DIY Security Systems Posts

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Unlike Resideo, doesn't manufacture alarm panels. Instead, they work with various panel manufacturers to provide alarm signal transport and remote control capabilities for their panels. Many users prefer the platform for its clean look and intuitive user interface (UI).

There are a couple of panel manufacturers who offer all-in-one systems that can easily replace a Lyric. The exception is for those users who have embraced Apple HomeKit. There is currently no capable panel that also supports HomeKit. There may never be. So, if you're firmly in the HomeKit camp, this option is probably not for you.

This post focuses on two panels: the 2GIG Edge and the Qolsys IQ Panel 4. requires cellular communication, and these panels cannot be registered without it. Therefore, each panel includes a built-in LTE cellular communicator, available in either AT&T or Verizon versions. Be sure to choose the cellular carrier who will have the best signal inside the protected premises.

While many systems support older Honeywell/Resideo wireless sensors, SiX Series sensors from a Lyric panel are incompatible and require replacement. Both Qolsys and 2GIG offer their own encrypted sensor options.

As mentioned above, users often find the user interface (UI) more intuitive than Total Connect 2.0. Additionally, consistently innovates, updates, and adds features that enhance the usability of their platform. Resideo also does this with Total Connect 2.0, but not as regularly. is also highly responsive to customer feedback, demonstrating a commitment to improving the user experience.

Another advantage is that the camera lineup is miles ahead of Resideo's. They offer a dizzying array of both residential and commercial grade cameras. If you're particular about your video options or you're just now looking to add video to your home or business for the first time, then is sure to have the right combination of cameras for you.

Replacing the Lyric with a 2GIG Edge:

2GIG was founded by two former Honeywell employees, so it stands to reason that all 2GIG panels can support legacy Honeywell sensors. Since its founding, 2GIG has expanded on its sensor compatibility and now offers encrypted sensors in their eSeries 345 MHz frequency, as well as long-range encrypted 900 Mhz sensors via the E+ Series.

Panel Hardware Options:

Both the 2GIG Edge With AT&T LTE communicator and the 2GIG Edge With Verizon LTE Communicator feature an LTE cellular communicator, 2.4 GHz WIFI capability, Z-Wave Plus V2 (700 Series), and a vertically adjustable front-facing camera. It is a very solidly built panel with a 7" LCD touchscreen interface. For a complete list of specifications, see the full data sheet.

The 2GIG Edge offers exceptional sensor versatility, supporting legacy Honeywell 5800 Series sensors, legacy 2GIG sensors, and the new encrypted 2GIG eSeries and E+ Series sensors. This comprehensive compatibility allows users to protect virtually any part of their property.

The E+ Series sensors boast a remarkable range of up to 2km, depending on environmental conditions. This impressive range extends protection to previously unreachable areas like barns or outbuildings.

One of the 2GIG Edge's most compelling features is its facial recognition disarming, a capability currently unavailable on the other panels we've discussed. Unlike cloud-based biometrics, the Edge stores all facial recognition data locally, ensuring your personal information remains exclusively on your system.

2GIG Edge Vs. Resideo PROA7PLUS - Feature Comparison

Replacing the Lyric with a Qolsys IQ Panel 4

Similar to the 2GIG Edge, Qolsys offers the IQ Panel 4 which is compatible with legacy Honeywell 5800 Series 345 MHz and 2GIG 345 MHz* sensors. In addition, it supports PowerG 915 MHz sensors. These sensors offer encryption, two-way communication and an impressive transmitting range to rival the 2GIG E+ Series.

*The Qolsys IQ Panel 4 cannot support the 2GIG eSeries 345 MHz sensors.

Panel Hardware Options:

Being an panel, the IQ Panel 4 includes a built-in AT&T or Verizon LTE cellular communicator. Additionally, IQ4 versions support various legacy sensors: Honeywell/2GIG (345 MHz), DSC (433 MHz), or Interlogix/Qolsys (319.5 MHz). Therefore, when selecting an IQ Panel 4, be sure you choose the correct communicator and legacy receiver to replace your Lyric. You can choose either the Qolsys IQ Panel 4, 345 MHz with AT&T & PowerG or the Qolsys IQ Panel 4, 345 MHz with Verizon & PowerG.

In addition to supporting 345 MHz legacy sensors and PowerG long-range wireless sensors, each IQ Panel 4 offers dual-band, 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz WIFI capability, Z-Wave Plus V2 (700 Series), Bluetooth disarm and audio streaming, front-facing camera for optional disarm photos, and a 7" touchscreen interface. Check out the specification sheet for a full list of features.


Curious about the experience? Alarm Grid provides a demo account for you to explore its user interface. Use the following login credentials to get started at:

  • PASSWORD: DemoP@ssw0rd

This demo account is fully loaded, providing a glimpse into features like motorized shades, locks, and water valves with water usage monitoring. The specific features available to you with an activated account will depend on the hardware installed in your unique system.

Be sure to check out the rest of this series on Preparing For the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life. In Part 1, we discuss the considerations when continuing to use the Lyric. In Part 2 we discuss replacing the Lyric with another all-in-one panel, in particular with one of the PRO Series systems. In Part 3 we discuss replacing the Lyric with one of the new Resideo First Alert hybrid panels, the VISTAH3.

Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 3

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Although users accustomed to the Lyric's all-in-one style and convenience are unlikely to switch to a hybrid panel, it is still possible. Therefore, in this installment of "Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life," we will discuss replacing the Lyric with the new First Alert VISTAH3.

Replacing The Lyric With A Hybrid Panel:

The First Alert VISTAH3 may be a good choice to replace an aging Lyric. Much like the PRO Series panels, the VISTAH3 supports SiX and PROSIX sensors right out of the box. It can also support a variety of wired and wireless devices.

The VISTAH3 is more of a traditional system, like the VISTA-20P. The main control panel is installed in a remote location, away from entry points. Then, either wired or wireless keypads are used to control the system. This is the first panel Resideo has produced that can support wired zones, wireless devices, legacy wireless, ECP zone expansion, and V-PLEX zone expansion. That's every type of expansion the company has ever made.

While the VISTAH3 might seem complex, its programming closely resembles that of the PRO Series panels. When replacing a Lyric system, you may not immediately utilize the new panel's more advanced features. However, it's nice knowing these capabilities are available for future expansion.

Recommended Keypads:

DIY installers of the VISTAH3 should be aware that local programming requires a touchscreen WIFI keypad. This means adding either a PROWIFI (WIFI-only) or a PROWIFIZW (WIFI and Z-Wave Plus) module before connecting a programming keypad.

There are three (3) touchscreen keypads to choose from when using the VISTAH3. The Honeywell Home PROWLTOUCH, the Resideo PROWLTOUCHC, and the First Alert VISTAHTCHWLC. If you'll be purchasing a new touchscreen keypad for use with this panel, we recommend the First Alert model. It is compatible with all versions of the VISTAH3 panel without having to undergo a firmware update.

Before using either the PROWLTOUCH or PROWLTOUCHC with the VISTAH3, a firmware update is required. This update can take up to 30 minutes to download and install. The VISTAH3 panel must be registered and updated first; then, it will automatically push the necessary firmware to the keypad. If you intend to set up and program your system before registration, the First Alert VISTAHTCHWLC is the best keypad for you.

Although touchscreen keypads offer the best functionality and control of both the system and automation devices, it is recommended that you have at least one wired keypad to provide control of the alarm system in the event of a wireless failure.

The First Alert VISTAHLKP and First Alert VISTAHPKP both connect to the panel through the iBus. This new bus technology leverages RS-485 and provides robust flexibility for long wire runs.

RS-485 is not a protocol. Instead, it's a standard that defines the electrical characteristics of drivers and receivers in a serial network. It's been commonly used in manufacturing automation for years due to its relative immunity to electrical noise. It supports long wire runs in noisy environments and multiple devices connected to a single bus.

Support for Legacy Wireless:

The VISTAH3 is compatible with the First Alert VISTAHTKVRWL for legacy wireless zone support. This legacy wireless takeover module works exactly like the PROTAKEOVER module used with the PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC. The biggest difference between the two modules is in their antennas.

The PROTAKEOVER includes a new PRO Series panel backplate with integrated antennas. The original backplate must be replaced for proper module function. Similarly, the VISTAHTKVRWL utilizes two external antennas, installed within the VISTAH3 panel's enclosure, to ensure effective wireless signal reception.

Similar to the PROTAKEOVER, the VISTAHTKVRWL cannot support multiple legacy wireless frequencies simultaneously. That means it cannot support both 5800 Series 345 MHz sensors and 2GIG 345 MHz sensors. If your Lyric panel incorporates both sensor types, a decision will have to be made as to which wireless series to keep and which to replace.


The VISTAH3 features an integrated Ethernet communicator. If a wired Ethernet connection is unavailable, or if you plan to use a WIFI keypad, you'll need to add either the PROWIFI (WIFI-only) or PROWIFIZW (WIFI and Z-Wave Plus) module. For enhanced reliability, consider installing either the PROLTE-A or PROLTE-V2 LTE cellular communicator. However, similar to the PRO Series, the VISTAH3 requires an Ethernet or WIFI connection for firmware updates. Over-the-air updates are not allowed via cellular connection.

Total Connect 2.0:

As with choosing a PRO Series panel as a replacement for the Lyric the First Alert VISTAH3 also comes with the added convenience of supporting Total Connect 2.0 (TC2). Whether you've already been using TC2 with the Lyric, or you want to begin using it with the replacement panel, the VISTAH3 provides you with that opportunity.

TC2 is the remote accessibility platform offered by AlarmNet. AlarmNet is a subsidiary of Resideo. It started life as a means of providing backup communication for alarm systems that relied on telephone lines for a communication path. A savvy burglar could cut the phone lines from outside the building, then make entry, secure in the knowledge that the alarm system was unable to communicate.

AlarmNet changed all that by providing cellular communication capabilities for alarm systems. Those old analog cellular communicators were used only in instances where the primary means of communication, namely the copper phone line, was compromised.

Now, cellular communication is often the primary or the only communication path used. With the addition of IP communication, in the form of an Ethernet or WIFI path alarm users can have the best of both worlds. The speed of IP communication with the reliability of cellular. Total Connect 2.0 leverages these paths to provide remote control, along with real-time remote monitoring and notification capability.

Be sure to check out the rest of this series on Preparing For the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life. In Part 1, we discuss the considerations when continuing to use the Lyric. In Part 2 we discuss replacing the Lyric with another all-in-one panel, in particular with one of the PRO Series systems. In Part 4 we discuss using an compatible system as a replacement.

Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 2

Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 4

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I began with the intention of making a single post about possible replacement options for the Lyric. But the post grew out of control and took on a life of its own! So instead, I'm making a series of posts, one for each suggestion. In Part 2, we'll concentrate on the Resideo PRO Series panels.

The Lyric was discontinued in 2021 and production of all SiX Series sensors has now ended. With that in mind, I've been looking at the various ways forward for current Lyric users. In Part 1 we explored the option of simply continuing to use the Lyric Alarm. In Part 2, we'll discuss replacing the Lyric with a like-panel. In this case, the Resideo PROA7C or PROA7PLUSC.

Feature Comparison FAQs:

Replace the Lyric With Another All-In-One System:

If you choose to replace the Lyric panel, using another all-in-one system is a great idea. The Honeywell Home PROA7, Resideo PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC panels are a natural choice. The PROA7, PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC can support nearly all the same sensors as the Lyric, though there are some exceptions as we discuss in this FAQ.

NOTE: The Honeywell Home PROA7 and the Resideo PROA7C are virtually the same panel with a different manufacturer's badge on the front. The Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS and the Resideo PROA7PLUSC are also virtually the same. In early 2025, Resideo announced they would discontinue the PROA7PLUS and begin only manufacturing the PROA7PLUSC.

Between the two panels, the PROA7PLUSC is the most like the Lyric in terms of features. For example, the Lyric has a front-facing camera as does the PROA7PLUSC. The PROA7C has no camera. The PROA7PLUSC comes with both WIFI and Z-Wave support included, the PROA7C doesn't, though you can add those features. You can see a full feature comparison between the PROA7C and the PROA7PLUSC here.

The PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC both support PROSIX and SiX Series sensors right out of the box. When a SiX Series sensor is added to either of the PRO Series panels the sensor is updated, effectively becoming a PROSIX sensor. Once this upgrade occurs, the SiX Series device cannot be downgraded again. That means it can never work with a Lyric panel after the upgrade takes place.

Another important thing to remember is that every SiX and PROSIX sensor can only be paired to one panel at a time. When replacing a Lyric system with a PRO Series panel, a specific set of steps should be completed, and in the proper order. You can read the steps for replacing a Lyric with a PRO Series panel here.

You'll need to work closely with your alarm dealer to complete a replacement steps linked above as only your alarm dealer can perform certain steps in the list. There is no direct replacement option through AlarmNet360 currently, as there is when going from one Lyric panel to another Lyric panel. You will be reprogramming all your zones when performing this replacement.

As previously mentioned, SiX Series devices are paired with the Lyric panel during programming. To disassociate a sensor for use with another panel, either the individual zone must be deleted while the sensor is powered on and can receive the delete command, or the entire panel must be defaulted with all SiX sensors powered and receptive to the default signal.

In the event of a Lyric panel failure with multiple paired SiX Series devices, sending the delete or default command may become impossible. Consequently, not only would the Lyric panel require replacement, but all paired SiX Sensors would also need to be replaced, as they would be unresponsive to pairing with a new panel. For this reason, it is better to replace the Lyric panel before a failure occurs.

Honeywell 5800 Series Support:

The PROA7C and PROA7PLUSC don't offer native 5800 Series support. To support 5800 Series devices a Honeywell Home PROTAKEOVER module must be added. With a PROTAKEOVER the system can support any one (1) legacy RF frequency from the following:

  • Honeywell 5800 Series - 345 MHz
  • 2GIG Unencrypted Sensors - 345 MHz
  • Qolsys/Interlogix Unencrypted - 319.5 MHz
  • DSC Legacy (not PowerG) - 433 MHz
  • Bosch - 433 MHz

In spite of the fact that several of the above mentioned manufacturers use the same basic frequency for legacy wireless, none of these are interchangeable. That means you can only support 2GIG or Honeywell 5800 Series, not both. We have tested this and this is a definite limitation. Incidentally, the FF345 behaves as a Honeywell 5800 Series device rather than a 2GIG one. The same rule holds true for DSC and Bosch 433 MHz sensors.


A key advantage of Resideo and First Alert panels is their versatile communication options, offering IP, LTE cellular (AT&T or Verizon), or dual-path connectivity. However, it's important to point out that IP-only communication leaves the system vulnerable to network outages. LTE cellular communication is much more reliable, though it is slightly more expensive when choosing a monthly monitoring plan.

Despite the reliability of LTE cellular communication, Alarm Grid still recommends a connection to WIFI. This is due in part to the fact that PRO Series panels can only receive over-the-air firmware updates via WIFI. Updates will not be sent using cellular data. If you have a panel in a location with no WIFI available, you can use your cell phone as a wireless hotspot. The panel will see this as a WIFI connection and should be able to download any available update.

Apple HomeKit Support:

If your Lyric is using Apple HomeKit you will be able to continue using it with the Resideo PROA7PLUSC. Unfortunately, the Resideo PROA7C does not support HomeKit. Also, once you have the PROA7PLUSC configured, you'll need to go through the process of setting up HomeKit with the new PROA7PLUSC from scratch. There is a bit of difference in using the PROA7PLUSC with HomeKit, you can read about that here.

HomeKit is a great way to automate you lifestyle-enhancement devices and integrate them with your alarm system, or vise versa. However, there are limitations to the security and life-safety devices you can monitor with it. For example, Apple HomeKit doesn't provide detailed notifications for fire or carbon monoxide alarms. You can read a comparison between HomeKit and Total Connect 2.0 here. Because of these differences, we still recommend that HomeKit users also use TC2.

Total Connect 2.0:

Switching from the Lyric to a PRO Series panel enables continued or new access to Total Connect 2.0. This remote platform mirrors panel functionality, allowing you to monitor status, arm/disarm, control automation, and program scene-based automation schedules and system event triggers.

Be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 3 in this series on Preparing For the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life. In Part 1, we discuss the considerations when continuing to use the Lyric. In Part 3 we discuss replacing the Lyric with a new VISTAH3 Hybrid panel.

Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 1

Preparing for the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 3

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If you must replace a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS* panel, it is important to perform not only the proper steps but in the proper order. Failure to do so may cause some PROSIX sensors to become unresponsive, forcing a replacement of those sensors. In this blog, we'll outline the proper procedure.

As we've often noted, Resideo's SiX Series and PROSIX sensors are uniquely paired to the alarm panel during initial panel and sensor configuration. Once paired, they cannot be used with any other panel until they are properly unpaired from the original. Without this unpairing, a failed original panel can potentially render a sensor unusable.

AlarmNet360 (AN360) acts as an important safeguard. When a PRO Series panel is registered with AN360, it begins near-constant two-way communication. Any programming change at the panel triggers an upload of the panel's configuration to AN360. This creates a backup of the panel's current programming, including the essential configuration information for all PROSIX sensors.

In the event of a PRO Series panel failure, a replacement panel can be configured with the exact same zone and system programming parameters as the original. The sensor information, including wireless channel data and encryption keys, is transferred to the new panel, ensuring it matches the existing sensor programming. By following the proper replacement process, the existing PROSIX sensors function seamlessly, unaware of the panel change.

However, a significant problem arises when DIY users add new PROSIX sensors to the replacement panel before a proper AN360-based panel replacement is performed. We've observed this issue on several occasions. Customers, awaiting a scheduled panel replacement, decide to add new PROSIX sensors in the interim.

Because the panel replacement requires dealer involvement, and in the case of Alarm Grid customers, a scheduled appointment with an Alarm Grid activator, customers often utilize their wait time by tinkering with their system. This can include adding new PROSIX devices.

When the scheduled replacement occurs, customers often overlook the newly added sensors, failing to mention them to the activator. This oversight, due to the unique way PROSIX sensors function, can create a serious conflict.

PROSIX sensors communicate using 2.4 GHz, similar to some WIFI networks. Like WIFI, PROSIX sensors utilize channels within the 2.4 GHz band. If a PRO Series panel detects interference on its current channel, it can instruct all PROSIX sensors to switch to a less congested one. This ensures the most consistent ongoing communication.

During pairing, encryption keys and the designated communication channel are established. All PROSIX devices on a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS panel operate on the same channel. This channel information is regularly backed up to AN360 and transferred to the replacement panel during the swap.

Consequently, AN360 holds a complete backup of the original panel's configuration. However, the new panel now contains configuration information for the recently added sensors, including new encryption keys and a potentially different 2.4 GHz channel.

During the replacement process, the new panel's configuration is overwritten with the backup from the original panel. The information for the newly added PROSIX sensors is lost. Effectively, the new panel becomes the original panel. Unfortunately, the new sensors were paired with the actual new panel, not the restored version.

Consequently, from this point there is no mechanism to instruct the newly added sensors to release or unpair, allowing them to be paired with the restored panel. There is a narrow 24 hour window from the time of enrollment where most PROSIX sensors can be defaulted. If the window for default is missed, and the replacement through AlarmNet360 is completed, the newly added PROSIX sensors become unusable. For that reason, we recommend anyone replacing a PRO Series panel follow these steps.

Recommended Steps, In Order, For Replacing a PROA7 or PROA7PLUS:

  1. Make sure the replacement panel is the same revision, or higher, as the original panel. Work with your alarm dealer to verify the panel versions. It is possible to replace a PROA7 with a PROA7PLUS. It is NOT possible to replace a PROA7PLUS with a PROA7.
    NOTE: Firmware updates require WIFI. If your location doesn't have WIFI you can use a phone as a hotspot. This will be seen as a WIFI connection by the panel and AN360, and should allow you to perform the update. Obviously, this means the panel will need a PROWIFI or PROWIFIZW.
  2. Make sure both panels are powered down.
  3. Your alarm dealer will begin the replacement process in AN360. They will instruct you when to move to the next step.
  4. With both panels still powered down, remove any modules such as PROLTE-A/PROLTE-V2, PROTAKEOVER, PROWIFI/PROWIFIZW from the original panel and install them into the new panel. If you have a PROTAKEOVER, be sure you move the backplate from the old panel to the new panel as well. It contains the antennas for the PROTAKEOVER.
  5. Power up the NEW panel. You can immediately join the WIFI network when prompted, if applicable, or wait for the cellular module to initialize then press NEXT.
  6. Press REGISTER, when prompted. The panel will register then pull all available programming from AN360. When this process is finished, the panel will display the Home screen.
  7. If any PROWLTOUCH or PROWLTOUCHC WIFI keypads are associated with the panel, each will prompt you to "Pair to Panel". Do this at each keypad.
  8. If the original panel was a Version 01 or 02 and there were PROINDMV Motion Viewers associated with it, these will have to be repaired with the new system. Your alarm dealer will give you specific instructions on what to do. The alarm dealer will need to go to each PROINDMV zone within AN360, select EDIT, then select LEARN. At that point they will tell you to activate the Motion Viewer. You can either remove the cover, or remove and replace the batteries. The PROINDMV will then be repaired.
  9. Thoroughly test each component including zones, keypads, keyfobs, communicators, etc. Use the system test mode.
  10. It is now safe to add new PROSIX devices to the panel.
  11. If you're using BlueTooth Disarming, all cell phones will have to be manually paired with the new panel.
  12. If you used Alexa with the original panel, you'll need to set that up manually with the new panel.
  13. All Z-Wave devices that were paired with the original panel will need to be excluded then included with the new panel.
  14. All Total Connect 2.0 scenes will need to be recreated.

Resideo recently announced they would discontinue the Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS and would continue to produce the Resideo PROA7PLUSC. We now use PROA7PLUS and PROA7PLUSC interchangeably.

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With the introduction of the PRO Series and VISTAH3 panels, and with SiX Sensors discontinued, the official end-of-life of the Lyric panel will likely soon follow, leaving its users to seek viable upgrade paths. Here, we explore your upgrade options once the inevitable announcement is made.

If you have a Honeywell Lyric Alarm System don't worry. Even though production was discontinued in 2021, you can still use your working system. It will also continue to work with Total Connect 2.0. Discontinuation just means that you can no longer purchase a new Lyric panel. Also, it is likely there will be few, if any firmware updates going forward.

Upon discontinuing an alarm system, Resideo provides five (5) years of over-the-phone support to alarm dealers. Then the system enters the 'Limited Support' phase. During limited support, Resideo only offers documentation to dealers; direct, one-on-one support is no longer available. For the Lyric panel, limited support begins on December 31, 2026. After this date, a Lyric that displays anomalous behavior should be replaced.

Continue To Use The Lyric:

While SiX Sensors are still available for purchase from Alarm Grid, that's only because we still have inventory. As these sensors are no longer in production, they will be discontinued upon stock exhaustion. So, if you rely on a Lyric panel to protect your belongings or your loved ones, getting any necessary replacement sensors is recommended while supplies last.

Fortunately, the Lyric Controller also supports most Honeywell 5800 Series wireless sensors and 2GIG uni-directional, unencrypted 345 MHz sensors. So, these devices can be used to replace existing SiX Series devices that malfunction. Unfortunately, none of these devices support encrypted signaling between the sensor and the panel.

The Lyric cannot support the 2GIG eSeries encrypted sensors, nor can it support Honeywell bi-directional devices like the 5800WAVE, 5828, or the 5800RL. Any Honeywell 5800 Series device that requires a House ID to communicate with the system is not supported by the Lyric.

There is also the option of using a wired to wireless converter module. For users accustomed to the ease associated with using wireless sensors, the thought of using wired sensors may seem daunting. But depending on the layout, installing a Honeywell 5800C2W or a 2GIG TAKE-345 wired to wireless converter may be a good solution. Particularly if you need to install several closely grouped sensors.

A wired to wireless converter module functions by converting signals from traditional wired sensors into wireless transmissions. This enables the alarm panel to receive status updates from wired sensors, such as door openings or motion detection. The Honeywell 5800C2W supports up to nine (9) wired inputs, while the 2GIG TAKE-345 accommodates up to eight (8).

Consider a scenario involving a room addition or patio to sun room conversion. In such cases, wiring sensors in the new area to a wired to wireless converter module offers a simple method for integrating these zones into your existing Lyric system. This option simplifies the expansion of your security system without the need for a complete overhaul.

Another major consideration when thinking about replacing a Lyric System is the use of Apple HomeKit. The Lyric was the first, and for a long time the only, professionally installed system to support HomeKit. If you're using HomeKit, or if you plan to begin using it, then sticking with the Lyric may be your best bet.

There are now other panels that support Apple HomeKit, including the PROA7PLUSC from Resideo. The functionality between the Lyric and the PRO Series panels is a little different as outlined in this blog post. You can see how to configure HomeKit on a PROA7PLUS or PROA7PLUSC in this FAQ.

Be sure to check out the rest of our series on Preparing For the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life. In Part 2 of the series, we discuss the considerations when replacing a Lyric with another Resideo all-in-one panel the Resideo PROA7C, Honeywell Home PROA7, or Resideo PROA7PLUSC. In Part 3 we cover replacing the Lyric with a new First Alert VISTAH3 hybrid panel, and in Part 4, we consider moving from Resideo to an capable panel.

Preparing For the Eventual Lyric End-of-Life - Part 2

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We've all been there: you step out the door, and your phone instantly buzzes with camera notifications. If you're using's recording rules, you'll love this update! Now, you can set a delay of from 1 to 30 minutes before those recordings start, cutting down on nuisance notifications. continues to enhance its user experience with a new recording rule setting that minimizes unnecessary notifications and maximizes video storage. By allowing users to delay recordings during exit, nuisance clips are reduced, freeing up valuable upload capacity within monthly video plan limits and ultimately saving users money.

This new delay feature is compatible with all cameras that support modern video analytics. Older, first-generation analytics cameras, while still functional on some accounts, do not support this feature.

Configuring the recording rule delay is...unique. We've outlined the steps below in an effort to provide clarity. You can apply this setting to both new and existing recording rules. Refer to the screenshots provided for a visual guide on enabling the delay within the rule settings.
To navigate to this section via the customer website:
  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click on Recording Rules (at the top, in the blue bar).
  4. Click +Add New Rule, or find the rule you want to edit in the list, then click the pencil icon.
  5. In the section titled "Recording Rule" fill in the appropriate information. In the section for "Except when.." select "Disarmed", "Armed Stay" or both.
  6. Select the Exit Delay Time from the dropdown.
  7. Be sure to Save before exiting.

Programming the Video Rules Exit Delay via the customer website:

To navigate to this section via the customer app:
  1. Open the app and log in.
  2. Tap Video at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap the gear icon at the top right.
  4. Tap Recording Rules.
  5. Tap Add at the upper right, or scroll through the list of recording rules, find the one you want to edit and tap the pencil icon.
  6. Tap Next in the upper right once the first screen is properly configured, then scroll down to the Recording Rule section.
  7. In the "Except when.." section, select "Disarmed", "Armed Stay", or both.
  8. From the dropdown, select the Exit Delay time.
  9. Be sure to click Save before exiting.

Programming the Video Rules Exit Delay via the app:

Actually, the setup itself is not the tricky part. It's understanding what will happen, and when, that's a little confusing. So, here's the logic. This information was provided by Core Technical Support:

  • If you select "Except when Disarmed" and choose a delay from the dropdown, the recording rule will start after the delay time whenever the system is Armed Away or Stay.
  • If you select "Except when Armed Stay" and choose a delay from the dropdown, the recording rule will begin after the delay time when the panel is Disarmed or Armed Away.
  • If both "Except when Disarmed and Armed Stay" boxes are checked and a delay is selected, the recording rule will begin after the delay when the panel is Armed Away.

I'll confess, I haven't quite wrapped my head around this logic. I've found it's best if I don't overthink it! Hopefully, they'll tweak the wording and make it a little more clear somewhere down the road. Regardless, even with a slightly confusing setup, this is a fantastic addition, and I can't wait to try it out on my own system!

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For those end-users who desire a more traditional keypad for their First Alert VISTAH3, the First Alert VISTAHLKP wired landscape keypad is now available. Unlike older hybrid systems like the VISTA-20P, though, this keypad will only allow you to control the security system, not program it.

Aside from its traditional appearance, the First Alert VISTAHLKP has another distinct advantage over its wireless touchscreen counterparts. It is a wired keypad, and it connects to the panel using the iBus. The VISTAH3 introduces a new bus technology called iBus that replaces the older Enhanced Console Protocol (ECP) used by the VISTA-20P and other VISTA panels.

This new bus protocol uses RS-485, a frequently used hardware and driver architecture common in industrial automation. This allows for more flexibility in wiring, and longer wire runs for wired bus devices. It is Alarm Grid's belief that every VISTAH3 panel should have at least one (1) wired keypad, for occasions when wireless keypads may not be functioning properly.

  1. 2X16 LCD Display
  2. Power LED
  3. Status LED
  4. Disarm (Off) Key
  5. Arm Maximum (Away, No Entry Delay)
  6. Arm Instant (Stay, No Entry Delay)
  7. Medical Panic
  8. Panic
  9. Fire Panic
  10. Police Panic
  11. Status (scroll)
  12. No Other Function
  13. System Tests
  14. # Key
  15. Quick Arm Night Option
  16. Chime (Toggle)
  17. Quick Arm Home Option
  18. Bypass Sensors
  19. Quick Arm Away Option
  20. Arm Stay
  21. Arm Away
  22. Trouble LED

Using the VISTAHLKP with the VISTAH3 is very similar to using a Honeywell 6160 keypad on a VISTA-20P or similar panel. The following commands can be used:

  • Arm (Away/Stay/Instant/Max/Night)
    • When the system is not ready, quick arming, if enabled, will automatically bypass faulted zones at the end of exit delay.
  • Disarm
  • GOTO (allows the user to log onto a separate partition, if their user code has access)
    • Returns to home partition after 30 seconds of no activity
  • Add/Edit/Delete User Codes
  • Bypass Zones

Excerpt from the User Guide showing Quick Arming icons and corresponding keypad commands:

Each First Alert VISTAHLKP can display either English or French language, depending on the language selection in the VISTAH3 panel. The keypad connects to the panel's iBus terminals as shown:

Wiring Limits for iBus Based on Current Draw and Wire Gauge:
Total Current of All Devices Connected to a Single Wire Run
50mA or Less 100ma 300ma 500ma 600ma
#22 AWG 700' (213m) 350' (107m) 120' (37m) 70' (21m) 60' (19m)
#20 AWG 1200' (366m) 600' (183m) 200' (61m) 120' (37m) 100' (30m)
#18 AWG 1900' (579m) 950' (290m) 320' (98m) 190' (58m) 160' (49m)
#16 AWG 3000' (914m) 1500' (457m) 500' (152m) 300' (91m) 260' (76m)
If a separate power supply is used to power iBus devices, it should have a common negative with the iBus. The iBus terminals are not large, so it may be difficult to use heavier gauge wire with them.

NOTE: With ECP devices, the four wires for the bus are:

  • Negative (-), or Black
  • Positive (+), or Red
  • Data In, or Green
  • Data Out, or White/Yellow

However, the iBus connections are:

  • Negative (-), or Black
  • Positive (+), or Red
  • Data A, or Green
  • Data B, or Yellow/White

On the iBus, Data In is YELLOW, and Data Out is GREEN.

The VISTAHLKP keypad cannot be used to program the VISTAH3 system or to control smart home devices. For these capabilities, you'll need a wireless touchscreen keypad and either a PROWIFI (WIFI-Only) or PROWIFIZW (WIFI and Z-Wave Plus) module installed in the panel.

The compatible touchscreen keypads for the VISTH3 are the Honeywell Home PROWLTOUCH, Resideo PROWLTOUCHC, or First Alert VISTAHTCHWLC. Resideo has been working to dial-in their branding strategy recently, hence the different "brands" for these keypads. But, Honeywell Home, Resideo, and First Alert are all Resideo brands and all have the same robust, quality hardware.

If you choose to use the PROWLTOUCH or PROWLTOUCHC, a firmware update to the keypad is currently required (as of February, 2025) to make the keypad compatible with the VISTAH3. This firmware update can take about 30 minutes to download and install. The panel will be updated first, then the keypad. The panel won't download firmware using cellular data, so be sure the WIFI module is installed.

The primary difference between the PROWLTOUCH-style keypad and the VISTAHTCHWLC is size. The dimensions on the VISTAHTCHWLC are 5.75"L x 7.875"W x 1.0"D while the PROWLTOUCH keypads are 4.76"L x 7.68"W x 0.708"D.

You'll often find keypads near entry doors, bedrooms, kitchens, and common areas – basically, anywhere you need quick access to your security system. The VISTAHLKP is a smart choice for entry and exit doors, letting you arm and disarm the system in seconds. Another bonus? If an intruder triggers the alarm, the keypad's noise can be a good distraction. While they're dealing with that, the VISTAH3 system will be working behind the scenes to notify you and the monitoring service, depending on your monitoring plan.

For a straightforward, dependable security solution, the VISTAHLKP keypad is an excellent choice. Its wired connection to the panel ensures near 100% reliability, eliminating the potential issues associated with wireless keypads. If you're looking for simplicity and peace of mind, the VISTAHLKP delivers. Get yours today!

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Resideo has released several MyWebTech Technical Notifications this week. Technical Notification #119 announces a firmware update for PROSeries panels and PROWLTOUCH touchscreen keypads. Notification #121 addresses a firmware update for some legacy AT&T communicators. No action is required.

Technical Notification #119:

Technical Notification #119 announces a recommended firmware update for all PROA7, PROA7C, PROA7PLUS, PROA7PLUSC, PROWLTOUCH, and PROWLTOUCHC products. The panel firmware will be updated to version 03.2306.55, and the touchscreen keypads will be updated to version 3.424.34. This update improves WIFI connectivity between the panel and keypad.

It's important to remember that these panels cannot perform firmware updates using only an LTE cellular connection. A WIFI connection is required to download and install new firmware. This is why we strongly recommend installing a PROWIFI or PROWIFIZW module and connecting the panel to WIFI. If the panel won't use WIFI and you don't have touchscreen keypads, this update is not necessary.

Resideo is shipping updated units to their distributors. In the meantime, new panels will automatically receive any necessary firmware updates during activation and registration, provided a WIFI communication path is available.

If you have a PROSeries panel or touchscreen keypad, no action is needed. Resideo will automatically push the new firmware to all connected panels with a WIFI connection. The panel or keypad will reboot to install the update, so please be aware of this brief interruption.

In order to receive the firmware update, the product must meet this criteria:
  • Have a WIFI connection.
  • Be in a Disarmed state.
  • AC must be present.
  • Must not be in the process of reporting a signal.
  • Must not be in Walk Test Mode or Programming Mode.

Technical Notification #121:

The products affected by this notification are a little more obscure. The models affected are the LTE-IA, LTE-IC (Canada), LTE-XA, LTE-XC (Canada), LTE-CFA (Commercial Fire), and HWF2A-COM (Commercial Fire, Dialer Capture). Alarm Grid currently does not sell any of these products.

The affected AT&T communicators will receive firmware update 20.00.549.1 and AppZone firmware HW.00.1-25. These updates improve cellular connectivity with the AT&T network.

This firmware addresses minor connectivity issues reported with these units. Resideo will begin pushing the update en masse on the week of February 24, 2025. You can also manually request the update by triggering a test. For the LTE-IA and LTE-XA, briefly pressing and releasing the tamper switch initiates a test. Commercial fire products have a test button near the center of the communicator board.

During and after the update, the communicator may report the following signals:

Contact ID Code Description
E365 Cell Software Update Start
R365 Cell Software Update Finished
E366 Cell Software Update Failed
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Resideo, in a February 17, 2025, announcement, declared the end-of-life (EOL) for its first-generation Total Connect 2.0-compatible cameras. These cameras will no longer function with the TC2 platform after July 31, 2025. Resideo recommends replacing them promptly for uninterrupted service.

The following cameras and accessories are affected by this notice:
Product Name Image

The VX Series cameras from Resideo are now available for use with Total Connect 2.0, providing a significant upgrade in performance and features. Improvements include enhanced image resolution and quality, sophisticated AI event detection (allowing for more precise alerts), and integrated two-way audio functionality.

The VX Series doesn't directly replace some older camera equipment. Specifically, it lacks replacements for the first-generation pan-tilt camera, the ACU (analog converter unit), and the WAP-Plus access point. If you need to replace these older devices, Resideo suggests using one or more VX5 indoor cameras in place of the IP-CAM PT/IP-CAM PT2. Cameras currently connected to ACUs should also be replaced with the appropriate VX Series camera.

Recommended VX Series Replacements for Cameras at EOL:
Product Name Recommended
IPCAM-WI VX5 Indoor Camera
IPCAM-WI2 VX5 Indoor Camera
IPCAM-WL VX5 Indoor Camera
IPCAM-WO VX3 Outdoor Camera
IPCAM-PT/IPCAM-PT2/PT2A One or More VX5 Indoor Cameras
ACU Replace ACU and Camera with appropriate Indoor or Outdoor VX5 Camera
AP/WAP-PLUS/WREX No Replacement Available

It's true what they say: all good things must come to an end. And while the original Total Connect 2.0 cameras were mediocre by today's standards, they served a vital purpose in a market with few options at the time. They were especially useful for DIYers looking to add integrated video to their alarm systems without a lot of extra complexity.

The VX Series cameras offer the modern features customers expect, integrating seamlessly with Total Connect 2.0, PROSeries panels, and the VISTAH3 (via its touchscreen keypad). For now, Resideo is keeping it simple, offering one (1) indoor camera, one (1) outdoor camera, and one (1) video doorbell option in the VX Series.

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Multiple sources have recently distributed notices regarding the Rogers 3G network. Rogers plans to sunset the 3G network on July 31, 2025. This differs from the original planned sunset on March 31, 2025. Once the network has been shut down, Rogers 3G communicators will soon begin to fail.

AT&T and Verizon ended their 3G service in 2022, but Canadian customers have had a few extra years to upgrade their devices. Now, Rogers is focusing on improving its faster LTE and 5G networks and needs to shut down the older 3G equipment.

If your system uses a Rogers 3G cellular communicator, you'll need to update it soon. Without an upgrade, eventually your system will not send alarm signals, including life-safety signals like fire and carbon monoxide alarms. This will also cause the system to display error messages.

Alarm Grid is here to help our Canadian customers upgrade their alarm systems before the Rogers 3G network shutdown. We'll be contacting you to discuss your upgrade options. Depending on your system, you may need a full upgrade or just a communicator upgrade. We'll work with you to find the best solution.

If you're not an Alarm Grid customer, we still offer a wide variety of FAQs geared toward upgrading systems and communicators. if you go to you'll find a list of these FAQs. You can also use the search bar at the top of the page to perform your own search with more specific criteria.

If you have an alarm system that is currently not monitored, or if you're not satisfied with your current service, Alarm Grid offers low-cost, no-contract monitoring plans for most systems. If you're interested in signing up for monitoring, but you're unsure whether we can monitor your system, reach out to

Let us know what system you have, and if you're not sure, send us a picture of the system. From there, we may ask for more information. Once we know your system type, and whether we can access the required programming, we'll let you know if we can monitor your system. From there, you can sign up for monitoring.

If you sign up for a Self-Monitoring Plan, once the system or communicator has been upgraded and the required information has been provided, we'll create your account and email you with the login information.

If you sign up for a Full-Monitoring Plan you'll set an appointment for activation. You'll need to install the new communicator or system prior to your activation appointment. If you need support during that time, you can call us at 888-818-7728 (M - F, 9:00 am - 8:00 pm EDT). You can also email us for support, or use our chat support feature during regular business hours.

We'll give you the knowledge you need to replace any equipment necessary. You can purchase that equipment from Alarm Grid or, if you prefer, from other suppliers. Once your system is registered, we'll perform any required testing, discuss any monitoring details for Full-Monitoring Plans, then wrap things up.

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