Video Recap Posts

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We're back with another video recap! This time, we only published four (4) new videos, and they were all right at the end of the week. We hope to get more videos published in the upcoming week so that we can present a more robust video recap next time. But for now, here are our new videos.

Interlogix Simon XT: Setting Installer Code to Default

I show you how to reset the Installer Code on an Interlogix Simon XT Security System back to its default of 4321. You need this code or the Dealer Code to get into panel programming. Interestingly, the Dealer Code also has the same default of 4321. If you change the Installer Code, then you will not be able to change it back to 4321 unless you change the Dealer Code, or you factory default the system. Factory defaulting the Simon XT will reset the Installer Code back to 4321, and it will also reset the Dealer Code to 4321 as long as the Phone Lock setting for the system is OFF.

Honeywell VISTA: Custom Word or Phrase on Alpha Keypad

I show you how to set a custom word or phrase for the Alphanumeric Keypad used by your Honeywell VISTA Security System. You can set a custom word or phrase of up to (16) characters by accessing the system's Alpha Programming feature and configuring the custom word for the partition that your keypad is assigned with. After you do that, all of the Alphanumeric Keypads on that system partition will display the custom word or phrase. You may decide to change the custom word or phrase for a seasonal or holiday message, and it's great for adding a personalized touch to the system.

Wired Alarm System: Resetting

I show you how to reset your wired alarm system. When someone is talking about "resetting" a security system, they mean one of two (2) things. First, they could be talking about a power cycle reset, in which the system is turned OFF and then back ON. This is useful for safely making hardware changes, and it can also be used as a general and basic troubleshooting step. The other type of reset is a factory default reset. This will restore all settings and configurations for the system back to how they were when the system was brand new and hadn't yet been programmed.

Wireless Alarm System: Resetting

I show you how to reset your wireless alarm system. Just like a hardwired security system, a wireless system can receive the same two types of reset. Again, these are a power cycle reset and a factory default reset. The one big difference for a wireless alarm panel is that you can often perform both types of resets by choosing an option within the panel's programming menus. This varies between different types of wireless security systems, and you will likely need to refer to your system's manual to learn how to perform a power cycle reset or a factory reset for that particular system.

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It's always a great start to the week when there's a new Alarm Grid video recap! We have six (6) new videos to check out this time. I had to step in front of the camera again, as others continue to work from home. It will be a bit longer before others return. But anyway, here are the videos.

Interlogix Simon XTi & XTi-5: Setting Installer Code to Default

I show you how to set the Installer Code on an Interlogix Simon XTi or Interlogix Simon XTi-5 to its default setting. The default Installer Code for these systems is 4321. This is actually the same default code as the default Dealer Code for these systems. The only way to have the same Installer Code and Dealer Code on an Interlogix Simon XTi or Interlogix Simon XTi-5 is to keep both of the codes at their default setting of 4321. If you change either code, then you must factory default the system to get both codes back to the default.

IQ Panel 2 Plus: Setting Installer Code to Default

I show you how to set the Installer Code on a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus back to default. This system has a default Installer Code of 1111. Alarm Grid recommends keeping the code at its default so that you do not become locked out of programming. If you forget the default code, you can always look it up later. Keeping the Installer Code at the default does not present a security risk because you cannot disarm the system with that code. To reset the Installer Code, you must know either the current Installer Code or the current Dealer Code.

Connecting August Smart Lock Pro to WIFI

I show you how to connect the August Smart Lock Pro to a WIFI network. To do this, you will need an August Connect WIFI Bridge. Alarm Grid sells a bundled kit that comes with both devices. Connecting your August Smart Lock Pro to WIFI will allow you to control the lock remotely through the August Home App when your phone is outside of Bluetooth range. The only other ways to control the lock remotely are outside of the August App through Apple HomeKit or Z-Wave. The August App switches to WIFI automatically once you are outside of Bluetooth range.

Using August Smart Lock Pro With Apple HomeKit

I show you how to configure the August Smart Lock Pro for use with Apple HomeKit on an Apple iOS device. All HomeKit communication for the August Smart Lock Pro occurs through wireless Bluetooth connectivity between the lock itself and a dedicated HomeKit Hub. The dedicated HomeKit Hub can be an Apple iPad, an Apple HomePod, or an AppleTV Gen 4 or higher. You must keep the dedicated HomeKit Hub within Bluetooth range at all times for proper connectivity. The lock cannot use WIFI to communicate with the HomeKit Hub, even if an August Connect WIFI Bridge has been configured.

Wired Alarm System: Power Cycling

I show you how to power cycle your hardwired security system. Power cycling, or a power cycle reset, involves powering the system down and then powering it back on. There are a few reasons you might do this. If you are adding new hardware, such as a new keypad or a new alarm monitoring communicator, then you must power down your system first, and then power it back on after the hardware is installed. You might also power cycle as a general troubleshooting step. Most wired alarm panels require you to manually remove and restore power to fully power cycle.

Wireless Alarm System: Power Cycling

I show you how to power cycle your wireless security system. The reasons for power cycling a wireless system are usually the same reasons you would power cycle reset a wired alarm system. These reasons include making hardware changes and general troubleshooting. But for a wireless system, there is often a menu option you can use to reboot the system, without needing to manually drop and restore AC power and battery power. You should refer to the installation manual for your wireless alarm system to learn how to reboot through a menu selection, as it differs between systems.

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Alarm Grid is here with a video recap! We have four (4) new videos this time, all featuring myself. We have cellular communicator installation videos for the 2GIG GC2 and GC2e and some videos explaining the use of thermostats on Let's check out the latest Alarm Grid videos!

Upgrading the 2GIG GC2 to LTE

I show you how to upgrade the 2GIG GC2 to LTE. There are two (2) LTE communicators currently available for the 2GIG GC2. These are the 2GIG LTEA-A-GC2 AT&T LTE Communicator and the 2GIG LTEV1-A-GC2 Verizon LTE Communicator. Upgrading to LTE involves removing the system's old 3G or CDMA communicator and installing a new LTE module in its place. It is very important that you do this before the 3G Sunset to prevent any disruption to your monitoring service.

Installing a Cellular Communicator Into a 2GIG GC2e

I show you how to install a cellular communicator inside of a 2GIG GC2e. The 2GIG GC2e Security System does not come with any available communication path by default. You must add a cellular communicator to get the GC2e monitored. The communicator will connect the system with the servers. then forwards important information, such as alarm events and system trouble conditions to a central monitoring station and/or the end user directly via text message and/or email.

ADC-T2000 and ADC-T3000 Thermostats Work with

I explain how you can use the ADC-T2000 Thermostat and ADC-T3000 Thermostat with the interactive platform. Both the ADC-T2000 and ADC-T3000 are Z-Wave Plus thermostats that pair with virtually any Z-Wave controller or hub. If that Z-Wave hub also happens to be an Security System that is actively being monitored, then the thermostat will be automatically pushed over to the platform after it has been enrolled with the system and the system syncs with

Adding the ADC-T2000 to an Account

I show you how to pair the ADC-T2000 Thermostat with your account. The ADC-T2000 is a Z-Wave device. Like most Z-Wave devices, when you pair it with your Security System, the device will be automatically pushed over to your account the next time that your alarm system performs an automation sync with the server. You will then be able to control the thermostat remotely through the website and mobile app and include it with Smart Scenes.

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Welcome to the second Alarm Grid video recap of 2021. It has been awhile since our first recap of the year, but we really hope to make this a regular thing like it was before. Technical difficulties have slowed us down, but we're going to be back in the swing of things very soon!

Only two (2) new Alarm Grid videos were uploaded in the past week, both of them on Monday, February 15th. They cover the ADC-T2000 Thermostat and the DSC PG9905 Temperature Sensor, respectively. Both videos featured myself as the actor. We hope to have our other video stars back as soon as possible, but it looks like you may have to settle with just me for the foreseeable future. Expect more videos coming really soon. Anyway, onto the newest Alarm Grid videos!

Setting an ADC-T2000 Back to Factory Default

I show you how to restore an ADC-T2000 Z-Wave Plus Thermostat to its factory default settings. All settings and configurations for the thermostat will be set to the same values as when the device was brand-new and fresh out of the package. You normally only factory default the ADC-T2000 Thermostat if you are selling it or giving it away to someone else. You may also perform a factory reset as a last-resort troubleshooting step if nothing else seems to fix an issue.

Programming DSC PG9905 to Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus

I show you how to program the DSC PG9905 Temperature Sensor to a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus Alarm System. If your IQ Panel 2 Plus System is monitored with access to, then you can receive alerts for when your PG9905 Sensor is activated. However, if you set up the zone so that reports are sent out for alerts, then you will only be able to configure the PG9905 zone for either high temperature or low temperature alerts. The only way you can have a single PG9905 alert the system for both high and low temperatures is if you set the zone so that it does not report out to Any temperature thresholds can be adjusted on the system as desired.

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If you haven't been keeping an eye on the Alarm Grid YouTube Channel, then you may have missed the two (2) new videos we uploaded last week. It has been awhile since our last video recap, so we wanted to give these a special highlight. We hope to be back in the studio regularly very soon!

Before we focus on the new videos, we have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that it may still be a few more weeks before we are able to really start concentrating on them again and begin putting them out like we used to. Our Florida office is in a state of flux right now behind the scenes, and while this should have no impact on our ability to provide you with top-quality service, it does impact our ability to shoot, edit, and upload new videos. And once we are back doing videos, keep in mind that it may take us another week or two to really "shake off the rust" and get back in the swing of things. We ask for your patience during this time, and we apologize that we haven't been able to give you the new videos that you have come to expect from us.

But the good news is that we expect new videos to return very soon, with all of your favorite faces, and maybe even some new ones at some point in 2021. We know we're off to a bit of a slow start, but we truly believe that this can be the best year yet for the Alarm Grid Video Team. There are some great ideas sitting in the bin, and we're very eager and excited to put them out. We just ask for some patience as we work to get things set up. It won't be long until you're checking out new videos every week to get the most out of your security system!

With that out of the way, let's take a look at the two (2) new videos we have for you today. These are the very first Alarm Grid videos of 2021, and they cover some great topics. We only had time to get Jorge into the Alarm Grid studio, so he's the star of both of these videos. Special thanks to Jorge and our video team for rallying and putting these together. We know that two videos isn't very much, but we hope that these can at least hold you over until we make a full return to the studio and really begin reminding everyone just what our team is capable of accomplishing. But enough stalling. Here are the newest Alarm Grid videos!

Troubleshooting a Lyric Using Apple HomeKit

Jorge provides some troubleshooting tips for a Honeywell Lyric System that is using Apple HomeKit. The HomeKit integration for the Lyric allows you to receive a limited selection of Lyric System Alerts from the HomeKit platform on your iOS device, and perform various system functions using spoken Siri voice commands. To start using the HomeKit integration, your Lyric System must be activated for monitoring service, as HomeKit functionality can only be enabled remotely by your alarm monitoring company. HomeKit service is usually used to supplement Total Connect 2.0, as TC2 provides greater detail regarding system activity and faulted zones than HomeKit.

Entering Programming On a Partitioned IQ Panel 2 Plus

Jorge shows you the differences that occur when you go to enter programming on a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus system that has partitions enabled, versus one that does not. Alarm system partitions are used to section off a single system into multiple "areas" that can be armed and disarmed independently from one another. When you have partitions enabled on the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus, you are asked to provide a code before you even access the main screen. The code you enter will determine your level of authority. You will only need to provide a code again if your originally entered code lacks the authority to access a particular menu or setting. But if partitions are not enabled, then you won't need to provide a code unless you attempt to access menu options with restricted access, such as the Installation Menu.

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It's that time of the week for a video recap! We have been busy getting started with our holiday buying guides, so we haven't had quite as much time for new videos. But we still managed to put up a few new ones for you to check out. Let's take a quick look at the newest Alarm Grid videos!

Time Needed to Activate My Alarm Grid System

I provide you with an estimate for the amount of time it will take to activate your new security system for alarm monitoring service. Our activation slots are scheduled for one hour in length, and the typical activation is completed in around 30 minutes. You can help us make your activation go smoothly by having your system installed with sensors programmed, being on-site and ready to work with your system, knowing the important system codes beforehand, and listening carefully to your activator.

Number of Zones On a Wireless System Cannot be Increased

I explain how the number of available zones on a wireless alarm panel cannot be increased. A wireless system has built-in logic, and the number of zones it can support is based on its internal firmware. There is no way to increase this limit, and once you run out of zones, you would need to get an entirely new system to add more. The good news with wireless systems is that all system zones are usually readily accessible right out of the box, with no extra hardware being needed. You just need to get compatible wireless sensors.

Honeywell Lyric System & Garage Door Control

Jarrett explains how the Honeywell Lyric can be set up for garage door control. To do this, you must get a Honeywell 5877 Relay. This unit will wire into your compatible garage door controller. Remember that MyQ Garage Door Controllers are not compatible. You can enroll the 5877 with your Lyric, and then the Lyric will communicate with the 5877 to control the garage door. You must also get a Honeywell 5822T to monitor the Open/Close status of the garage door. This setup will also allow for garage door control through Total Connect 2.0.

Activating a System for Monitoring with Alarm Grid

Jarrett discusses the importance of activating a security system for alarm monitoring service. The user will need to choose an alarm monitoring plan for their system. This will determine how the system communicates (IP, cellular, or both), whether the user has coverage from a central station, and what remote functions will be available for the user through an interactive platform like Total Connect 2.0 or Activating a system for central station service is the only way to get a certificate of alarm (CoA) for an insurance discount.

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Our video team had a decent time last week, as five (5) new videos were released. This time, the videos feature myself and Jarrett. As always, we hope that you find them to be helpful, informative, and interesting. Remember, we make these videos to help you! Let's check out the videos.

Finding the Date Code On the FF345

I show you how to find the date code on the Encore FF345. The FF345 is a listening module for smoke detectors and CO detectors that alerts the system upon hearing the unique sound of an activated smoke detector or carbon monoxide sensor. The device is designed to be used with 2GIG Panels and Honeywell Panels. However, FF345 units from a certain batch had an error that prevented them from working with Honeywell Systems. Checking the date code is useful for determining if your unit is affected.

Cameras that Work w/ the Lyric and Total Connect

Jarrett explains which security cameras are compatible with the Honeywell Lyric and the Total Connect 2.0 platform. The only cameras that can work with TC2 are Honeywell IP Cameras. Of these cameras, only the legacy models that are no longer sold are able to interface with the Lyric for live-streaming on the panel. None of the current Honeywell HD Cameras can be streamed on the Lyric. One important note about the legacy IP cameras from Honeywell is that they had to be online to receive a critical firmware update to continue being used to this day.

The Lyric Built-In Camera Disarm Pictures Cannot be Used With HomeKit

Jarrett explains how the disarm photos that are taken using the front camera on the Honeywell Lyric will not appear on the Apple HomeKit platform. While there is a nice integration between the Lyric and HomeKit, it is only used for automation purposes and a very limited selection of security functions. Disarm photos are considered to be a security function, and they will not appear in HomeKit. The only platform that allows you to view disarm photos taken by the Lyric is Total Connect 2.0.

Night Stay On Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus

I explain how there is no Night Stay option for a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. Night Stay is a special type of Arm Stay. Normally, when you Arm Stay, interior zones are automatically bypassed. But when you Night Stay, motion sensors that are designated for Arm Night will remain active, instead of being bypassed. The feature is available on most Honeywell Panels, but it is not supported on the IQ2+. But there is an okay workaround for the IQ2+ that involves using specific Sensor Groups for programmed motion sensors that you want to remain active when Arming Stay.

Number of Zones On a Hardwired System Cannot be Increased

I explain why the number of zones on a hardwired alarm panel cannot be increased. The maximum number of zones that a system can support is built into its logic, and it cannot be increased. For a wired panel, only the on-board zones are initially accessible. You will need to add one or more wired expansion modules and/or a wireless receiver to open up the other zones. This will allow sensors to connect with the zones and interface with the system.

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Alarm Grid is here again with its latest video recap! We have a lot of videos featuring touchscreen keypads this week, though some other topics are covered as well. As usual, Jorge, Jarrett, and yours truly are all represented. Let's check out the latest Alarm Grid videos from the team!

Pairing a 2GIG SP2 with the 2GIG GC3e

Jarrett helps you pair a 2GIG SP2 Keypad with a 2GIG GC3e Security System. Adding the SP2 Keypad will provide you with a secondary on-site location for controlling your GC3e System. You might consider installing it by your front door, by your garage door, by your back door, or in your master bedroom. Remember that the SP2 is for security functions only, and it cannot perform automation commands. The wireless keypad pairs with the GC3e through WIFI or by using an Access Point (AP).

How to Tell If a Keypad Has an RF Receiver Built-In

Jorge explains how you can determine if your alarm system keypad has a built-in RF receiver. It can be easy to confuse a keypad like the Honeywell 6160RF, which has an integrated receiver, with a similar-looking keypad that does not, such as the Honeywell 6160. If you have a hardwired alarm system, then the benefit of adding a wireless receiver is that you will be able to begin pairing compatible wireless sensors with the system. And if your keypad has a built-in receiver, then you won't need to add a standalone receiver unit.

Remove a PG9914 From its Mounting Bracket

Jarrett shows you how to remove a DSC PG9914 PowerG Motion Detection Sensor from its mounting bracket. Like all motion sensors, properly positioning and mounting the PG9914 is very important for achieving the results you want. If it is positioned improperly, then it may cause false alarms, or it may not activate when movement is present in the area. Proper mounting is also crucial if you intend to use the motion sensor for pet immunity. The PG9914 supports pet immunity of up to 85 pounds.

Determining if Your Keypad is Alphanumeric

Jorge explains the difference between an Alphanumeric Keypad like the Honeywell 6160 and a Fixed English Keypad like the Honeywell 6150. Both keypad types are good for arming and disarming and bypassing sensors. But only an Alphanumeric Keypad is good for menu-driven programming. This is because an Alphanumeric Keypad will display the relevant information as you move through the menus. If you try to program on a Fixed English Keypad, you will basically be operating blindly.

Checking the ECP and RIS Address on the Tuxedo Touch

Jorge teaches you how to check the ECP Address and the RIS Address for a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad. These settings are important when you go to set up the Tuxedo Touch with a Honeywell VISTA Security System and Total Connect 2.0. The ECP Address is used for setting up the Tuxedo Touch as a keypad controller on the VISTA System, and the RIS Address is used for setting up the Tuxedo Touch as an automation controller on Total Connect 2.0.

Disarming Using the Tuxedo Touch Keypad

Jorge shows you how to disarm your Honeywell VISTA Alarm System by using a connected Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad. Since the Tuxedo Touch is a wired touchscreen keypad controller for the system, it needs to be able to perform all the standard security functions. These include arming and disarming the system. When you are disarming, you are taking the system out of a secured state so that burglary/intrusion zones are unable to cause alarms on the system.

Bypassing Zones Using a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad

Jorge explains how to bypass zones using a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad. When the zone associated with a sensor is bypassed, that sensor is ignored by the system. In other words, the system will not provide any response if that sensor is faulted. You must bypass or restore any faulted zones prior to arming the system. Bypassing is often preferred over deleting a zone entirely, as you do not have to reprogram a zone after bypassing. You can just unbypass the zone later on and use it as normal.

Providing AC Power to an Alarm System

I explain how AC power is provided to an alarm system. AC power comes from a plug-in transformer that connects to an alarm panel using wire. The transformer takes the high-voltage power provided from the outlet, and it transforms it into low-voltage power that is suitable for powering a security system. The power travels down the wire and reaches the panel. This represents the primary power source for an alarm system. If AC power is lost, then a backup battery can keep the system running temporarily until AC power is restored.

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Alarm Grid is here with a video recap as usual! We only have a few videos this time around, and all feature yours truly. But don't worry, as we have some more videos featuring Jorge and Jarrett on the way soon. But for now we hope you enjoy these videos from October 28th. Let's take a look!

Duress Code Function On the 2GIG GC2e

I explain how the duress code works on the 2GIG GC2e Security System. The duress code feature is useful if you have a system that is monitored with central station service. When you enter the duress code, a secret alert is sent to the central station to indicate that you need help right away. Nothing appears on the GC2e Panel, so it's a great way to discreetly request immediate assistance. The duress code is hard-coded to user slot 8 on the GC2e.

Different Alarm Types On Security Systems

I explain how there are different types of alarms on security systems. The alarm types that can occur on a security system include burglary/intrusion alarms, police panic alarms, life-safety alarms, and auxiliary alarms. The response provided by a central station operator will depend on what type of alarm occurs on the system. For example, a very different response is warranted for a life-safety alarm like a fire alarm or CO alarm, than what is needed for a burglary/intrusion alarm.

How an Alarm System Backup Battery Works

I explain the purpose and function of a backup battery on a security system. The backup battery keeps the system running when AC power is lost due to an electrical outage or the plug-in transformer being disconnected. The battery slowly stores power while the system is running on AC power. That way, it is ready to activate as soon as primary power is lost. Batteries vary in terms of how long they can keep a system running. Some batteries can maintain alarm system power on their own for at least 24 hours.

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It's time for our weekly video recap! And this might be our biggest one yet! We have a few videos back from the 16th that didn't make it into the last recap, as well a bunch of new videos from last week. We have videos featuring Jorge, Jarrett, and myself. Let's check out the videos!

Properly Replacing a Bad Sensor On a 2GIG GC3 or GC3e

Jarrett demonstrates the correct process for replacing a bad sensor on a 2GIG GC3 or 2GIG GC3e. The steps to follow for replacing a bad sensor on the GC3 or GC3e include clearing out the zone and then reprogramming it from scratch. Simply deleting the Serial Number (SN) and providing the new one can result in a "bypassed at device" error message. This will result in the sensor not working correctly. Other unusual system behavior may also occur. Limits for Z Wave Devices

I explain the limit for the number of Z-Wave devices per account. Up to 122 devices from the panel will be pushed over to the platform for remote access and control. All Z-Wave devices numbered 123 and beyond will only be available at the panel for local operation. You can delete older Z-Wave devices that are still paired with to make room for new ones. You should pair the 122 devices that you want to use remotely first, allow to sync, and then add additional sensors for local control only last.

Clip Limits With Video Service

I explain the clip limits for Video Service. In order to get true video surveillance with Alarm Grid, you must have either a Platinum Level Plan (Self or Full) or a Video-Only Plan. At the base level, a true video plan will offer support for 1,000 monthly and total clips, as well as four (4) cameras and an SVR device. But by upgrading to Video Analytics, your monthly and total clip limits will both increase from 1,000 monthly and total clips to 3,000 clips of both types.

Changing the SiXCOMBO Batteries

I show you how to replace the batteries for the Honeywell SiXCOMBO. This wireless sensor uses four (4) lithium CR123A batteries for power. Its expected battery life is about five (5) years. You must open up the SiXCOMBO by twisting the sensor counterclockwise against its back plate. When closing the sensor, make to align it properly, and twist clockwise to secure. You get a low battery message on the panel to let you know when replacements are needed.

Self-Monitoring a Honeywell L3000

I explain how you can self-monitor a Honeywell L3000 System. Self-monitoring means that the system is not connected with a central station, and all system alerts are sent to the end user via text and/or email. For an L3000, this is possible using the Total Connect 2.0 service from Resideo. You will need a compatible AlarmNet Communicator for the L3000 System to make this possible. Both the Honeywell LTE-L3A and the Honeywell LTE-L3V work great for this job when used with the L3000.

Enrolling a PowerG Wireless Sensor to an Alarm Panel

Jorge shows you how to enroll a PowerG Sensor with a compatible alarm panel. PowerG Sensors are wireless devices that offer a fantastic signal range and 128-bit AES encryption. Compatible systems for PowerG Sensors include all versions of the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus, the DSC Iotega, and any DSC PowerSeries NEO System with an added PowerG Module. Most PowerG devices can transmit a signal for auto-enrollment by either powering on or by pressing and holding a device enrollment button until its LED light turns solid orange.

Connecting the 2GIG GC3e to WIFI

Jarrett shows you how to connect the 2GIG GC3e to a local WIFI network. The 2GIG GC3e System will use its WIFI connection to communicate with However, requirements mandate that the system also has an active cellular communication path set up. This will require an added cellular communicator. The WIFI connection will just work as an additional pathway for facilitating communication between the GC3e and Remember that you will need the WIFI network password to complete the connection.

Checking Zone Faults on a Tuxedo Touch Keypad

Jorge shows you how to check for faulted system zones using a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad. A faulted zone refers to a programmed sensor that is in a non-restored or "active" state. A common example is a contact sensor in a faulted state due to a door or window being left open. The Tuxedo will display a message at the top of its main screen to indicate when there is at least one faulted zone. You must bypass or restore faulted zones before the system can be armed.

Scenes From Won't Be Pushed to GC3 or GC3e

I explain how when you build a smart scene in, that scene will not be pushed down to a 2GIG GC3 or GC3e Panel for local operation. Instead the scene will only be available for remote access through the website or mobile app. Likewise if you build a scene on the GC3 or GC3e, then it will not be pushed over to You can include various smart home devices with scenes, including programmed lights, locks, thermostats, and more.

Checking the Firmware Version on a Tuxedo Touch

Jorge shows you how to check the firmware version for a Honeywell Tuxedo Touch Keypad. The Honeywell Tuxedo Touch is both a touchscreen keypad for a Honeywell VISTA System and a Z-Wave automation controller. Firmware updates for the Tuxedo may be periodically released to provide new features and improve device performance. The Tuxedo Touch receives firmware updates from an SD card slot. You must download the update to the SD card and then apply it to the Tuxedo Touch.

Getting Into the Z Wave Programming Section of a Tuxedo Touch Keypad

Jorge explains how to access Z-Wave programming for the Tuxedo Touch. Z-Wave functionality is one of the key features for this wired touchscreen keypad. You must access the Z-Wave Programming Menu for the Tuxedo Touch to begin enrolling Z-Wave smart home devices. It is advised that you clear any Z-Wave device from the network before attempting to enroll it with the Tuxedo. This is true even if the device is brand-new and you have never paired it with a Z-Wave network before.

Converting a Wired Alarm Into Wireless

I explain how you can convert a wired alarm system into a wireless alarm system by using a wired to wireless converter module. With a wired to wireless converter, you can take your existing hardwired sensors and use them with your new wireless security system as wireless devices. This can save you money by not having to purchasing as many wireless sensors. When choosing a wired to wireless converter, you must make sure that the module communicates at a wireless frequency that is compatible with your new wireless system.

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