Total Connect 2.0 Posts

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If you have a Honeywell System with access to Total Connect 2.0, then you will probably want to set up some TC2 notifications. These are used for sending you text and email alerts regarding activity on your alarm system. You will have no trouble setting them up once you know how they work.

Before fully diving into the process of setting up notifications, it's important to understand exactly how TC2 notifications are organized. Notifications are sent out when predetermined system activity events occur, such as arming, disarming, AC power loss, a system alarm, or even just a faulted zone. The recipients of any given notification are determined based on the assigned notification group. Each notification group will have at least one assigned user, and each user can have multiple email addresses and phone numbers set up on their profile.

To break it down, a user must be assigned to a notification group, and that notification group must be associated with the particular event or events that they want to be notified about. Once the event occurs, every user within the assigned notification group will receive the alert. Each user can assign email addresses for email alerts and/or phone numbers for text alerts. Every assigned email and phone number will ultimately be used for notifications, provided that everything has been set up correctly.

Where some people can have trouble with TC2 notifications is when trying to set them up for multiple users. This is usually the case for families, where multiple people in the household want to each receive their own set of notifications. The solution is often to set up a unique user profile for every person who will be using the system and receiving notifications. Each user will need to choose a user code for controlling the system locally. If you want to limit the number of codes on your system, then the other option is to assign multiple email addresses and/or phone numbers to a single user profile. But the downside to doing that is that you won't have any real way of setting who receives what. The point here is that there are multiple ways to ensure that everyone using the system can receive notifications.

Total Connect 2.0 notification can be set up and configured from both the Total Connect 2.0 website and the Total Connect 2.0 mobile app. For our examples, we will mostly be focusing on the website, but understand that these menus are mostly the same on the app. They just might be organized slightly differently to better fit the smaller dimensions of a mobile phone. Really, both the website and mobile app are laid out very similarly, so if you can use one, then you should have very little trouble switching over to the other if needed. The important thing is to understand what all of the various terms mean and how they are all related.

First, let's take a look at the Users Menu of Total Connect 2.0. Like we said earlier, the most common practice is to set up an individual user account for each person who will be regularly using the system and receiving notifications. But if you are trying to limit the number of codes on your panel, then assigning multiple email addresses and/or phone numbers to a single user profile is also an option. On the TC2 website, you can easily locate the Users drop-down menu on the left-hand side.

As you can see, the available options within Users are All Users, My Profile, and Add New User. The All Users option is useful if you are logged into a Total Connect 2.0 account with admin access. It will show all the users you have set up. My Profile is used for adjusting the settings for the user who is currently logged into TC2. This includes setting the user's name, preferred language, TC2 login password, assigned email addresses, assigned phone numbers, and even the security code they use with the panel. And the Add New User option is used for adding a new user to the Panel and if desired, to the Total Connect 2.0 account.

In the picture above, note the "Add SMS" and "Add Email" buttons. These are used for adding additional phone numbers and email addresses to a profile. Each assigned email and phone number will be used for notifications. If you don't want to create multiple users, then that is a method for ensuring that multiple people receive notifications. Just keep in mind that you will have no way of distinguishing which emails and phone numbers will receive which notifications. All emails and phone numbers assigned to the profile will be getting all the alerts.

Alternatively, if you create multiple user profiles, then you can pick and choose which profiles will be assigned to which notification groups. This is how you can set certain users to receive notifications regarding specific system events, while other users won't necessarily have to receive the same alerts for the same events. Whichever option you choose will work fine, and it's totally up to you. But you will have greater flexibility by creating multiple users.

Next, we would like to turn our attention to the Notifications Menu. This is where you will set up notification groups. Recall that different users can be assigned to different notification groups. Each notification group can correspondingly be assigned to different system events that will trigger notifications being sent out.

From the top, List shows the list of the specific system event triggers that will cause notifications to be sent out. Groups are the famous notification groups that we have been talking about throughout this post. Schedules are used for establishing set schedules for predetermined security and automation events to occur. Sensor Activities allows you to select specific sensors so that you can see if the sensor is faulted right from the main page of TC2, rather than having to access the complete system sensors list. For our purposes here, only List and Groups are really important.

After you have created the necessary user profiles and assigned email addresses and phone numbers to said profiles as needed, the next logical step is to create notification groups using the Groups option under the Notifications drop-down menu. If you click on the button with the two people and the + sign, then you can create a new notification group. This will involve providing a name for the notification group and choosing which users are included.

Upon building notification groups, you now get to the juicy step of actually building the triggers that will cause notifications to be sent out. These notification triggers are the actual system events that you want to be alerted about. To access this section, select List under the Notifications drop-down menu. You will likely find a bunch of notifications pre-assigned to the Default Group if you have never configured these settings before. To build new notifications, click the icon with three horizontal bars and the + sign. This will involve choosing the specific event that will trigger the notification to be sent out, as well as selecting the notification group that will receive the notification.

We know we've covered a lot of information here, so let us give a quick recap of the steps involved:

  1. Make user profiles. Each user profile will be able to control the system locally using their own user code. And Standard and Admin profiles will be able to access Total Connect 2.0 to control the system remotely. In most cases, each user profile will represent a different individual who uses the security system.
  2. Assign phone numbers and/or email addresses to user profiles. These are the contact points for sending notifications. Every added phone number and email will be contacted when a notification is triggered to be sent to the associated user. Note that phone number contacts are for text message alerts, NOT phone calls.
  3. Build notification groups. Each notification group consists of one or more user profiles. Every user in the notification group will receive notifications based on their assigned phone number(s) and/or email address(es) when a notification is triggered to be sent out. If you only want some users to receive a certain type of notification, then build a notification group that includes the relevant users, while leaving out users who do not need to be notified or who may receive the intended notification based on their inclusion in a different group.
  4. Create notifications. These are the actual system triggers that will cause a notification to be sent out. When creating a notification, you must select what system event will trigger the notification, and you must also choose which notification group will receive the alert.

Lastly, we briefly want to touch on push notifications that you can set up on your Android or iOS device. A push notification is sort of like a text message notification, in the aspect that it will appear on your phone. But the big difference is that the alert will not appear through your text messaging app, but rather from the TC2 app itself. These push notifications can only be configured by using the Total Connect 2.0 mobile app on a mobile device or tablet. You cannot set up push notifications using a web browser. After enabling Push Notifications from within the TC2 app on your device, you will be prompted by your phone or tablet to allow the App to perform Push Notifications.

First, we will discuss enabling Push Notifications from within an Android device. Upon opening up the TC2 app and logging into your TC2 account, click the three horizontal bars in the upper-left corner. Then choose Settings, followed by Notifications. You can then toggle the Push Notifications option ON or OFF. To set which system events will trigger push notifications, use the My Notifications option.

When using an iOS device, you will reach the option for Push Notifications by clicking the "More" option in the lower right corner of the main screen. From there, go to Settings > Notifications > Push Notifications, making sure that the option is enabled. Once you enable this option through the app, you will be prompted by the phone or tablet to allow the TC2 App to send you Push Notifications.

We really hope that this helps some users overcome their struggles with receiving TC2 notifications. If you are monitored by Alarm Grid, and you are still struggling with Total Connect 2.0 notifications, please feel free to email us at for extra assistance. We are certainly happy to help you out so that you can get notifications set up exactly how you want them. Our hours for checking emails run from 9am to 8pm ET M-F, so keep that in mind. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Alarm Grid has learned that a firmware update for the Honeywell 6290W Touchscreen Keypad is available. Honeywell 6290W Firmware Update corrects an issue where the keypad Disarm screen does not automatically appear when the Honeywell VISTA System goes into its Entry Delay.

Resideo never made a public announcement about Firmware Update, so it's possible that it may have already been out for a little while. However, we only just heard about it the other day. Although the change it makes is relatively minor, having the Disarm screen automatically appear when the system is in its Entry Delay should make things more convenient for end users. That way, you won't have to manually pull up the Disarm screen when entering the premises and disarming your system. We recommend upgrading to the latest firmware as soon as possible if you haven't already.

Firmware updates for the Honeywell 6290W are provided automatically over-the-air (OTA) from the Resideo AlarmNet360 Servers. They are not pushed down manually, so there is no need to contact us to request the update. However, you must enable WIFI and enable Remote Upgrading for the keypad in order for the update to be automatically sent down. Once the 6290W has checked-in with the AlarmNet Server, the update will be put into a queue and pushed down as soon as possible. This usually occurs within 24 to 48 hours of the keypad checking-in. Alarm Grid recently uploaded a document that shows the process for enabling WIFI and Remote Upgrading, which you can view here.

As a quick reference, WIFI is enabled by pressing the Settings icon (the gear) on the main screen, followed by "System WIFI". From there, toggle the WIFI option, and select the desired WIFI network. Enter the network's password, and click on Connect. Once the process is complete, return to the home screen by clicking on the picture of the house. Next, enable Remote Updating by clicking the Settings icon again and choosing System Info. Click on the Enable Remote Upgrade option to turn on the feature. You can then return home.

Remember, the Settings icon for the keypad looks like .

If you are monitored by Alarm Grid and you need additional assistance enabling OTA updates, please email us at We check for new emails from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

Note: After the update is pushed down to the keypad, it will only be applied once the system is in a disarmed state with no faulted zones and no trouble conditions, including low battery or AC power loss. The update will also be delayed if the system is in programming mode or if there is a zone in alarm memory. The keypad will reboot as part of the update process.

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If you want to add multiple users to Total Connect 2.0 all at once, then you're in luck! The TC2 platform allows users to upload an Excel document with multiple new users. There is even a pre-prepared template on Total Connect 2.0 under the Users tab that you can use to get started.

The first thing you should know about the batch enrollment feature is that it is only accessible through the Total Connect 2.0 website. Batch enrollment is not possible through the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App. Make sure you are using the website when you go to get started.

Within the Users tab on the left side of the screen, you can choose the option for "Add New User". From there, you will choose the blue "Add Multiple Users" button.

Next, you can download a template for building the users list, and you can re-submit the template after filling it out. Once you do that, all of the new users will be added to your Total Connect 2.0 account. For more information on batch enrolling multiple users to TC2, please see this guide.

If you have any questions about the TC2 batch enrollment feature, or if you want to get started with alarm monitoring service, please email us at We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Update 01/13/22: This feature has now been expanded upon, but only for the ProSeries panels. You can read all about it here!

The Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App for Android now allows users to arm, disarm, and check current system status using Google spoken voice commands. This handy new feature can be very useful for quickly and conveniently controlling your Honeywell Security System from almost anywhere.

In order to use Google voice commands with TC2, you must have the feature set up for your phone. To enable, go to Settings > Apps > Total Connect 2.0 > Enable Microphone. Once configured, you should see a blue microphone button in the bottom-right corner of the TC2 App. You can click on this button to have your phone begin listening for voice commands. At this time, only arming/disarming and status commands are available. We are hopeful that more commands will be arriving in the future.

Also keep in mind that you will need to give Total Connect 2.0 permission to use the microphone for your phone. Make sure to adjust the appropriate app permissions if you have not already done this. Remember that you can only make TC2 voice commands while you have the app opened. Google will not be able to understand any commands intended for TC2 unless they are performed through the app.

Please note that some commands may require a valid code entry. The following voice commands are available within the TC2 Android App:

  • Arm Stay: Puts the system in Arm Stay mode.
  • Arm Away: Puts the system in Arm Away mode.
  • Disarm: Disarms the system.
  • Home: Returns you to TC2 App home screen.
  • Sensors: Displays list of programmed sensors.
  • Keypad: Displays on-screen virtual keypad.
  • Events: Displays Events list.
  • Settings: Opens the TC2 Settings Menu.
  • Profile: Opens your TC2 Profile.
  • Location Settings: Opens the TC2 Locations Menu.
  • Manage Locations: Opens the Manage Locations tab within the Locations Menu.
  • Change Password: Opens the Change Password tab within your TC2 Profile.
  • Help: Opens the Help Menu.
  • Sign Out: Logs you out of TC2 and closes the app.

If you have any questions about this feature, or if you are interested in starting monitoring service for use with Total Connect 2.0, please email us at We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you get the most out of Total Connect 2.0.

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Alarm Grid has a handy tip for you today. We have discovered that the latest TC2 redesign also now allows Android users to adjust the font size and style. When you adjust the font from within the Android device settings, you will also be adjusting the font in the Total Connect 2.0 App.

Adjusting the font size and style in TC2 is only available for Android devices. We haven't seen the feature implemented for iOS devices yet. To access the Font & Style Settings, start by accessing your phone's main Settings Menu. Then choose Display, followed by Font Size and Style. You will then be taken to a menu where you can adjust the font to your liking. The menu may appear slightly different from the one shown above, but any differences should be minor. Remember that changing these settings is not just for Total Connect 2.0, but for your phone as a whole.

Once you go into Total Connect 2.0, you should find that the font for the app has changed. Keep in mind that the changes may not go into effect if you are not running the latest version of TC2. You can download the latest version for free from the Google Play Store. If you need any help using the TC2 app, or if you are interested in starting monitoring service so you can gain access to TC2, then please email us at We check our email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

Update: Below you can see what it looks like with the font set to "Cool Jazz". As you can see, the top menu and the arming buttons have updated with the new font.

And here you can see the same screen with the default font:

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We have learned that Resideo has made some cool new updates to Total Connect 2.0. The platform has a sleek new look that is sure to turn some heads. Resideo also introduced a more streamlined process for creating scenes. It is a great time to get started with a Honeywell System and TC2.

Upon logging into your Total Connect 2.0 account from either the website or mobile app, you will be greeted by the familiar "What's New" screen that provides an overview of what changes to expect. From there, you will continue to the main menu where you can control your system and smart home devices like usual. The layout isn't too different, so it is unlikely that you will have any trouble navigating the website.

We think the new TC2 interface looks a lot like the UI for the upcoming Resideo PROA7PLUS Security System that everyone is super excited about. That makes sense, considering Honeywell is expected to release the system sometime in the near future. Some of our team members have been beta testing the upcoming system, and we think it will make a great option for DIYers and professional installers alike. You can check out our beta test in this earlier blog post. Also remember to sign-up for our mailing list so that you can stay informed about the upcoming system from Resideo.

In addition to the new look, the latest TC2 update has also changed the previous Automation Menu to the all-new Devices Menu. This new menu features new icons and action buttons for controlling programmed devices. Users will also find it much easier to create new smart scenes, thanks to the new streamlined scenes set up process. Finally, connected SkyBell Video Doorbells can now be streamed in a vertical display or a horizontal (landscape) display.

If you want more information about these changes, please email us at Our team checks email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. Also remember to check our monitoring page if you are interested in starting monitoring service for use with Total Connect 2.0. We look forward to hearing from you!

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One of the best perks of owning a home security system is that it can also serve as an automation hub for controlling compatible smart devices. Apple HomeKit is an excellent platform to build around if you are a frequent iOS or Apple user. And a new Lyric System can make a great addition!

Honeywell lyric controller encrypted wireless security system

If you aren't familiar with Apple HomeKit, it is an app for iOS devices that allows you to control and automate compatible devices around your home. What's really cool is that you can perform various actions from virtually anywhere in the world using spoken Siri voice commands. Possible actions include arming or disarming your security system, controlling Lutron Smart Lights, and performing complete HomeKit scenes where multiple devices are controlled at once.

In order to get started using a Lyric with Apple HomeKit, you must have a Lyric System with the HomeKit feature enabled. The Lyric comes from the factory with HomeKit disabled. You'll need to sign up for alarm monitoring service, at least temporarily in order to get it enabled. Once your system is registered, your alarm dealer can then enable the HomeKit feature for you. Once HomeKit is enabled just follow This simple FAQ to get it set up.

If you sign up with Alarm Grid, we recommend any plan Self Bronze or higher. More information is available on our monitoring page. This will also give you an opportunity to try out Total Connect 2.0, which can complement Apple HomeKit. This is because HomeKit only works with burglary alarm sensors while Total Connect can notify you of alarms and other conditions for all sensors.

Remember that having a dedicated HomeKit Hub as part of your automation network is a requirement if you want to control your system remotely. An iPad, Apple HomePod, or an AppleTV Gen 4 or higher can be used as a HomeKit Hub, but the device must remain with the alarm system to allow remote control. You might also want to check out this FAQ on creating HomeKit Automations. That is how you will have your HomeKit compatible devices activate automatically with certain system events or based upon a set schedule.

When expanding upon your HomeKit network, make sure to look for devices that feature the Apple Home logo or other markings identifying them as HomeKit-compatible.

The only way to enable Apple HomeKit for your Honeywell Lyric (assuming it hasn't already been enabled) is to sign up for monitoring and have your alarm dealer enable it. Alarm Grid has no contracts, so if you try our service and decide it's not for you, you can cancel any time within the first month after we enable HomeKit for you.

Please email us at for more information. We check our email Monday thru Friday from 9am to 8pm ET. Our team will be happy to help you find new HomeKit devices and build a robust and powerful HomeKit network that you can control from anywhere using your voice. Getting started is super easy, and we will be there every step of the way!

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At Alarm Grid, we truly believe that most security systems can be installed by end users, with no on-site support from professional installers or technicians. Installing your own DIY security system can save you money in the long run, and it will keep you and those around you safe.

Qolsys iq panel 2 verizon 3 1 kit wireless alarm system 3 door sThere are many considerations you will want to make if you are just getting into the market for the first time. You should start by thinking about which alarm panel you want to use. There are several options out there. We recommend reading the three (3) statements below and deciding which one applies to you the most. We realize that all of these statements may apply to your situation, but for the sake of picking the best panel, try and narrow it down to the single most accurate statement. We can begin to steer you towards the optimal panel just based on that one answer, as it shows what is most important to you in this decision.

A. I want the best all-around DIY security system.

B. I want a security system for low-cost monitoring.

C. I want a system system that adds property value.

For those choosing A and wanting the best all-around DIY security system, the answer is most often the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. It has an attractive, modern design that looks great when on placed on a desk or table with its included stand. The entire installation can be complete using only a screwdriver in just a matter of minutes. Programming is made super easy and intuitive, and the vast majority of new users describe the simple setup process as a pleasant experience. The system has a great user interface (UI), and you will love how well the menus are laid out.

Since the IQ Panel 2 Plus has a built-in cellular communicator and an integrated WIFI card, you will not need to add any equipment to use dual-path connectivity with the system. It is ready to go, right out of the box. The panel is also loaded with features that really help make it appealing to those interested in home automation. This comes in six (6) variants, as there are three (3) legacy sensor support options (319.5 MHz, 345 MHz, 433 MHz), and each one is available in AT&T LTE or Verizon LTE. The most popular model is the 319.5 MHZ Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus, simply because it is the most affordable, but they are all fantastic.

Qolsys iq panel 2 plus verizon lte with powerg s line and legacy

If B is most important for you, and you want to keep your monitoring costs as low as possible, then you will generally want to look at the Honeywell Alarm Panels. This is because Honeywell Panels can be set up for alarm monitoring service without needing use a cellular communicator. Although cellular communication allows for the optimal reliability, it also increases the cost of alarm monitoring due to the cellular service charges. If you have a strong WIFI internet connection in your home, then you can rely on an IP-only setup for alarm monitoring. An excellent panel for this type of setup is the Honeywell Lyric Controller.

The Honeywell Lyric Alarm System is professional-grade security system that is supported by alarm companies across the industry. The panel provides effective and reliable monitoring service to keep your home or business monitored and protected at all times. It is also no slouch when it comes to smart home functionality, as you will have no trouble setting up a complete automation network with the panel if desired. But the money saving aspect lies in the fact this panel is able to connect with monitoring servers without needing a registered cellular communicator. This can save you hundreds in annual monitoring expenses by strictly relying on IP connectivity. All you need to do is connect the Lyric to your WIFI network and have the panel activated by your alarm monitoring company. For more information on why the Lyric is a great option for low-cost alarm monitoring service, please check out this prior blog.

Honeywell lyric controller encrypted wireless security system

Lastly, those choosing C, where adding property value is the main consideration, you might want to look into a hardwired security system. This is especially true if you are building new construction and have the capacity to run wires throughout the new or unfinished building. An integrated, hardwired security system will add value to any property, and it gives the home or business a nice additional feature. But it should be noted that hardwired systems are more difficult to install. While we have seen some DIY users install their own hardwired systems, the task is usually completed by a professional due to the sheer amount of wiring involved. However, we are happy to work with a third-party installer in helping you install a wired system.

Most new installations today utilize wireless security systems. But if you decide that a wired system is for you, then there are plenty of options to choose from. Hardwired Honeywell Panels are great if you looking to minimize monitoring costs by using IP-only connectivity. We are particularly fond of the Honeywell VISTA-21iPLTE, as it already has a built-in IP communicator for supporting a wired ethernet connection. A cellular communicator can also be added if desired. Overall, the Honeywell VISTA-21iPLTE will provide more than enough functionality for any home or small to medium sized business. There are also commercial-grade panels like the Honeywell VISTA-128BPT, the Honeywell VISTA-250BPT, and the DSC PowerSeries NEO HS128NK, but those are more suited for large businesses and industrial complexes. Just remember that you will need to add extra accessories for all wired systems, such as alarm wiring, a siren, and keypads.

Honeywell vista 21ip internet alarm control panel open

Start by considering what is most important to you if you are looking for a new alarm system. Once you have committed to a panel, you can start building around it to establish security and automation capabilities. This will include choosing compatible sensors and other accessories. You can also start checking out various monitoring plans to determine which one is right for you. If you ever want to talk to us, we are best reached by emailing Our support team answers email from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Looking for an easy way to improve upon your security system? Adding security cameras and integrating them with your existing setup will really let you unlock your system's full potential. You can have your cameras activate and begin recording as soon as activity occurs on your system.

Alarm dot com adc v522ir indoor 1080p fixed camera with night vi

The main thing you should consider when choosing cameras for an existing system is to think about which alarm panel you have. Your alarm panel, by extension, determines which interactive service platform you use. Most Alarm Grid monitored customers use either Total Connect 2.0 or If you have a Honeywell Security System, then you most likely use Total Connect 2.0. If you have Alarm Grid monitoring service using a panel from a different manufacturer, such as Qolsys, 2GIG, or DSC, then you most likely use

Both Total Connect 2.0 and have their own selection of cameras to choose from. Total Connect 2.0 keeps things simple with just three (3) cameras to choose from as of April 2020. These cameras are the Honeywell IPCAM-WIC1, the Honeywell IPCAM-WIC2, and the Honeywell IPCAM-WOC1. seems to release updated models more frequently, as they continue to update their camera lineup. At this time some of our favorite Camera Models include the ADC-V522IR, the ADC-V622-WELL, and the ADC-V723.

Once you know which camera lineup to choose from, there are many factors for you to consider when deciding which camera to buy. Some of these factors include whether the camera is for indoor or outdoor use, the recording quality of the camera, the camera's viewing angle, and how much money you would like to spend. Since Honeywell only has three cameras currently on the market, it's usually pretty cut and dry which one is best for your needs. With, there are more options to consider.

Whether you are using TC2 or ADC, you can view the live feed for your camera remotely from anywhere in the world using an app on your phone. You can also set a camera to begin recording, whenever activity occurs on your system. For example, if someone faults an Entry/Exit Zone and triggers an Entry Delay countdown, then you can have your camera record all the action. Usually, it will just the routine activity of an authorized individual arming the system, but you will be ready if anyone tries to make an unauthorized entry into your home or business. And you can set your cameras for all sorts of triggers, included faulted sensors, system alarms, at certain times of day, and more.

Remember that you will need a monitoring plan that includes video surveillance to use security cameras. If you already have a monitored system with Alarm Grid, then the easiest option is to upgrade to a Platinum Level Plan (Self or Full). To learn more, or if you have any questions about security cameras or our monitoring services, please email us at We check our support emails from Monday thru Friday, 9am to 8pm ET. We look forward to hearing from you!

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For those shopping for a low-cost security system, the Honeywell Lyric is our go-to option. The panel can be used with an IP-only communication path, which is considerably less expensive than a cellular or dual-path communication alarm system. This is the best way to cut monitoring expenses.

Honeywell lyric controller encrypted wireless security system

Having an active and reliable communication path is an absolute must for alarm monitoring service. Your alarm panel is basically the central security hub for your home or office. It needs to be able to send out signals and communicate with equipment in other locations. If your system detects activity that warrants attention, then it will send an alert to you and/or a central monitoring station so that proper action can be taken. This can include notifying the local authorities immediately, sending emergency rescue services, or just having a call and text sent to your phone. But no matter what action is taken, it's all possible because your system was able to communicate out reliably.

The most reliable communication path available for a security system is cellular communication. This is basically the same technology as what is used inside your phone when placing calls. If your system is in an area with good cellular reception, then it is highly unlikely that your system will ever go offline and leave you temporarily unmonitored. And an electrical outage will not be an issue, as cellular communication does not require a modem to remain online. This makes cellular communication extremely reliable and perfect for use with alarm systems. But cellular service providers charge a fee for their services, which makes cellular monitoring more expensive.

Users who are looking to reduce monitoring expenses will often turn to an IP-only security system. An IP-only system will not use cellular communication technology. Instead, it will communicate across internet protocol (IP). This will require either a wireless WIFI connection or a hardwired ethernet connection. In the case of the Lyric, the system already comes with a built-in WIFI card. You just need to connect it to the 2.4 GHz WIFI network in your home or office. This can all be done using the touchscreen display on the panel. It is very easy to connect a Lyric System to the internet, and you will be up and running in no time at all.

Now, you might still be wondering, why the Lyric? Lots of panels like the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus and the 2GIG GC3e have built-in WIFI. What makes the Lyric noteworthy? The advantage that the Lyric holds over those panels when it comes to those looking for an IP-only setup is that the Lyric connects with the Resideo AlarmNet360 Servers. Resideo (formerly Honeywell) allows compatible panels to connect with their servers using IP-only communication. There is no requirement put in place from Resideo or AlarmNet mandating that a system connected with their monitoring and automation servers must have a cellular communicator that is registered and activated. This is very important because, the monitoring and automation platform for other alarm systems like the IQ2+ and GC3e, does in fact have this requirement. What it all comes down to, if you want to keep your monthly monitoring costs as low as possible, then you should go with a system from Honeywell or Resideo.

Just how much will you save by going with the Lyric on an IP-only communication path over another panel like the IQ2+ or GC3e? The exact figures will depend on the monitoring company. If you decide that Alarm Grid is the right solution for your home or business, then you can see the expenses on our monitoring page. Assuming your are just looking for basic central station service, you will see that our Gold Plan (our most popular plan) is the lowest of our main plans with cellular connectivity and central station service. While this plan also offers some nice features, such as automation and the ability to control your system remotely using a mobile app, we understand that these features and bonuses aren't for everyone. Many users just want affordable and effective alarm monitoring so that they can get an insurance discount. And at $35 a month, those extra features are sometimes seen as unnecessary expenses. Alarm Grid also offers a no-frills $25 per month Cellular-Only Plan. But you can drop the cost even lower by going IP-only.

If you look closely at our monitoring page, you will see our $15 per month Bronze Plan. That plan is ideal for Lyric users who just want to get their systems connected with a central station. This will provide the user with peace of mind in knowing that they have a reliable and proactive protection plan in place in case of trouble. And the insurance discount is nice too. Yes, remote automation and cellular connectivity are nice features to have, but not everyone really benefits from them. If your internet is reliable, and you don't care for fancy smart home automation features, then our $15 Bronze Plan might be your best choice.

Alarm Grid Central Station Plans
Bronze $15
Cell-Only $25
Gold $35

Over the course of a year going with a Bronze Plan over a Cell-Only Plan will save you $120. Going with a Bronze Plan over a Gold Plan will save you $240 per year. You will also save money right up-front by not having to buy a cellular communicator add-on for your Lyric System (either the Honeywell LYRICLTE-A or Honeywell LYRICLTE-V). Plus, if your budget ever increases and you have more money to spend, you can always add one of those communicators and upgrade your monitoring plan. All of our monitoring services are no-contract, with no added fees. You will not be required to pay any surprise or sudden charges to upgrade (or downgrade) your monitoring plan, and there are never any activation or cancellation fees. As one final assurance, all of our supported equipment is non-proprietary and can be taken to other alarm companies as needed. If you are ever not happy or satisfied with the level of service and support we are offering, then we challenge you to take your alarm system to a different monitoring company. Our customers come back to us only because of the fantastic support we provide. Now, we invite you to join our family.

If you are interested in starting service with Alarm Grid, or if you still have some questions, feel free to email us at Our support staff answers emails Monday thru Friday from 9am to 8pm ET. You might also consider browsing our website. We have plenty of resources and information that is freely available, whether you are monitored by us or not. As always, thank you for reading our blog, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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