors. In this blog, we'll outline the proper procedure.

As we've often noted, Resideo's SiX Series and PROSIX sensors are uniquely paired to the alarm panel during initial panel and sensor configuration. Once paired, they cannot be used with any other panel until they are properly unpaired from the original. Without this unpairing, a failed original panel can potentially render a sensor unusable.

AlarmNet360 (AN360) acts as an important safeguard. When a PRO Series panel is registered with AN360, it begins near-constant two-way communication. Any programming change at the panel triggers an upload of the panel's configuration to AN360. This creates a backup of the panel's current programming, including the essential configuration information for all PROSIX sensors.

In the event of a PRO Series panel failure, a replacement panel can be configured with the exact same zone and system programming parameters as the original. The sensor information, including wireless channel data and encryption keys, is transferred to the new panel, ensuring it matches the existing sensor programming. By following the proper replacement process, the existing PROSIX sensors function seamlessly, unaware of the panel change.

However, a significant problem arises when DIY users add new PROSIX sensors to the replacement panel before a proper AN360-based panel replacement is performed. We've observed this issue on several occasions. Customers, awaiting a scheduled panel replacement, decide to add new PROSIX sensors in the interim.

Because the panel replacement requires dealer involvement, and in the case of Alarm Grid customers, a scheduled appointment with an Alarm Grid activator, customers often utilize their wait time by tinkering with their system. This can include adding new PROSIX devices.

When the scheduled replacement occurs, customers often overlook the newly added sensors, failing to mention them to the activator. This oversight, due to the unique way PROSIX sensors function, can create a serious conflict.

PROSIX sensors communicate using 2.4 GHz, similar to some WIFI networks. Like WIFI, PROSIX sensors utilize channels within the 2.4 GHz band. If a PRO Series panel detects interference on its current channel, it can instruct all PROSIX sensors to switch to a less congested one. This ensures the most consistent ongoing communication.

During pairing, encryption keys and the designated communication channel are established. All PROSIX devices on a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS panel operate on the same channel. This channel information is regularly backed up to AN360 and transferred to the replacement panel during the swap.

Consequently, AN360 holds a complete backup of the original panel's configuration. However, the new panel now contains configuration information for the recently added sensors, including new encryption keys and a potentially different 2.4 GHz channel.

During the replacement process, the new panel's configuration is overwritten with the backup from the original panel. The information for the newly added PROSIX sensors is lost. Effectively, the new panel becomes the original panel. Unfortunately, the new sensors were paired with the actual new panel, not the restored version.

Consequently, from this point there is no mechanism to instruct the newly added sensors to release or unpair, allowing them to be paired with the restored panel. There is a narrow 24 hour window from the time of enrollment where most PROSIX sensors can be defaulted. If the window for default is missed, and the replacement through AlarmNet360 is completed, the newly added PROSIX sensors become unusable. For that reason, we recommend anyone replacing a PRO Series panel follow these steps.

Recommended Steps, In Order, For Replacing a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS:

  1. Make sure the replacement panel is the same revision, or higher, as the original panel. Work with your alarm dealer to verify the panel versions. It is possible to replace a PROA7 with a PROA7PLUS. It is NOT possible to replace a PROA7PLUS with a PROA7.
    NOTE: Firmware updates require WIFI. If your location doesn't have WIFI you can use a phone as a hotspot. This will be seen as a WIFI connection by the panel and AN360, and should allow you to perform the update. Obviously, this means the panel will need a PROWIFI or PROWIFIZW.
  2. Make sure both panels are powered down.
  3. Your alarm dealer will begin the replacement process in AN360. They will instruct you when to move to the next step.
  4. With both panels still powered down, remove any modules such as PROLTE-A/PROLTE-V2, PROTAKEOVER, PROWIFI/PROWIFIZW from the original panel and install them into the new panel. If you have a PROTAKEOVER, be sure you move the backplate from the old panel to the new panel as well. It contains the antennas for the PROTAKEOVER.
  5. Power up the NEW panel. You can immediately join the WIFI network when prompted, if applicable, or wait for the cellular module to initialize then press NEXT.
  6. Press REGISTER, when prompted. The panel will register then pull all available programming from AN360. When this process is finished, the panel will display the Home screen.
  7. If any PROWLTOUCH or PROWLTOUCHC WIFI keypads are associated with the panel, each will prompt you to "Pair to Panel". Do this at each keypad.
  8. If the original panel was a Version 01 or 02 and there were PROINDMV Motion Viewers associated with it, these will have to be repaired with the new system. Your alarm dealer will give you specific instructions on what to do. The alarm dealer will need to go to each PROINDMV zone within AN360, select EDIT, then select LEARN. At that point they will tell you to activate the Motion Viewer. You can either remove the cover, or remove and replace the batteries. The PROINDMV will then be repaired.
  9. Thoroughly test each component including zones, keypads, keyfobs, communicators, etc. Use the system test mode.
  10. It is now safe to add new PROSIX devices to the panel.
  11. If you're using BlueTooth Disarming, all cell phones will have to be manually paired with the new panel.
  12. If you used Alexa with the original panel, you'll need to set that up manually with the new panel.
  13. All Z-Wave devices that were paired with the original panel will need to be excluded then included with the new panel.
  14. All Total Connect 2.0 scenes will need to be recreated.

Resideo recently announced they would discontinue the Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS and would continue to produce the Resideo PROA7PLUSC. We now use PROA7PLUS and PROA7PLUSC interchangeably.

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Recently, while writing content about the installation of various add-on modules for the PROA7PLUS, I discovered the "Shutdown system" option. Being familiar with Resideo's definition of "Shutdown" I sent an email to support to find out exactly what this button does. The answer surprised me.

I was looking for a better way of powering down the panel for the purpose of adding hardware. Having to disconnect the battery and possibly unplug the DC power adapter is inconvenient and unnecessarily difficult. I was hoping for a menu option that would allow me to power down without physically disconnecting anything.

When you enter the menu options of the PROA7PLUS, PROA7, PROA7PLUSC, or PROA7C you see an option for Tools. If you select Tools, you'll be prompted to enter a code. Once you enter a valid code, and this includes both the Installer Code and the Master Code (4112 and 1234 respectively, by default) you'll then see a list of additional options.

At the bottom of this list is "Shutdown system". I was hoping this was an option to power down the system. Just above it in the menu list is "Reboot System" but rebooting doesn't help when you're attempting to add or remove hardware. Again, knowing Resideo as I do, I was afraid to simply try out the shutdown option, so I sent an email to their technical support to inquire about what this menu option does. I found the answer a little disturbing.

According to support, when you perform a system shutdown the system cannot be armed. Only 24-Hour emergency zones can be activated, and those alarms are local only because the system's communicator is also shut down. The burglary portion of the system is useless in this state. Access to the "Tools" menu is also disabled.

You might wonder, as I did, if the communicator is shut down, and the "Tools" menu is disabled how the heck do you recover from this state? According to technical support, it is still possible to send a command to the system from AlarmNet360. This is called a "Resume System" command. This option can only be performed by your alarm dealer.

My takeaways from this are: If your system is not registered with an alarm dealer DO NOT SELECT SHUTDOWN SYSTEM from the "Tools" menu. Doing so will likely cause your system to be permanently inoperable. It's unclear if an alarm dealer could register a system after the shutdown command has been implemented, and then send the Resume System command. I wouldn't recommend testing it.

For anyone who may have accidentally hit this menu option and who does have a registered system, contact your alarm dealer immediately. Let them know what happened and that you need to initiate a "Resume System" command through AlarmNet360. They should be able to help you get your system back up and running.

If you're an Alarm Grid customer who finds yourself in this position you can email us at, or call 1-888-818-7728. Our support team is here Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, with the exception of holidays. We will hopefully be able to send the command to Resume System using AlarmNet360.

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The VERSA-2GIG sensors operate at 345 MHz and were created to work with all 2GIG panels, and with any Resideo panel that supports 2GIG Sensors. This includes the Lyric System and the PROA7 or PROA7PLUS with a PROTAKEOVER. Since its release, it has gone through a few changes to its programming.

The VERSA-2GIG Sensor with the cover removed:

To our knowledge, there have been three (3) iterations of the sensor. We'll discuss each iteration below. The VERSA-2GIG is an inexpensive alternative to other 2GIG or Honeywell/Resideo door/window sensors. It operates as a single alarm input, meaning that each VERSA-2GIG can monitor a single opening. It is almost the exact same sensor as the Resideo 5800MINI.

The 5800MINI Sensor with the cover removed:

First Iteration:

When the VERSA-2GIG Sensor was first released, it was programmed using Loop 2. During this time, the sensor had a pop-off cover that usually required some type of tool to remove it. It had five (5) notches on one side to indicate where the magnet should be placed to line up properly with the internal reed switch.

It may seem odd for a single input sensor to use Loop 2 instead of Loop 1, but this follows the programming of the 5816. This is the ubiquitous Ademco/Honeywell/Resideo wireless door/window contact. It has been around since modern wireless systems were first introduced.

The 5816 has two (2) available inputs. There are two screw terminals that you can wire a Normally Closed conventional wired door/window contact into. This input uses Loop 1. It also has a built-in reed switch that you can use with a magnet to monitor an opening. This input uses Loop 2. By using both inputs, the 5816 can take up two (2) separate panel zones and monitor two (2) separate openings, or monitor two (2) separate items on a single opening. The VERSA-2GIG is similar to a 5816, but without the terminals for a wired input.

If I were to venture a guess, I'd say there are millions of the 5816 wireless door contacts either still in use or having recently been replaced. They were so easy to install using only the magnet and the reed switch there are probably still installers out there who don't know the 5816 can support a Loop 1. Its use was so prevalent that when 2GIG made their own door/window sensor, the 2GIG-DW10-345, they mirrored the operation of the 5816. For all these reasons, the VERSA-2GIG programming on Loop 2 made sense to professional installers. For DIYers, it was a different story. There was a learning curve. Eventually, we all got on the same page.

Second Iteration:

Although using Loop 2 makes sense, the second iteration of the VERSA-2GIG required programming using Loop 1. Aside from the change to the way it programs, there were also some physical changes with this version.

The pop-off cover was replaced with a slide-off cover so that it can be opened without using any tools (and without damage to the plastic). In addition, on the side of the plastic cover over the reed switch, instead of five (5) lines indicating where the magnet should go, this second version has a single line showing where you should line up the magnet.

Below is a third iteration VERSA-2GIG. It has a slide-on cover and a single magnet placement notch, and it programs using Loop 2:

So, at this point, if you had a VERSA-2GIG with a pop-off cover and multiple lines on the side where the magnet goes, you used Loop 2, and if you had a slide-off cover with a single line showing where the magnet goes, you programmed using Loop 1 (usually).

In support, we've encountered VERSA-2GIG sensors that didn't program as we expected based on their physical characteristics. In those cases, we learned the sensor into the panel so that we could determine what Loop Number it was transmitting on.

Third Iteration:

The newest change to the VERSA-2GIG involves programming only. The newest VERSA-2GIG devices program using Loop 2 again. They still have the slide-off cover, and the single line on the side indicating where the magnet should be placed.

The problem is that the third iteration and the second iteration are physically the same. So, how can you tell which Loop Number to program? The easiest thing to do is to learn the sensor into the panel. When you do this, you need to be sure that you learn it while the VERSA-2GIG's cover is securely in place, and by having the magnet next to the sensor, then pulling it away, and then putting it back next to the sensor mimicking the opening and closing of the door or window. You may need to do this more than once before the serial number and loop number pop up, depending on your panel.

If the sensor is already mounted, then just be sure the cover is securely in place, then open and close the door or window as many times as it takes for your panel to learn the serial number and loop number. This will vary depending on which panel you're using.

And speaking of panels, I want to briefly discuss panel compatibility. As mentioned above, any 2GIG panel should support the use of the VERSA-2GIG. The Resideo (formerly Honeywell) panels that support it are the Lyric (as long as it has firmware version MR3 or higher) and the PROSeries.

This includes the PROA7 and PROA7PLUS, which are marketed under the Honeywell Home brand, as well as the PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC, which are marketed under the Resideo brand. The Resideo brand concentrates on commercial customers while the Honeywell Home brand focuses on residential ones. Like their Honeywell Home counterparts, the PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC require that the PROTAKEOVER be installed before they can support the VERSA-2GIG.

One more note about the PROSeries panels. A Lyric panel can support both Honeywell 345 MHz sensors and 2GIG ones. However, the PROTAKEOVER can only support one or the other. So, if you have a Lyric with both Honeywell and 2GIG sensors, and you want to upgrade to a PROSeries panel, you'll need to pick which legacy sensors you want to keep, and which you want to replace.

There is one more product line that supports the VERSA-2GIG sensors and that's the Qolsys IQ4 panels that support 345 MHz sensors:

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The logical replacement for a Honeywell Lyric Panel is one of the new Resideo PRO Series systems. However, there is one small difference between the two that makes a big difference in usability. Quite simply, it is impossible to clear alarm memory from a PRO Series panel using Apple HomeKit.

Of course, if you aren't using Apple HomeKit, then this is a non-issue, but since the Lyric Panel has been the most successful professionally sold and installed system to work with HomeKit, there are many folks for whom this is potentially a big problem.

When we talk about the Resideo PRO Series panels, we're actually talking about both the Resideo and Honeywell Home versions of two separate panels. Resideo offers the PROA7C and the PROA7PLUSC. Honeywell Home offers the PROA7 and the PROA7PLUS.

Important! We discuss features of all PRO Series panels in this post, but only the PROA7PLUS and the PROA7PLUSC support Apple HomeKit.

The only difference between versions ending with the letter 'C' and those without is the badge and the term 'Home'. The 'C' signifies the commercial version, while the Honeywell Home variant is residential. A Resideo branded PRO Series panel will never display the word 'Home'. For example, instead of arming "Home" on the PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC, you arm "Stay."

The differences in Apple HomeKit integration aren't the only ones. We recently answered the question of whether all of the sensors used on a Lyric panel can be used on a new PRO Series panel. If you read that FAQ, you'll see that there are some scenarios where the answer to that question is no.

With regard to the PRO Series panels, the PROA7 and PROA7C don't come from the factory with WIFI capability. You must add either a PROWIFI (WIFI only) or a PROWIFIZW (WIFI and Z-Wave Plus) module. There are more differences between the PLUS and NON-PLUS versions, detailed in our comparison here.

At Alarm Grid, we have always recommended that customers who use Apple HomeKit also use Total Connect 2.0. This is not just because it's better for us since HomeKit is a free service. On panels that use Apple HomeKit for notification, only burglary sensors can be monitored precisely using HomeKit. This means smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and environmental sensors won't send detailed notifications to the end-user if an alarm or a trouble condition occurs.

As mentioned above, HomeKit requires a WIFI connection. WIFI is the method used for the PRO Series panel to communicate to the Apple HomeKit Hub (another requirement for remote control and notification). If WIFI goes down, you'll receive no notifications and you won't be able to control your system or view its status.

Alternatively, a PRO Series panel that has a cellular connection can still be fully monitored and controlled using Total Connect 2.0 and a central station if desired. There are many more scenarios I could bring up, but you can review a comparison between Total Connect 2.0 and Apple HomeKit in this helpful FAQ. Then, decide for yourself.

What I really wanted to discuss today is the major difference between the Honeywell Lyric and the Resideo or Honeywell Home PRO Series panels as they pertain to Apple HomeKit. That is, on a PROA7PLUS or PROA7PLUSC, after a burglary alarm a user cannot clear alarm memory using HomeKit.

Once the alarm notification comes up on your phone, you can disarm the panel, which will silence the alarm. However, after this first disarm, the zone that went into alarm will still display an alarm memory, and a second disarm is required in order to clear it. Alarm memory must be cleared before the system can be re-armed. The only way to achieve the required second disarm is to either disarm locally at the panel, through a secondary keypad, or to disarm through Total Connect 2.0.

You may be wondering, "What is alarm memory?" Alarm memory occurs so that you can't have an alarm while you're away from home that you're unaware of. It's easily explained with a scenario:

  1. You leave home, arming your system to the Away mode.
  2. While you're away a burglar alarm occurs.
  3. Locally, the alarm sounds and the panel sends a report, if it's being monitored.
  4. It sends notifications via HomeKit or TC2 (or both) if applicable.
  5. For some reason, you don't receive any of these reports or notifications.
  6. After a number of minutes, four (4) by default, the alarm stops sounding. (In many jurisdictions, it is against local ordinances to allow an alarm to sound indefinitely.)
  7. In this scenario, the system is still armed.
  8. When you come home, completely unaware that your system has had an alarm, you disarm your system.
  9. If there were no alarm memory, you could remain completely unaware that an alarm had occurred while you were away. You may not know until you check your voice messages, or depending on your monitoring plan, you might never know. As it is, you will see that an alarm occurred in your absence and you will have to disarm the system again to clear the alarm. This is why alarm memory is important.

The Lyric Panel had a workaround available for this issue. On a Lyric Panel, after an alarm, if you disarmed to silence the alarm you could then attempt to arm again. This arming attempt would fail because of alarm memory, but in spite of this, you could then send a new disarm command, which would clear the alarm. Then, you could arm again. This operation is a fluke and is not how the system was designed.

In reality, the problem is that Apple HomeKit will not send a disarm command to the system when it knows that the system is already in a disarmed state. Presumably, this is an effort at efficiency and to keep network traffic to a minimum.

So, I'm not sure if this will require a change on Apple's part, on Resideo's part, or perhaps both. I just know that in the meantime, if you used a Lyric with Apple HomeKit, and you plan to update, or have updated to a Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS or a Resideo PROA7PLUSC panel, the process for clearing an alarm and re-arming when you're away from the monitored location is different. And if you plan to use HomeKit as your only source of system monitoring, this may be a reason to stick with the Lyric for now or to add Total Connect 2.0 to your setup.

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Alarm panel manufacturers routinely offer panel firmware updates. This allows them to add features and correct issues. However, most DIY users don't have access to the restricted portion of the company's site where these files are housed. Alarm Grid offers the latest firmware file downloads.

Most alarm panels can be updated Over-the-Air (OTA) using either or AlarmNet360. AlarmNet never charges anything for these updates, and also offers them for free, unless they have to be sent to the panel using cellular data. In that case, the update will incur a small fee, depending on the size and number of updates that need to be sent.

Qolsys panels will not perform an OTA update unless the panel is connected to WIFI. If you have one of these panels installed in a location where WIFI is not available, then the only option is to either update using a cell phone as a WIFI Hotspot, or download the firmware files, and then install them via either Micro SD Card (IQ2/IQ2+) or Access Point (IQ4).

Honeywell L5200, L5210, and L7000

Honeywell used to offer free firmware updates for the LynxTouch panels that they pushed remotely using AlarmNet360. It was a messy process, AlarmNet tech support was required to request these updates individually, per account. So, sometime after the introduction of the Lyric panel, they stopped this practice. The Lyric can only be firmware updated using AlarmNet360, but the update can be requested by the dealer, and now, the customer can also request the firmware update via the panel. When Honeywell, now Resideo, ceased offering OTA updates for the LynxTouch panels, they released the Honeywell LYNXTOUCH-MSD Firmware Update Tool. This tool can be used to update the L5200, L5210, or L7000 panels.

When an L5200 is updated to the latest version, it becomes an L5210 internally, though there are certain physical traits of the L5200 that won't change, like the screen size. Depending on when you purchased the LYNXTOUCH-MSD tool, it may come with the latest firmware version already on the SD Card (it comes with both L5210 and L7000 firmware already loaded). However, if you purchased your update tool when they were first released, it will have an older firmware version on it, and you will need to download the newest firmware to the SD Card and update the panel again to get the most current version. The update files are housed on the Resideo website in the password-protected portion of MyWebTech, so we offer the files for download from our site:

2GIG Go!Control 2 (GC2) or 2GIG GC2e

The 2GIG GC2 and 2GIG GC2e have a couple of different methods for updating the firmware. There is the 2GIG UPDV Easy Updater Tool and the 2GIG UPCBL2 Firmware Update Cable. The updater tool is geared more toward a professional installer who will be updating multiple different panels over the course of years. It comes with a version of either the 2GIG GC2 or GC2e firmware loaded but the tool itself will then have to be updated when newer firmware is released. The files to load are available from our site and are linked below.

The updater cable is the method of update most DIY users choose to use. It requires that the user have a windows computer available. The cable is a fixed length, so the computer that will be used needs to be near the alarm panel in order to perform the update. Ideally, a laptop is used. Instructions for using the updater cable to load the latest firmware onto a 2GIG GC2 or 2GIG GC2e can be found here. Instructions for loading new firmware onto the 2GIG UPDV Easy Updater Tool can be found here. Instructions for using the updater tool to update a 2GIG GC2 or GC2e panel once it has the latest file loaded can be found here.

The 2GIG GC2 and 2GIG GC2e firmware pages are linked below. Each page has both Updater Tool and Updater Cable files:

2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e

The 2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e technically use the same firmware. The 2GIG GC3e was released at firmware version 3.2.1, so any GC3e panel will have at least this version of firmware already installed. Alarm Grid offers firmware versions 3.0.1 up through on our 2GIG GC3 Firmware Update Page. On our 2GIG GC3e Firmware Update Page, we offer up through the current version which, at the time of this writing, is

The 2GIG GC3 and 2GIG GC3e are both much easier to update than the 2GIG GC2 or GC2e. Both 2GIG GC3 versions offer WIFI, which makes OTA updates simple, as well as free. For systems that need it, an OTA update can be pushed from via cellular for a nominal fee. Again, Alarm Grid offers this type of upgrade to our customers at our cost, with no markup. If WIFI is not available at the panel, and a user doesn't want to pay for an OTA update, we offer the upgrade files from our site. This FAQ provides a walkthrough on how to perform the update using the files from our site. Instructions for performing the update are also listed on the page along with the firmware files.

2GIG Edge

The 2GIG Edge updates in the same way as the 2GIG GC3 and GC3e. It has a USB port located on the top of the panel. Once the firmware update file has been loaded onto the root directory of a USB drive, the drive is inserted into the port on the panel's top and the panel prompts the user to update. For full instructions on updating a 2GIG Edge, check out this FAQ.

Qolsys IQ Panel 2 and IQ Panel 2 Plus

The IQ Panel 2 and IQ Panel 2 Plus also use the same firmware version. The difference between the two panels is hardware. The IQ Panel 2 does not support PowerG, and the IQ Panel 2 Plus does. As noted above, Qolsys panels will not download firmware updates via cellular data, so the options are to connect the panel to WIFI, temporarily connect the panel to a Hotspot on a cellular phone, or update locally using a Micro SD Card. The step-by-step instructions for loading the firmware from an SD Card are shown on the firmware update page.

Qolsys IQ Panel 4

The Qolsys IQ Panel 4, like the previous IQ Panels, will not download firmware updates via cellular data. However, unlike the IQ Panel 2 or IQ Panel 2 Plus, the IQ Panel 4 does not have a Micro SD Card slot. Instead, if WIFI is not accessible by the panel, either directly or via a cell phone Hotspot, then the firmware update files have to be downloaded to a phone or tablet, then the phone or tablet must be connected to the IQ Panel 4 Access Point, and the files then loaded to the panel from the phone or tablet. Instructions for updating using the Access Point are available on the firmware download page.

Above are links to all the different panel firmware pages we offer here on the Alarm Grid site. In addition to alarm panel firmware, we also offer some firmware pages for the Honeywell Home TUXEDOW or Resideo TUXEDOWC touchscreen keypads as well as the older Tuxedo Touch firmware. We don't have a page for the older 6280 touchscreen keypads, but if you need access to that firmware, send an email to letting us know what you need and we can get you access to it.

As mentioned above, the Lyric panel can only be updated via AlarmNet360 and in order to update the firmware, the panel has to be actively monitored. The same is true of the newer Honeywell Home and Resideo ProSeries panels (PROA7, PROA7PLUS, PROA7C, and PROA7PLUSC). These panels must be actively monitored and registered with AlarmNet360 before an update can be applied to them.

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The Resideo LTEM-PA and LTEM-PV are dual-path capable communicators that use the LTE Cat-M1 network. During the global chip shortage, these radios have come to prominence because of their availability in the absence of other LTE communicators. They provide nearly the same speed as LTE comms.

Another feature that differentiates the LTEM-PA and LTEM-PV from other communicators is their modular design. These radios are considered a part of the ProSeries lineup, which includes the Honeywell Home PROA7 and PROA7PLUS and the Resideo PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC. The reason for this is that many of the add-on modules that can be used with the ProSeries panels can also be used with the LTEM-P communicators. Including the PROWIFI or PROWIFIZW, the PROLTE-A or PROLTE-V, and the PRODCM.

The LTEM-P Series communicators support an ethernet connection, but if you find yourself in a situation where a wired connection is not possible, then you can install the PROWIFI or PROWFIZW, which will give you WIFI, or WIFI and Z-Wave Plus capabilities. The ability to add a modular cellular unit is exciting as it allows you to install a separate LTE communicator to use instead of the built-in LTE Cat-M1 communicator. This will come in handy if you purchase an AT&T LTEM-PA, but find out later that Verizon would provide a better signal in this particular installation. Also, far in the future, when LTE is eventually phased out, whatever takes its place can easily be installed in the unit, rather than having to replace the entire communicator.

The PRODCM is a dialer-capture module. It allows the LTEM-P Series communicator to work with an alarm panel that has a built-in dialer and can report using Contact ID Format. The PRODCM installs inside a slot in the LTEM-P Series communicator, then two wires are connected between it and the Tip and Ring terminals on the alarm panel. The panel believe's it is dialing out over a phone line, but the module captures the signal, and transmits it via IP, or Cellular. Many of these add-on modules are also compatible with the ProSeries panels, which is why the LTEM-P Series are considered a part of the ProSeries lineup.

Tip 1: Power Wiring

The LTEM-PA and LTEM-PV come with a 9VDC power supply. Depending on the communicator you may be replacing there could be an existing AC Transformer in place. Do not make the mistake of trying to use the existing transformer. You have two (2) options when it comes to powering the LTEM-PA or LTEM-PV. You can use the included power supply, making sure to observe proper polarity with the power wires, or you can wire it so that the communicator receives all its power from the alarm panel. If you choose the latter option, be sure to calculate the current draw for the communicator correctly, and if you decide to leave the battery out of the LTEM-P Series device, turn off the radio's Low Battery Reporting.

Tip 2: Installing A WIFI Module

If you want to add support for WIFI to your LTEM-P module, you can add the PROWIFI module. When the PROWIFI module is installed, the ethernet connection becomes unavailable, so you can only use one or the other of these, but not both. If you want to add both WIFI and Z-Wave Plus capabilities to your system, then you can choose to install the PROWIFIZW.

Using the PROWIFIZW can add Z-Wave support in a situation where it would otherwise be unavailable, such as when using the LTEM-P with a non-VISTA panel. The PROWIFIZW cannot be used as a secondary controller, so it can't be used to extend the range of another controller such as the Tuxedo or VAM. Using the PROWIFIZW also doesn't give you an option to create scenes through Total Connect 2.0, only manual control of Z-Wave devices is available.

Tip 3: Always Default the Communicator

We've found, through painful experience, that it is a good idea to always default the LTEM-PA or LTEM-PV once all the wiring is completed, prior to account creation and activation. To default, hold down the red button on the upper right side of the main communicator board for at least 20 Seconds. The LEDs on the communicator should begin going through their initial power-on sequence. This is how you can tell the default has completed.

Once the communicator has booted completely up, then do one last power cycle. Do this by unplugging the transformer and disconnecting the red battery lead. If the communicator is being powered completely by the panel, simply power the panel down and back up by unplugging its transformer and backup battery. If the communicator battery is still connected though, be sure to disconnect this battery as well to completely power the communicator off. Wait about 30 seconds, then power back on as you normally would. For VISTA panels, plug in the transformer, then the battery. If the communicator has its own DC Power Supply, plug in the communicator battery, then plug in the power supply. Now you can proceed with programming and activation.

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The ever-evolving WIFI industry can sometimes present challenges to alarm equipment. The steps manufacturers take to protect privacy, and streamline connections, can sometimes interfere with an alarm system's ability to get connected. Here, we'll discuss ways to keep your WIFI system online.

Resideo and Honeywell Home have not embraced the 5 GHz WIFI band as some of the other alarm manufacturers have. Both 2GIG and Qolsys have panels that can connect to either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz WIFI. While 5 GHz WIFI offers slightly greater speed, it also offers a shorter range. Its main advantage is that it offers more channels and less congestion than its 2.4 GHz counterpart. The 2.4 GHz band is slightly slower, mostly because it's more crowded, but with a greater range and better solid object penetration.

Many customers may be afraid to purchase Resideo or Honeywell Home equipment because they believe that soon WIFI routers may stop supporting the 2.4 GHz frequency. However, most IoT (Internet of Things) devices that use WIFI currently only support the 2.4 GHz band, so you can expect network equipment manufacturers to continue producing equipment that supports 2.4 GHz for some time. Also, many older devices, such as older smartphones or tablets, don't support 5 GHz WIFI.

Users with dual-band routers that support both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WIFI, and who also have Resideo or Honeywell Home WIFI products, may have experienced issues with their security device losing its WIFI connection. If that is the case, disabling a feature in the router called Band Steering may help the system to stay connected. Routers that support dual-band WIFI often use Band Steering in an effort to make switching from one band to the other seamless.

In theory, with Band Steering enabled, and the SSID, Password, and encryption settings for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands set to the exact same parameters, any device capable of using both bands can switch between them on the fly as the device moves through the location. Consider using a tablet or a smartphone as you walk through your home. When you're close to the router, 5GHz is likely the best band for the device to use. But as you walk away from the router, the 2.4 GHz band may become a better option. Band Steering will take care of switching from one to the other with no further input from the user and without the user even knowing that the switch has occurred.

If Band Steering worked as well in practice as it does in theory this would be an excellent solution. However, for some routers that support this feature, in certain cases, if a client WIFI device can only support 2.4 GHz, and the router supports both bands with both having matching SSIDs and Passwords and Band Steering is enabled, often the client device can't connect to the network because it is blocked by the router.

The router does this because it believes the client device is capable of connecting using the 5 GHz band, and in most cases, the router is trying to steer as many devices as it can to 5GHz. By disabling Band Steering, the Resideo or Honeywell Home WIFI capable panel will be able to see and connect to the 2.4 GHz network. In fact, it's the only network that it will be able to see. All other devices that support both bands will still be able to connect to whichever SSID the user chooses.

You can disable Band Steering on your dual-band router without having to change either SSID or password. The drawback to doing this is that you won't immediately be able to tell which WIFI band a device that supports both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands is connected to. If you need to be able to determine this, then you will want to disable Band Steering and then change the SSID and Password for one or the other WIFI Band so that you can easily determine which WIFI band a device is using. This will assist you, particularly on mobile devices, where you may need to manually switch between bands to achieve the best WIFI outcome.

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The Resideo PROINDMV offers a cost-effective alternative to full video monitoring. Up to eight (8) PROINDMV devices can be added to each Total Connect 2.0 account, with no upgrade to full video surveillance required. When activated, the PROINDMV can take a still image or a 10-second clip.

For Alarm Grid customers, any Silver monitoring plan (Self or Full), or higher, can support up to eight (8) of these motion viewers. A Self Bronze plan, can support one (1) PROINDMV. Also, if the panel happens to be set to Local Alarm Mode, then only one (1) motion viewer can be added with clips available locally only. Clips or images captured by the motion viewer can be viewed through the Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS or Resideo PROA7PLUSC panel touchscreen, or through Total Connect 2.0. The PROINDMV is only compatible with the Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS and Resideo PROA7PLUSC panels and is not compatible with the non-plus versions of those panels or with any other panels (as of October 2022).

In order for the PROINDMV to create a clip or image and send it to the panel and TC2, the panel it's used with must have at least a 15-second burglary communication delay enabled, and the panel must stay in alarm long enough for an alarm report to be triggered. At that point, the clip or image will be sent to the panel and to TC2. In the case of the panel being in Local Alarm Mode, the clip will only be sent to the panel. The motion viewer is never recording unless it has detected an alarm. This means that there is no peek-in feature for the motion viewer. A user can't pull up their TC2 account, choose a PROINDMV device and bring up a real-time image. Hopefully, this may change in future firmware updates.

When the system is armed, and a video or image capture occurs during the Entry Delay period, the motion viewer holds any images or clips until after the Entry Delay has expired. If the system is disarmed before the end of Entry Delay, then any clips or images captured during that time are discarded. If it is not disarmed, then those images or clips will be sent once an alarm report is triggered.

Once the PROINDMV has captured a clip or image, it waits either 1.5 minutes (if there is no activity) or 3 minutes (in the event of constant activity) before it will capture another image or clip. A Maximum of ten (10) captures can occur during an armed period (this is assuming Swinger Suppression is set at the Maximum of 6). This is ten (10) captures per PROINDMV, not per account, per armed period. When programming, a PROINDMV can be assigned to any active partition. The response types that are available for the motion viewer are Interior Follower or Interior with Delay. So, the PROINDMV will only be active when its partition is armed Away, or Night (assuming the PROINDMV is enabled for Night Stay Mode).

When the panel camera log gets full, once ten (10) captures have been saved, it will begin to overwrite the oldest captures with new ones. All motion viewer captures are purged from the panel log after 30-days. The panel camera log can not be viewed through AlarmNet360, meaning an alarm dealer can't view any potentially private images. Image or clip captures are sent over WIFI (any time its available) or Cellular (if WIFI is down, or not present). Currently, motion captures cannot be viewed through the Honeywell Home PROWLTOUCH or Resideo PROWLTOUCHC.

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Alarm Grid has long steered customers away from Schlage locks due to support issues. In our experience, we have spent time troubleshooting myriad issues between these locks and a number of different Z-Wave controllers. Now, Resideo and Honeywell Home have announced confirmed issues as well.

On April 6, 2022, Resideo and Honeywell Home released a Technical Notification to let users know that recent testing discovered a compatibility issue between Schlage lock models BE468, CAM716, and BE469ZP with the newest Honeywell Home TUXEDO and Resideo TUXEDOC keypads. Also incompatible are the ProSeries panels. The ProSeries lineup includes the Honeywell Home PROA7 and PROA7PLUS and the Resideo PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC. The PLUS versions of these panels offer Z-Wave Plus functionality right out of the box, however the NON-PLUS versions require the addition of the PROWIFIZW in order to offer Z-Wave support.

It should be noted that this alert doesn't include other Resideo or Honeywell Z-Wave controller products such as the Lyric, or the L5100-ZWAVE paired with any of the LynxTouch panels. To the best of our knowledge, these products are still compatible with all of the Schlage locks, though we at Alarm Grid still recommend using a Yale or a Kwikset lock instead of a Schlage, even with one of these controllers. Now that the Honeywell Lyric has been discontinued, and the only LynxTouch panel still available is the L5210, Total Connect 2.0 adherents may be hard pressed to find a panel to support a pre-existing Schlage lock.

It is also important to note that not all Schlage locks that were tested were found to be incompatible. The Schlage J-Series, including the JBE109 and JFE109 locks are compatible and both have been added to the compatibility list for the TUXEDO and ProSeries products. You can read the full MyWebTech Technical Notification #71, which includes compatibility documents for both the TUXEDO keypads, and the ProSeries panels.

Have you tried to use a Schlage Lock with a Honeywell, Honeywell Home, or Resideo Z-Wave controller? Were you successful, or no? Leave a note in the comments below with any thoughts or questions about this announcement. We always look forward to hearing from our readers.

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