Honeywell L5210 Posts

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Resideo announced today that the final Lynx product still being manufactured is discontinued, effective immediately. Some components required to produce the LynxTouch L5210 panel are obsolete, so the decision has been made to move on. Rest in peace LynxTouch. You were a good product.

I was never meant to be an alarm technician. I went to school for networking, and I had a job doing technical support for an ISP. Then the Dot-com Bubble burst in 2000 and suddenly there was a surplus of qualified candidates for every networking job. The ISP I worked for went out of business, so I knew that there were at least forty other people looking for the same networking jobs I was.

I saw an advertisement for a technical support specialist at Ademco. I studied up on the company, and what it offered. The largest manufacturer of alarm products in North America. Not bad! The main reason I applied was that I knew none of the other people who were also in the process of losing their jobs, would. I figured I could continue looking for networking jobs if I managed to get hired. I went into it actively not wanting the job. I literally said, "I'll probably get this job because I don't want it."

I had an interview and got a tour. They were interested in me because of my networking background. They were about to begin supporting a touchscreen keypad that had an internet connection and most of their alarm technicians were not good with software, computers, or networking. I left the interview thinking, "I probably won't get this job because now I want it."

But I did get the job, and for the first few months, I thought I would fail. I had no electronics background and no alarm panel background. They trained me on downloading software first. For the first week, I bet I didn't say two words all day long during training. At night I went home saying, "What do they mean 'control panel'?!" What everyone else in the world called a download, they called an upload, and vice versa. Eventually, I made it to alarm panel training.

At that time, in early 2001, the Lynx panel lineup was their only wireless all-in-one panel. Its competition was the Simon panel lineup from ITI/Interlogix/GE. Both manufacturers' panels spoke, and both spoke with a female voice. For a person who didn't have any experience with wiring or resistors, it was like an oasis in a desert of hardwired panels. The Lynx could be a bear to program because it didn't have an actual alpha display, but nearly every Lynx panel in use was exclusively using wireless sensors.

I really liked the early Lynx panels. My reasons were selfish. The thing that made it difficult for others wasn't a problem for me. The menu prompts, particularly in zone and output programming, made perfect sense. The feature that made other panels difficult for me, various wiring scenarios, was almost completely absent from the Lynx. Working with Lynx panels gave me the confidence to stick with alarms until I could master the rest of the product line. Also, because a Lynx panel would allow you to record a custom voice descriptor for a zone, you could use it to play some pretty good pranks on fellow technicians.

That was twenty-one years ago. I was so intent on trying to master this technology I didn't have time to look for a networking job. Anyway, I had found a home in this industry. Interlogix shut down its North American alarm operations at the end of 2019. So, the Lynx has outlived its old nemesis the Simon panel. Earlier this year, Resideo announced that it would discontinue the Lynx 3000 and LynxTouch L7000 panels. The L5210 was the final remaining Lynx system, and now it too is discontinued. Forgive me if I get a little misty-eyed and nostalgic. After all, I'm saying goodbye to an old friend.

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The ever-evolving WIFI industry can sometimes present challenges to alarm equipment. The steps manufacturers take to protect privacy, and streamline connections, can sometimes interfere with an alarm system's ability to get connected. Here, we'll discuss ways to keep your WIFI system online.

Resideo and Honeywell Home have not embraced the 5 GHz WIFI band as some of the other alarm manufacturers have. Both 2GIG and Qolsys have panels that can connect to either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz WIFI. While 5 GHz WIFI offers slightly greater speed, it also offers a shorter range. Its main advantage is that it offers more channels and less congestion than its 2.4 GHz counterpart. The 2.4 GHz band is slightly slower, mostly because it's more crowded, but with a greater range and better solid object penetration.

Many customers may be afraid to purchase Resideo or Honeywell Home equipment because they believe that soon WIFI routers may stop supporting the 2.4 GHz frequency. However, most IoT (Internet of Things) devices that use WIFI currently only support the 2.4 GHz band, so you can expect network equipment manufacturers to continue producing equipment that supports 2.4 GHz for some time. Also, many older devices, such as older smartphones or tablets, don't support 5 GHz WIFI.

Users with dual-band routers that support both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WIFI, and who also have Resideo or Honeywell Home WIFI products, may have experienced issues with their security device losing its WIFI connection. If that is the case, disabling a feature in the router called Band Steering may help the system to stay connected. Routers that support dual-band WIFI often use Band Steering in an effort to make switching from one band to the other seamless.

In theory, with Band Steering enabled, and the SSID, Password, and encryption settings for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands set to the exact same parameters, any device capable of using both bands can switch between them on the fly as the device moves through the location. Consider using a tablet or a smartphone as you walk through your home. When you're close to the router, 5GHz is likely the best band for the device to use. But as you walk away from the router, the 2.4 GHz band may become a better option. Band Steering will take care of switching from one to the other with no further input from the user and without the user even knowing that the switch has occurred.

If Band Steering worked as well in practice as it does in theory this would be an excellent solution. However, for some routers that support this feature, in certain cases, if a client WIFI device can only support 2.4 GHz, and the router supports both bands with both having matching SSIDs and Passwords and Band Steering is enabled, often the client device can't connect to the network because it is blocked by the router.

The router does this because it believes the client device is capable of connecting using the 5 GHz band, and in most cases, the router is trying to steer as many devices as it can to 5GHz. By disabling Band Steering, the Resideo or Honeywell Home WIFI capable panel will be able to see and connect to the 2.4 GHz network. In fact, it's the only network that it will be able to see. All other devices that support both bands will still be able to connect to whichever SSID the user chooses.

You can disable Band Steering on your dual-band router without having to change either SSID or password. The drawback to doing this is that you won't immediately be able to tell which WIFI band a device that supports both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands is connected to. If you need to be able to determine this, then you will want to disable Band Steering and then change the SSID and Password for one or the other WIFI Band so that you can easily determine which WIFI band a device is using. This will assist you, particularly on mobile devices, where you may need to manually switch between bands to achieve the best WIFI outcome.

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We told you in 2020 how the Total Connect 2.0 app for Android could support Google Assistant voice commands. This feature allowed you to use your voice to control your system, but only through your phone. Now, the ProSeries panels, including the PROA7PLUS, can fully support Google Assistant.

What this meant back then was that there was nothing to download. Once the feature was enabled on your phone, a blue microphone icon would appear at the bottom of the Total Connect 2.0 app screen. When you pressed it, you could use your voice to check system status, and to arm or disarm the system. Now, with the latest Total Connect 2.0 release, you can actually set up TC2 within Google Home, and control your system from any Google Home capable device you have connected to your account.

Another improvement is the fact that this functionality is now available to both Android and iOS users. On either platform, make sure you have the Google Home app and then follow the steps to configure the Total Connect 2.0 skill within it.

Below is the Google Home App as seen in the Apple App Store:

The ProSeries panels include the Honeywell Home PROA7 and Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS and the Resideo PROA7C and Resideo PROA7PLUSC. Currently, these are the only Total Connect 2.0 compatible panels that support the improved Google integration. If you have one of the ProSeries panels, coupled with a Total Connect 2.0 account and you would like to take advantage of voice commands through Google Assistant, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Home App, then click the [Plus (+)] Icon at the top left of the main screen.
  2. Select, [Set up Device].
  3. Select [Works with Google].
  4. Search for [Total Connect] then select it.
  5. Use your Total Connect 2.0 login credentials to log into TC2 from the skill.
  6. Read the User Agreement and if you agree, press [Allow].
  7. Be sure the Security System icon is selected, then press [Connect].
  8. Click the [Pencil Icon] to assign the system to a room, then choose which room you'd like to add it to.
  9. Hit the [Back button] repeatedly until you reach the Home screen.
  10. You should now be able to query Google for system status, as well as arm the system to Away, Stay, or Night and Disarm the system using Google Assistant.

Important Update: We now have a full FAQ with a walk-through on how to set up the Google Home feature. This FAQ is applicable whether you're setting Google Home up using an Android or an iOS device running the Google Home App.

Voice control of automation devices is not yet available unless the automation is achieved through a scene tied to system arming or disarming. For example, if you have a scene that turns on the porch light when the system is armed to Away, and you use the Google Assistant to arm in this mode, then the porch light will come on once the system is armed.

Total Connect 2.0 also supports integration with Amazon Alexa, and has for a while now. The configuration is very similar between the two services. One difference between them is that Amazon Alexa is compatible with more different panel types. Most of the Honeywell Wireless All-in-One panels support it. This means that in addition to the ProSeries panels, the Lyric, Lynx, and even the VISTA panels all support being used with Amazon Alexa. As long as the panel is tied to a Total Connect 2.0 account.

To integrate Total Connect 2.0 with Amazon Alexa for voice control of any of the above panels, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Alexa App and search for the Total Connect 2.0 skill.
  2. Click [Enable]
  3. You will be prompted to enter your Total Connect 2.0 login credentials. Enter them, then hit [Login]
  4. You will see a User Agreement, read through it, and if you agree click [Allow].
  5. Make sure the Security System icon is selected, then click [Connect].
  6. A screen should appear showing "Total Connect 2.0 has been successfully linked".

Once the above steps have been completed, log into the Total Connect 2.0 app and go to the Profile Page. Under the Access section, be sure that your user code has been saved and synched with the panel. If this isn't done, Amazon Alexa won't function properly. In the past, we've made FAQs for integrating some different panels with Amazon Alexa. You can find links to those FAQs below:

How Do I Connect My Lyric Alarm System to Alexa?

How Do I Connect My VISTA-21iP to Alexa?

Resideo Official Instruction Sheet on Integration

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Here at Alarm Grid, we try to help as many people as possible with their alarm system. Sure, we hope it will lead folks to choose us for their alarm monitoring needs. But it's also because we're simply helpful people. An alarm in your home or business should help quell fears, not cause them.

We've begun what I think of as "Silly Season". You may be familiar with this term from Nascar, but for us in the alarm industry, this is the time when a lot of home buying and selling occurs. During this time, we get a lot of calls that go something like this, "I just moved into a home with an existing alarm. We haven't been using it, but somehow it got armed, and now it's going off, and I don't know the code to disarm it. Please help!"

Moving into a new home is exciting, but it's also stressful and can be overwhelming at times. So, I've (Ms. Manners) put together this guide to help you, the person who moved out of the home in this scenario, to leave behind your alarm system in a way that's as stress-free as possible for all parties involved.

Ms. Manners Says: Notify Your Alarm Company

If your alarm system is monitored, be sure to notify your alarm company that you are moving out and that the system is staying behind. This may seem obvious, but many people assume that if they stop paying their monitoring fees, the alarm company will know they no longer want service and will cancel it on their own. This is not the case for a number of reasons! There may be contracts involved. There could be liability issues. So for many reasons - not the least of which is it's the polite thing to do - any time you wish to stop monitoring service to a particular address, you should notify the alarm monitoring company as soon as possible.

By notifying the alarm company, you do several things. You give them an opportunity to reach out to the new homeowner and introduce themselves. Hopefully, if you've had a good experience with your monitoring company, you will also put in a good word about them to the new homeowner. Both of these things give the company a leg-up when it comes to courting a potential new customer, and it also gives the new homeowner information based on your real-life experience, not just an advertisement in a new homeowner's mailer.

By notifying the monitoring company, you can also help to prevent any unnecessary dispatching of the authorities to this address. As bad as the scenario above is for the poor, uninformed new homeowner, it's worse for the police, fire, or EMS personnel who may respond to the alarm, which we know is false.

Remember, the person who signed up for the monitoring service at the address in the scenario above no longer lives there. That means the monitoring station is going to be calling people who have no idea what may be going on at this address (which is also an annoyance for the person receiving the call). In this situation, it is likely that the monitoring station MUST dispatch because if they don't (and there is some type of emergency) there may be repercussions for them. A monitoring station is always going to adhere to the adage, "Better safe than sorry." After all, safety is their business.

Ms. Manners Says: Default Users, But Not Zones

When you sell a house and the alarm system with it, you may think it's a good idea to set the alarm system back to factory default to allow the new homeowner a chance to program it as they see fit. Resist this urge! In most cases, what was your Front Door is now going to be their Front Door. What was your Kitchen Window is now going to be their Kitchen Window. John's Bedroom Window may become Jane's Bedroom Window, but this is a pretty simple thing to change and doesn't really call for the entire system to be set back to factory default.

When it comes to user codes, though, it is best to set these back to factory defaults. This will prevent the new homeowner from finding out what codes you used. After all, we are creatures of habit, and there's a good chance you'll use those same codes in your next system. Also, if you set the codes for the Installer and Master users back to their default, the new homeowner should easily be able to find out what they are by doing a quick search online. Then, if they find themselves in the messy scenario discussed above, they'll be able to get themselves out of it. Being able to get yourself out of a jam like this one can do wonders for your self-confidence.

System Manufacturers and their Default Codes

Panel Manufacturer Installer Code Master Code
Honeywell Vista (Non-polling) 4112 1234
Honeywell All-in-One 4112 1234
2GIG GC2 1561 1111
2GIG GC3 1561 1111
Qolsys 1111 1234
Interlogix Simon XT 4321 1234
Interlogix Simon XTi & XTi-5 4321 1234
DSC Impassa 5555 1234

Use the information in the table above to set the codes in your panel back to their default values. If you don't see your panel listed, you can likely find the information you need with a quick online search. Performing this process is the single most helpful thing you can do for the new homeowner when it comes to the alarm system!

Ms. Manners Says: Leave Behind Good Notes

Any information you know about your alarm system, such as the manufacturer and model, the default installer code, and the default master code - each of which hopefully you have programmed into your panel by this time - will be helpful for the new homeowner. A list of zone numbers and their descriptions is also very much appreciated by a new homeowner. Leave them a note, tucked behind the keypad, or on a kitchen counter. Give them the sequence of keys to enter to disarm the system, or better yet, if you have the opportunity, show it to them, and then leave them a note to back up your demonstration.

If you're willing, leave them your contact information so they can contact you in the event that something unforeseen comes up. This is particularly important if your system is somewhat complex and has multiple home automation features integrated with it. I promise the last thing the new homeowner wants to do is bother you if they can avoid it. Everyone at Alarm Grid has talked with a frantic new homeowner who never even considered contacting the prior homeowner. It's usually something we suggest if we're unable to assist.

Fortunately, in most cases, we are able to assist, and we are happy to do so. This is just one of the many ways we make new friends here at Alarm Grid! I hope that anyone who is preparing to move out of a home and leave behind an alarm system will read this and use these suggestions to prepare.

If you happen to be moving into a home that already has an alarm system, and perhaps the previous homeowner didn't read this post, feel free to reach out to us. We're here Monday - Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time. You can reach us via email, or by calling 888-818-7728.

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Resideo has announced that 17 million shares of common stock will soon be available in a public offering. According to Resideo, the proceeds will be used to repay borrowings and to help fund growth and acquisitions. The news comes after Resideo posted abetter-than-expected Q3 for 2020.

Resideo trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker REZI. The security, automation and comfort company had its initial public offering (IPO) in late 2018 after being spun-off from Honeywell. The news of the 17 million shares being available in a public offering resulted in a 14% decline in the company's stock price during Monday trading.

For the transaction of 17 million shares, Morgan Stanley and Evercore ISI will act as lead joint book-running managers. Additional bookrunners on the transaction include Bank of Ameria Securities and JPMorgan. Underwriters are being given the options to purchase an aggregate of up to 2.55 million additional Resideo common stock shares.

In the company's most recent earnings report, $1.36 billion in revenue was said to have been achieved in Q3 of this year. This greatly exceeded the consensus expert estimate of $1.15 billion. Year over year revenue for Resideo has increased by 10%. Resideo President and CEO Jay Geldmacher has recently expressed great optimism in demand trends for the security industry as the market enters into the final stretch of 2020.

Resideo is arguably best known for its state-of-the art Honeywell Lyric Alarm System, which boasts 128 wireless zones, encrypted sensor options, backwards compatibility with legacy Honeywell 5800 Sensors, integrated WIFI, built-in Z-Wave home automation, Apple HomeKit compatibility, a 7-inch touchscreen display, and local end user programming. The company also offers the new Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS Alarm Panel, the Honeywell LYNX Touch Panels, and the Honeywell VISTA Alarm Systems.

If you are interested in setting up a Resideo Security System in your home or business, then please feel free to email us at with any questions you might have. We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. Also remember to check out our monitoring page to learn more about the services we offer. We look forward to hearing from you!

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We have made a discovery regarding the compatibility for the Honeywell L5100-WIFI for LYNX Touch Systems. It turns out that L5100-WIFI units with the updated MAC prefix of B82CA0 can be used with Honeywell L5100 Systems running a firmware version of at least 5.00838, but less than 5.05000.

Honeywell l5100 wifi alarmnet lynx touch l5100 security system wifi alarm monitoring communicatorIf you aren't familiar with the Honeywell L5100-WIFI, it is an internet communicator that allows a compatible Honeywell LYNX Touch Panel to communicate with the Resideo AlarmNet Servers across an IP (internet protocol) network. The L5100-WIFI accesses the internet by connecting with a local WIFI network. Many users rely on the L5100-WIFI for inexpensive IP monitoring service. The communicator can also be used to set up the LYNX Touch System with Total Connect 2.0, provided that the user's alarm monitoring plan includes access to the platform.

If you recall back in the summer of 2018, it was announced that new Honeywell L5100-WIFI units had an updated MAC prefix, as it was changed from 00D02D to B82CA0. This had several implications. Starting with LYNX Touch Firmware 5.05000, Resideo locked the required MAC prefix so that only L5100-WIFI units with 00D02D were supported. This was later revised in Firmware Version 8.00183 to support the new MAC prefix of B82CA0. As a result, LYNX Touch Systems with a Firmware Version of at least 5.05000, but less than 8.00183, cannot support newer L5100-WIFI units with the MAC prefix of B82CA0. For LYNX Touch firmware in Canada, the required MAC prefix of 00D02D became locked with Firmware Version 5.15000.

However, we didn't realize that LYNX Touch Systems running firmware versions below 5.05000 (and below 5.15000 for Canadian models) do not have the locked MAC prefix requirement. This means that if you have a Honeywell LYNX Touch System with a firmware version of less than 5.05000, then you can use it with a newer L5100-WIFI unit with a MAC prefix of B82CA0. It still must meet the minimum firmware requirement to support the L5100-WIFI (Firmware Version 5.00838), but this allows for some new monitoring possibilities. Most notably, it allows certain Honeywell L5100 units use either the new L5100-WIFI model with the updated MAC prefix or the old model with the old MAC prefix.

In spring of 2019, it was announced that Resideo was no longer allowing Honeywell LYNX Touch Panels to receive over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates. Instead, firmware updates could only be applied locally using the Honeywell LYNXTOUCH-MSD Firmware Updater Tool. Initially, the updater tool was only compatible with the Honeywell L5210 and Honeywell L7000, but it was later made compatible with the Honeywell L5200 as well. But the updater tool was never made compatible with the Honeywell L5100. This makes it impossible to update the firmware for a Honeywell L5100 Security System, and there is no way to get the system onto Firmware Version 8.00123 or higher.

Honeywell lynxtouch l5100 lynx touch wireless alarm control panel

But since Resideo didn't begin locking the required MAC prefix to 00D02D until 5.05000, an L5100 running a firmware version of at least 5.00838, but less than 5.05000, can support all L5100-WIFI units, regardless of their MAC prefix. Therefore, if you have an old Honeywell L5100 System lying around that you were thinking could never be monitored again unless you found a used L5100-WIFI with the old MAC prefix, it may be a good idea to check its firmware to see if it falls in that range.

If you want to check the firmware for a Honeywell L5100, you can do so by choosing Security > More > Tools > enter your Master Code (default 1234) > Test. The firmware revision will be displayed at the top of the screen. This process is the same for any LYNX Touch System, so you can also use this method to check your L5200, L5210, or L7000 firmware. Below is a picture of a Honeywell L7000 on Firmware Version 9.00209..

If you find that your L5100 is running a firmware version of 5.05000 or higher (5.15000 or higher in Canada), then you will be limited to using the older L5100-WIFI with the MAC prefix of 00D02D. With any luck, you may be able to find a used model somewhere with the older prefix. But should your L5100 be running a lower firmware, then the system will be able to support any L5100-WIFI model, including the new ones that you can purchase from Alarm Grid. This is an excellent way to get an old L5100 System set up with low-cost IP monitoring.

Of course, if you have an L5200, L5210, or L7000, then it is recommended that you get the Honeywell LYNXTOUCH-MSD Firmware Updater Tool to upgrade the system firmware to the latest version. The latest firmware is 9.0213 at the time of this writing. Updating to the latest firmware version is always recommended. And as long as the firmware version is 8.00183 or higher, the system can support all versions of the L5100-WIFI, regardless of the MAC prefix.

If you have any questions about the L5100-WIFI or the Honeywell LYNX Touch Systems, then please reach out to us! We are best contacted via email at Our hours for checking email run from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. This is also a great email to reach us if you are interested in starting new monitoring service. We look forward to hearing from you!

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It's time for another video recap! There are eight (8) new videos this week, all featuring yours truly. We spent a lot of time working on the 2GIG GC2e again. We also covered the process for backdooring the Honeywell LYNX Touch Panels, and we touched on the IQ2+. Let's check out the videos!

Alarm grid inside security stickers

Pairing a Z-Wave Device with the 2GIG GC2e

I show you how to pair a Z-Wave device with a 2GIG GC2e Security System. The 2GIG GC2e serves as a Z-Wave Plus controller, which allows you to pair smart home automation devices with the system. Devices can be controlled locally at the panel, as well as remotely from if the system is monitored. There are many types of Z-Wave devices you can use with the GC2e, including lights, door locks, smart thermostats, and more!

Programming a Wireless Zone On a 2GIG GC2e

I show you how to program a wireless zone for a 2GIG GC2e Alarm System. Every sensor used with the 2GIG GC2e will take up at least one zone. The GC2e System has sixty (60) wireless zones available. You can pair sensors from the Honeywell 5800 Series, the 2GIG 345 MHz Series, and the 2GIG eSeries Lineup. We recommend auto-enrolling any new sensor to prevent entering an incorrect Serial Number. Auto-enrolling will also confirm successful communication.

Programming a Key Fob for a 2GIG GC2e

I show you how to program a key fob for a 2GIG GC2e Alarm Panel. A key fob is a small, handheld device that you can use to arm and disarm your system. You can very easily carry around a key fob in your pocket or purse, and they are great for putting on key rings. Popular key fob options for the 2GIG GC2e System include the 2GIG KEY2-345, the 2GIG KEY2e-345, and the Honeywell 5834-4.

Adding & Changing User Codes On a 2GIG GC2e

I show you how to add and change user codes on a 2GIG GC3 Security Panel. The GC2e has (64) user code slots available. You need a valid user code to successfully disarm the system. It is recommended that everyone who uses the system regularly has their own user code so that you can keep track of who uses the system. You can also apply a schedule to a code so that it only works at certain times.

Using the Backdoor to Enter Programming On a Honeywell L5200 or L5210

I show you how to use the backdoor method on a Honeywell L5200 or L5210. The backdoor method involves rebooting the panel and then performing a special sequence of commands as the system reloads. By completing this process, you can get into programming if you were previously locked out. Please note that the backdooring process will not work if the system is currently in an armed state. You will need to disarm the system before you can backdoor.

Getting Back Into Programming On an L7000 If You're Locked Out

I show you how to get into programming on a Honeywell L7000 if you're locked out by using the backdoor method. There are two (2) main reasons why you would become locked out of programming. The first is that the option "NO" was selected at the prompt asking if the installer should be allowed to re-enter programming. Always choose "YES" when exiting programming. The other possibility is that you do not know the Installer Code for the system. Do not change the Installer Code from its default of 4112 to avoid being locked out.

Secure Arming On the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus

I demonstrate the Secure Arming feature on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. When Secure Arming is enabled, you must enter a valid user code or the Master Code when arming the system. Normally, the system can be armed without providing a code. Additionally, you must also provide a code if you go to cancel an arming session during the Exit Delay countdown if this feature is enabled. Many parents with small children enable the feature to prevent the system from being armed accidentally.

IQ Panel 2 Exit Delay Increased After Opening Door

I explain why the Exit Delay timer on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus will automatically increase after opening a door. This is due to a false alarm prevention feature called Auto Exit Time Extension. This feature is activated if two (2) Entry/Exit faults are detected during the Exit Delay countdown. When you fault the first E/E Zone after arming, the system assumes that you have left the building. Then when another E/E fault is detected, the system assumes that you have returned. It then gives you an added 60 seconds to exit the building. If you quickly re-entered the premises because you forgot something, this prevents you from having to disarm and then re-arm the system.

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If you want to add multiple users to Total Connect 2.0 all at once, then you're in luck! The TC2 platform allows users to upload an Excel document with multiple new users. There is even a pre-prepared template on Total Connect 2.0 under the Users tab that you can use to get started.

The first thing you should know about the batch enrollment feature is that it is only accessible through the Total Connect 2.0 website. Batch enrollment is not possible through the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App. Make sure you are using the website when you go to get started.

Within the Users tab on the left side of the screen, you can choose the option for "Add New User". From there, you will choose the blue "Add Multiple Users" button.

Next, you can download a template for building the users list, and you can re-submit the template after filling it out. Once you do that, all of the new users will be added to your Total Connect 2.0 account. For more information on batch enrolling multiple users to TC2, please see this guide.

If you have any questions about the TC2 batch enrollment feature, or if you want to get started with alarm monitoring service, please email us at We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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We have learned that the LYNX Connect App has been discontinued. The app can no longer be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Users wanting a second on-site option for controlling a LYNX Touch should use either a keypad or Total Connect 2.0, or upgrade to the Lyric.

Honeywell l7000 wireless home security system with 7 inch screen

The LYNX Connect App is a handy tool for many LYNX Touch users, It allows users to control a LYNX Touch System from a separate on-site device, all while enjoying the same user interface as the LYNX Touch System itself. The LYNX Touch Panel must have an L5100-WIFI Card installed and be on the same WIFI network as the device that is using the app to control the system. The app is designed for use with the L5100, L5200, L5210, and L7000 systems.

A very common application of the LYNX Connect App is to use it on a tablet that is mounted to the wall. By doing this, you can essentially have the tablet operate as a touchscreen keypad for the system. Many users find this to be a desirable option, as it is really the only way to obtain a secondary touchscreen controller for a LYNX Touch. By using a cheap tablet, you can readily establish a great secondary keypad for your system. Unfortunately, the discontinuation of the app means that this is no longer an option for many LYNX Touch users.

It turns out that all Firmware Versions 9 and higher for the LYNX Touch Systems does not work with the LYNX Connect App. In order to support the LTE communicators, a LYNX Touch System will need to be on some Firmware Revision that is higher than Firmware Version 9. The minimum Firmware Revision required depends on which LTE module you are using.

The LTE-L57A requires Firmware Revision 9.00.209 or higher, while the LTE-L57V requires Firmware Revision 9.00.201 or higher. Rather than update the app to make it compatible with the newer versions, Resideo made the decision to discontinue support. As a result, it is no longer possible to get the app for an Android or iOS device. Remember that the latest LYNX Touch Firmware Version is only available for the L5200, L5210 and L7000 Systems. If you have an L5100, then your system is running a lower Firmware Version, and it will still work with the app.

If you already have the LYNX Connect App downloaded, and your LYNX Touch System is running less than Firmware Version 9, then you can still continue to use the app. Many L5210 and L7000 users who use IP-only monitoring never upgraded to the latest Firmware Version. This is because the newer Firmware Versions only really benefit users with cellular connectivity. Just be aware that if you ever need to replace your Android or iOS device, you will not be able to re-download the app. And if you ever upgrade to Firmware Version 9 or higher on your panel, then the app will no longer work.

Remember that Firmware Version 9.00.201 or higher is needed to use the LTE-L57V, and Firmware Version 9.00209 or higher is needed to use an LTE-L57A. These updates are very important, as LTE is so crucial. If you want to replace a tablet that served as a secondary keypad using the LYNX Connect App, then you have a couple of options available. One possibility is to get a Honeywell 5828 or Honeywell 5828V Keypad. Both keypads will pair nicely with any LYNX Touch System.

You might also consider using Total Connect 2.0. This is an interactive monitoring platform that you can use to control your system from anywhere. TC2 is even more versatile and beneficial than the LYNX Connect App. This platform can be used to access the alarm system from virtually anywhere using the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App. Since you can access it on a smartphone, many users find that it is even more convenient than setting up a second keypad.

Another option is to upgrade to the Resideo Lyric Alarm System. The Lyric has its own app called the MyHome Controller App that works in the same manner as the LYNX Connect App. The MyHome Controller app is still actively supported by Resideo, and it allows a tablet or smartphone to serve as a reliable secondary keypad. Other benefits for the Lyric include HomeKit compatibility, increased zone support, and its encrypted sensor options.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. If you have any questions or concerns about the loss of the LYNX Connect App, or if you want to learn more about Total Connect 2.0, then we invite you to reach out to us. Our team is happy to help you determine the best replacement keypad option for your needs. The best way to contact us is by email at You may also call us at (888) 818-7728 during our regular business hours of 9am to 8pm EST. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Another part of the Resideo booth at ISC West 2019 that we missed yesterday featured the new and upcoming LTE communicators for Resideo Alarm Panels. These cellular communicators will provide fast and reliable communication and allow users to control their systems through Total Connect 2.0.

As you may know, the 3G sunset is quickly approaching. If you want to keep your alarm system connected to the network into the distant future, you will need an LTE communicator. Cellular service providers like AT&T and Verizon have stated that they plan to support their LTE networks for many years to come. Getting an LTE communicator represents possibly the most important upgrade you can make for your security panel.

The Resideo Alarm Communicators will connect compatible systems with the company's AlarmNet Servers. This allows the end user to access and control their system through Total Connect 2.0. This is an excellent platform that allows users to arm and disarm their system, check current system status and control Z-Wave smart home devices.

Resideo showcased many AlarmNet LTE Communications. Most have a variety of different carrier options, which are AT&T, Verizon and Bell Canada. Many wireless Honeywell Panels were represented. The display featured communicators for the Lyric Controller:

The Lynx Touch L5210 and L7000:

The VISTA Systems:

And even the L3000 got some love:

If you didn't know, Alarm Grid already sells many of these communicators. The ones offered on our site include:

We are sure that Resideo users will achieve great results with these LTE communicators. Stay tuned to our blog for more content from ISC West!

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