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We are glad to announce that we have some new content coming soon to Alarm Grid. We are making unboxing videos for some of our most popular system kits. The videos will hopefully clear up any confusion as to what exactly is included in a kit, while also providing a closer look at our systems.

One of the most common questions we receive from customers is what exactly comes in a given security system kit from Alarm Grid. We try to make it as clear as possible by listing the components in the product description and by having a "kit includes" section a bit further down the page. But our new unboxing videos will hopefully eliminate any confusion once and for all. You will be able to see the entire kit unboxed, and each product will be carefully and thoroughly explained. You will know exactly what you are getting with each kit, and understand why each included product is important.

This project is being led almost entirely by our video producer and editor, James. If you are a keen reader of the Alarm Grid blog, then you may recall him in our spicy chicken wing eating challenge. In all seriousness, this has been a huge undertaking for him. James usually stays behind the camera, and he has never really immersed himself in the exciting world of alarm system knowledge before this. It has been just as big of an undertaking for him to learn the systems as it has been for him to actually put the videos together! We gotta say, we're extremely proud of the work he has put out, and we're excited that we will be able to share more unboxing videos of his real soon.

So far, only one unboxing video has been produced. Specifically, it's for the 3-1 Non-Encrypted Lyric Kit with AT&T LTE. The plan right now is for James to complete unboxing videos for all of the Honeywell Lyric System Kits first, before moving on to other systems later. Keep in mind that James is handling this project pretty much by himself, and there is a ton of work that goes into these. So don't expect these videos to just suddenly appear overnight. It's going to be a somewhat slow and lengthy process to really make it happen. But if you keep an eye on our Lyric Kits, you will undoubtedly be seeing some new product unboxing videos appearing on our website very soon.

For now, check out the debut video James put out, and let us know what you think in a comment below. Do you have anything in particular that you would like to see in future product unboxing videos? And also, what system do you think James should cover after he finishes up with the Lyric Kits? If there's anything you would like to see, please let us know, and we will do our best to accommodate. And as always, stay tuned to our blog for more news and updates coming very soon!

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You may have noticed recently that some new products from Resideo (formerly Honeywell) are being offered in both Resideo and Honeywell Home variants. Today, we want to clear up any confusion and explain that these are the same products, only with different labeling across the front.

To be clear, there have been three (3) instances of this varied labeling thus far, and it's likely that Resideo will continue this practice for additional products in the future. So far, the products that have been offered in both "Resideo" and "Honeywell Home" variants have included the following:

If you have a keen eye, then you'll likely notice that the "Honeywell Home" variants have the base SKU, while the "Resideo" variants have the base SKU, plus the letter C at the end. The C stands for "Commercial", as Resideo is marketing the "Resideo" variants for commercial use, while the "Honeywell Home" variant is being marketed for residential use. This situation occurred because certain alarm dealers who install in predominantly commercial locations couldn't (or in some cases, refused to) sell a product with the word "Home" on the front. In turn, Resideo made the call to accommodate these dealers.

In each of the three (3) aforementioned cases, Resideo has basically released the same product twice, with one variant being sold under the "Honeywell Home" banner for residential use, and the other being sold under the "Resideo" banner for commercial use. The only difference between variants is that one will say "Honeywell Home" across the front, and the other will say "Resideo" across the front. That's the only difference! All other aspects, such as product features, functions, compatibility, and overall use and performance is completely identical. We promise you, there is no gimmick or surprise here. Whether you get a Honeywell Home variant or a Resideo variant, it really won't matter. They're the same!

In fact, the "Residential" vs. "Commercial" wording is nothing more than a cosmetic difference. If you are buying the product for use in a home, but you like the name "Resideo" more than "Honeywell Home", then feel free to get the Resideo variant. It may be marketed for commercial use, but you can absolutely use it in a residential location. Again, the only difference is the wording. Conversely, you will have no trouble using a "Honeywell Home" variant in a commercial business or industrial location. If you prefer the "Honeywell Home" wording, then get that variant for your office or business. Just because it's marketed for residential use does not mean that you cannot use it in a commercial location!

If you're like many users, then you are likely going to wonder why Resideo would even bother doing this. Again, it's really just marketing and their response to a certain subset of commercial dealers. Resideo has the right to use Honeywell Home branding, and they will continue doing so for name recognition. But they found out that commercial and industrial locations don't want to use products labeled "Honeywell Home" because they look out of place. As a result, Resideo is offering the "Resideo"-labeled alternative to accommodate these users. You might think it's a bit silly - and maybe it is. But it's nothing more than a marketing decision. So go ahead and laugh, then decide whether you want your brand-new security system or touchscreen keypad to read "Honeywell Home" or "Resideo". Either way, you're getting a great product.

And that's really the best news here. All three (3) of these products are awesome. Resideo has really been putting out some sleek and fresh-looking security equipment lately. The three (3) products in question are known for their 7-inch touchscreen controllers and their modern designs that look tremendous in pretty much any home or office. And even if the reasoning is a bit frivolous, the end result is that you have more options to choose from. If you don't want "Home" displayed on your new office security system, then you can opt for the "Resideo" option. Alternatively, if you think "Resideo" sounds goofy and makes you cringe, then you can go with "Honeywell Home" instead. There's no judgment here!

What do you think of this "Resideo" vs. "Honeywell Home" situation? Do you think it's a bit silly, or do you think it's a smart decision by Resideo? Also, which name do you like more? And lastly, have you gotten to try out the new Tuxedo Keypad or the ProSeries 7-Inch Panels yet? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. We used the Honeywell Home variants for our personal office testing, but we're sure the Resideo ones are just as nice. Maybe we'll have both variants hanging around the Alarm Grid office someday. But for now, we hope that this cleared up any confusion or misunderstandings, and we'll be back with more news soon.

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There is going to be scheduled maintenance occurring on Alarm.com tonight, specifically focusing on the Verizon infrastructure. The maintenance period will run from 12:00 am Midnight to 2:00 am Eastern Time. According to Alarm.com, no impact is expected with regard to monitoring service.

The purpose of the scheduled maintenance is to enhance platform stability and improve redundancy moving forward. We have heard reports that a small number of Alarm.com Verizon LTE Communicators have been experiencing some relatively minor technical issues. Alarm.com has been aware of these issues since at least last Saturday, and they have been actively working to troubleshoot affected units to prevent any disruptions in service. The scheduled maintenance tonight should fix these issues and help to ensure that all Alarm.com Verizon Communicators function as intended, with exceptional reliability.

During the scheduled maintenance period tonight, Alarm.com says that service outages are unlikely to occur. You should not experience any problems if your security system uses a Verizon Communicator for connecting with Alarm.com. However, Alarm.com is not ruling out the possibility, and they want to keep users informed, just in case. Remember that if you have an IP (WIFI or Ethernet) communication path set up, then that can serve as a valuable backup option tonight during the maintenance period. If your system is cellular only with Verizon connectivity, then just be careful if you need to arm your system tonight between 12:00 am Midnight and 2 am Eastern Time. Again, no issues should occur, but Alarm.com is performing due diligence by making the maintenance period known in advance.

Once again, all maintenance taking place is on the Verizon infrastructure for Alarm.com. Your monitoring service will not be affected in any way if your system uses a different carrier, such as AT&T, for connecting with Alarm.com, or if your system is set up with a different network, such as AlarmNet for Total Connect 2.0, or Telguard for HomeControl Flex. If your system does use Verizon connectivity for communicating with Alarm.com, then check and make sure your WIFI or Ethernet path is working as an important backup plan for tonight. If you have been using your system with cell-only on Verizon with ADC, but you have the option to add WIFI or Ethernet, now may be a good time to do so. Your system should still be fine, but, it never hurts to use redundancy when it is available. Stay tuned to our blog for more security system news and updates coming soon.

Note: If you are reading this after 2:00am on April 14th, or on any future date, then it is assumed that the scheduled maintenance has been concluded, and all Alarm.com Verizon Service should be operating as intended, now with improved infrastructure.

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We're glad to say that Total Connect 2.0 has received a new update for its mobile app on Android and iOS. The new update is Version 6.7.1, and it is a worthwhile upgrade for all who use the TC2 Mobile App. You can download it right now from both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

The biggest inclusion with Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App Version 6.7.1 is a bug fix that lets users pair up to (14) Total Connect IP Cameras with the platform, as Resideo had originally intended. This includes support for up to eight (8) HD Cameras and up to six (6) Legacy Cameras. Although TC2 users have long been promised the ability to use this number of IP cameras with the service, there was previously a bug that prevented users from pairing the full roster of eight (8) HD Cameras. TC2 Mobile App Version 6.7.1 has fixed this issue, and now users should have no issue setting up the maximum number of cameras for a single TC2 account. This news comes not long after we learned that Resideo discontinued their only existing outdoor camera, the Honeywell IPCAM-WOC1. We have not received any official word on the development of a new Resideo Outdoor Camera, but we have heard some rumblings that a new model may hit the market before the end of the year. Of course, we'll pass on any new discussions and/or rumors that we hear to you in the Alarm Grid Blog.

There isn't really much else in terms of new features that come with Total Connect 2.0 Android Version 6.7.1 and Total Connect 2.0 iOS Version 6.7.1. We know that not every Alarm Grid customer with access to Total Connect 2.0 has support for cameras, so this may not exactly be the most exciting update we have seen for TC2. The only Alarm Grid customers who can use Total Connect 2.0 Cameras are those with a Platinum Level Plan or a Video-Only Plan. If you don't fall into one of those categories, then it may be easy to shrug off this update. But still, Resideo also mentions that the Version 6.7.1 Update includes minor user interface (UI) enhancements, as well as improvements in security and stability, not to mention some general bug fixes. This makes the update recommended for all TC2 users who access the platform through the mobile app, including those who don't use cameras.

To download the update for free, check the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, depending on whether you are an Android or iOS user. Those locations are also where you can download the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App for free, in case you have been restricting yourself to only using the website. Again, all TC2 users are advised to download the update at their earliest convenience. The improvements in UI, security, and stability make it a worthwhile update for all. If you are an Alarm Grid customer needing help installing the update, or if you are interested in starting a new monitoring subscrition for access to Total Connect 2.0 and Mobile App Version 6.7.1, then please do not hesitate to reach out to us for help by emailing support@alarmgrid.com. Remember that our support hours run from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. And also, why not leave a comment down below sharing your thoughts on the new Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App Update? We would love to hear what you have to say. Remember to keep reading the Alarm Grid Blog for more security system news coming soon!

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It's always a great start to the week when there's a new Alarm Grid video recap! We have six (6) new videos to check out this time. I had to step in front of the camera again, as others continue to work from home. It will be a bit longer before others return. But anyway, here are the videos.

Interlogix Simon XTi & XTi-5: Setting Installer Code to Default

I show you how to set the Installer Code on an Interlogix Simon XTi or Interlogix Simon XTi-5 to its default setting. The default Installer Code for these systems is 4321. This is actually the same default code as the default Dealer Code for these systems. The only way to have the same Installer Code and Dealer Code on an Interlogix Simon XTi or Interlogix Simon XTi-5 is to keep both of the codes at their default setting of 4321. If you change either code, then you must factory default the system to get both codes back to the default.

IQ Panel 2 Plus: Setting Installer Code to Default

I show you how to set the Installer Code on a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus back to default. This system has a default Installer Code of 1111. Alarm Grid recommends keeping the code at its default so that you do not become locked out of programming. If you forget the default code, you can always look it up later. Keeping the Installer Code at the default does not present a security risk because you cannot disarm the system with that code. To reset the Installer Code, you must know either the current Installer Code or the current Dealer Code.

Connecting August Smart Lock Pro to WIFI

I show you how to connect the August Smart Lock Pro to a WIFI network. To do this, you will need an August Connect WIFI Bridge. Alarm Grid sells a bundled kit that comes with both devices. Connecting your August Smart Lock Pro to WIFI will allow you to control the lock remotely through the August Home App when your phone is outside of Bluetooth range. The only other ways to control the lock remotely are outside of the August App through Apple HomeKit or Z-Wave. The August App switches to WIFI automatically once you are outside of Bluetooth range.

Using August Smart Lock Pro With Apple HomeKit

I show you how to configure the August Smart Lock Pro for use with Apple HomeKit on an Apple iOS device. All HomeKit communication for the August Smart Lock Pro occurs through wireless Bluetooth connectivity between the lock itself and a dedicated HomeKit Hub. The dedicated HomeKit Hub can be an Apple iPad, an Apple HomePod, or an AppleTV Gen 4 or higher. You must keep the dedicated HomeKit Hub within Bluetooth range at all times for proper connectivity. The lock cannot use WIFI to communicate with the HomeKit Hub, even if an August Connect WIFI Bridge has been configured.

Wired Alarm System: Power Cycling

I show you how to power cycle your hardwired security system. Power cycling, or a power cycle reset, involves powering the system down and then powering it back on. There are a few reasons you might do this. If you are adding new hardware, such as a new keypad or a new alarm monitoring communicator, then you must power down your system first, and then power it back on after the hardware is installed. You might also power cycle as a general troubleshooting step. Most wired alarm panels require you to manually remove and restore power to fully power cycle.

Wireless Alarm System: Power Cycling

I show you how to power cycle your wireless security system. The reasons for power cycling a wireless system are usually the same reasons you would power cycle reset a wired alarm system. These reasons include making hardware changes and general troubleshooting. But for a wireless system, there is often a menu option you can use to reboot the system, without needing to manually drop and restore AC power and battery power. You should refer to the installation manual for your wireless alarm system to learn how to reboot through a menu selection, as it differs between systems.

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Nortek Control, the parent company of 2GIG, has received multiple honors from CE Pro and their Quest for Quality Awards. The company has already received awards for its new 2GIG Edge Security System, and that trend looks to be continuing. Congratulations are in order for Nortek and 2GIG!

The Quest for Quality Awards from CE Pro is in its 11th annual edition. The awards recognize services from companies, rather than specific products. Winners are determined from an open-ended survey, in which respondents vote for the companies they believe are most deserving. This year, a record-breaking number of more than 14,550 votes, covering 17 different manufacturer categories and eight (8) different distributor categories, were received by CE Pro. And needless to say, 2GIG was a very big winner.

In total, Nortek Control and 2GIG received five (5) Quest for Quality Awards from CE Pro. The awards were as follows:

  • Platinum Award for Best Sales & Marketing Assistance
  • Platinum Award for Best Dealer & Program Incentives
  • Gold Award for Best COVID-19 Response
  • Gold Award for Best Dealer Protection Policies
  • Silver Award for Best Technical Support

We have been covering 2GIG quite often in the Alarm Grid blog lately. Most notably, we have covered the release of the 2GIG Edge Alarm Panel, which only just hit the market last week. This is a state-of-the-art security system that includes a 7-inch touchscreen controller, support for up to 100 wireless zones, optional automatic Bluetooth disarming, live-streaming for compatible Alarm.com Security Cameras, four (4) individual Smart Area Partitions, and much more. Anyone with questions about the 2GIG Edge is encouraged to email our team at support@alarmgrid.com. Keep in mind when emailing us that our support hours run from 9am to 8pm ET M-F.

Have you gotten to test drive the 2GIG Edge yet? Do you have any thoughts about 2GIG as a company? Feel free to leave a comment down below sharing your thoughts and/or experiences. We would love to hear what you have to say. Alarm Grid has very high expectations for the new 2GIG Edge System, and it's looking like it might become one of the highest profile alarm panels of the 2020s. We're certainly excited to see it take off, and we hope that you are as well. Remember to stay tuned to our blog for more security news, and we'll have some more great content headed your way very soon!

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The State of Georgia House and Senate have both approved State House Bill 465. This bans cities, counties, and other municipalities from imposing fines against alarm monitoring providers for false alarms that aren't their fault. Governor Brian Kemp will likely sign the bill later this month.

If you have been following the ongoing saga in Georgia, then you are aware that false alarms have been a hot button issue in the state for the past few years. It started in 2017, when the city of Sandy Springs, GA revised its false alarm ordinance to impose fines against alarm monitoring companies for false alarms caused by end-users. The ordinance was unsuccessfully challenged in 2020, and other jurisdictions like Lawrenceville, GA sought to develop their own laws. But with this latest development, that will all soon come to an end.

Alarm industry professionals and experts have been working tirelessly to revise the policy in Sandy Springs so that false alarm fines are imposed against end-users as the responsible party. This is opposed to fining monitoring providers like Alarm Grid, who usually do everything in their power to train and empower end-users so that they operate their security systems responsibly, and prevent false alarms from occurring in the first place. The city of Sandy Springs, GA originally enacted its false alarm ordinance in 2012, with fines being imposed against end-users. It wasn't until 2017 when the ordinance was revised to levy fines against monitoring companies. This most recent decision by the Georgia General Assembly represents a major victory for alarm providers throughout the United States.

John Loud, the President and Founder of LOUD Security in Georgia and a Vice President of the Electronic Security Association (ESA) said of the decision, "The big celebration for us is, not only did we prevent the spread of Sandy Springs’ ordinance throughout Georgia but for all of us across the nation to realize the example of what Sandy Springs was trying to do."

Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) Executive Stan Martin added in a statement, "Ordinances similar to those adopted by Sandy Springs do little to change user behavior, deny the user the right to confront their accuser and access to due process, and fines an innocent party for the actions of another... There has never been any evidence that fining alarm companies was any more effective than the model alarm ordinance that is widely utilized nationally and endorsed by the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police."

The law banning fines against monitoring companies for false alarms caused by end-users will take effect after Georgia Govern Brian Kemp signs Georgia State House Bill 465 into law. This will most likely occur later this month. Georgia will not become the first state to ban fines against alarm companies for false alarms caused by end-users. Already, the states of Tennessee and Iowa have passed similar laws to protect monitoring companies against fines for false alarms that are not their fault, and in most cases, have done everything within their power to prevent in the first place.

As a proud alarm monitoring service provider for thousands of end-users who receive central station coverage throughout the United States and Canada, preventing false alarms is always a top priority of ours at Alarm Grid. We work very hard to teach, train, and provide helpful resources for all of our monitored customers so that they can operate their alarm systems responsibly and prevent false alarms from occurring. False alarms represent a waste of resources for emergency responders everywhere, and we do whatever we can to limit their occurrences so that police forces and fire departments can operate as efficiently as possible. We strongly advise that all security system users with central station coverage, whether you receive monitoring service through Alarm Grid or through another company, review these important tips to prevent false alarms. It is our responsibility and duty as an alarm monitoring provider to pass this information to all our monitored customers. And it is your responsibility as security system users to do your part to prevent false alarms. Together, we can reduce the occurrence of false security system alarms and help improve the efficiency and performance of the dedicated first responders who we all depend upon.

If you are an Alarm Grid monitored customer with any questions about false alarm prevention and what you can do, or if you are curious about signing-up for an alarm monitoring plan with us, then please do not hesitate to email our team at support@alarmgrid.com. We will provide you with all the resources you need so that you not only receive the very best alarm monitoring service for your needs but also do not contribute to the serious problem of false system alarms. We're here to answer your emails from 9am to 8pm ET M-F, so please keep that in mind when you contact us. As always, we look forward to hearing from you!

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You may recall last week we covered the supported web browsers for Alarm.com. Now we're doing the same thing, but with Total Connect 2.0. Resideo says you should use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, or Opera, or Microsoft Internet Explorer IE11 or lower to access TC2.

If you have a monitored Honeywell or Resideo Security System, then you should make sure that access to Total Connect 2.0 is included with your monitoring plan so that you can take advantage of all its excellent features. By accessing TC2 through a compatible web browser or through the Total Connect 2.0 Mobile App, you can arm & disarm your security system, check its current status, control your associated smart home automation devices, view the live feed for your Total Connect 2.0 IP Cameras, and so much more.

Resideo puts out a list of recommended and supported web browsers to help ensure that all of their users have the best experience possible. Their interactive platform has been tested using these web browsers, and Resideo feels confident in recommending them to access their services. Any web browser not included in their list is not guaranteed to provide the same consistent function and performance as a recommended browser.

Much like what we said for the Alarm.com supported web browsers, you really shouldn't run into any issues, provided that you are using the latest version of a reputable web browser. In fact, Resideo lists all of the same supported web browsers as Alarm.com, these being Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge, plus the extra addition of the Opera Web Browser, which was absent from Alarm.com's list. So if you're one of the many fine people who uses the Opera Web Browser, and you want to use it with Total Connect 2.0, then you're in luck!

Resideo makes a special note regarding the older Internet Explorer (IE) web browser. According to Resideo, any IE Browser through version 11 (IE11 or lower) should also support Total Connect 2.0 just fine. So don't worry if you happen to be on your grandpa's computer, and he happens to have Internet Explorer as the only browser. As long as it's up to IE11 you will be okay. As for the other web browsers, you should just make sure they're on their latest versions as a precautionary measure. But honestly, it's unlikely that anything bad will happen, as long as you have been keeping up with updates at least somewhat regularly.

If you want a list of officially recommended browsers for TC2, then we have it here:

  • Google Chrome (Latest Version)
  • Mozilla Firefox (Latest Version)
  • Apple Safari (Latest Version)
  • Microsoft Edge (Latest Version)
  • Opera (Latest Version)
  • Internet Explorer (IE11 or older)

Are you thrilled that you can access TC2 through your Opera web browser? You're gonna go try it right now, aren't you? And while you're at it, why not leave a comment down below with your favorite web browser? Or you could share your thoughts on Total Connect 2.0 and how you use it to make your life more convenient. We would love to hear from you, so please don't be shy! And as always, stay tuned for more security system news coming soon!

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If you are like many Alarm.com users with iOS, then you have likely built some Siri Shortcuts for Alarm.com to make your life easier. But did you know that Siri Shortcuts can be used for secure commands, including system disarming, unlocking Z-Wave locks, and performing complete scenes?

For anyone not familiar with Alarm.com Siri Shortcuts, these are customized spoken voice commands that you can use to control your Alarm.com Security System and its connected automation devices. You can set up a Siri Shortcut to perform a single security or automation command, or you can create a complete smart scene to control your system and multiple devices all at once. The important rule to keep in mind though is that each Siri Shortcut Voice Command must be created individually. You can even create a custom verbal command so that you trigger the shortcut exactly how you prefer.

Some users aren't sure if they can use Alarm.com Siri Shortcuts for secure commands, such as disarming the system or unlocking a door lock. The answer is that you can, but Alarm.com put some special provisions in-place to prevent this feature from being abused for malicious purposes. Namely, any secure command can only be set up if the user has some type of locking mechanism set up on their iOS device. This can be something like a passcode, touch ID, or some other approved security measures. The user will need to unlock their iOS device before they can use it. This is to prevent anyone from just opening up Siri voice commands and gaining easy access to the property by disarming the system and/or unlocking a door.

You may recall that we discussed the new capability of Siri Shortcuts support for door locks back in February when Alarm.com announced Version 4.18 of the Alarm.com Mobile App for iOS. If you missed that post, you can review it here. To put this feature into practice, make sure you are on version 4.18 or higher of the iOS app. Prior to that release, controlling a door lock was only possible by creating a rule or a smart scene that included the lock. Before version 4.18, other secure commands, including system disarming and scene control, had been possible provided the user had a security protection mechanism set up on their iOS device. Alarm.com may not have a HomeKit integration, but Siri Shortcut functionality is about as close as you can get. Go check out Alarm.com Siri Shortcuts if you haven't already!

What do you think about Alarm.com Siri Shortcuts? Have you gotten good use out of them in controlling your Alarm.com Security System? Is there any other feature or capability you would like to see integrated with the feature? What about a possible Apple HomeKit integration for Alarm.com? Would you use such a feature if it were available? Share your thoughts in a comment below, and let us know what you think. And remember to stay tuned to our blog for more security news coming soon. Just last week, a new Alarm.com Security System became available in the 2GIG Edge. That system is a great option if you want to try out Alarm.com Siri Shortcuts for yourself. Keep checking our blog for more news, and we look forward to a great week ahead!

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After much anticipation and speculation, the 2GIG Edge Alarm System is finally here! We have the Edge Panel available in two (2) cellular communicator options (AT&T or Verizon), plus complete 2GIG Edge System Kits, and various alarm system accessories exclusively for use with the Edge.

If you have been keeping up with the Alarm Grid blog, then you probably already know that the Edge is perhaps the single most highly anticipated thing we have ever seen out of Nortek Control and 2GIG. The state-of-the-art wireless all-in-one (AiO) panel retains virtually all of the same great features and capabilities of the 2GIG GC3e System that came before it, including a 7-inch LCD touchscreen for easy and seamless navigation, 100 wireless zones, support for 2GIG eSeries Encrypted Sensors, and legacy 345 MHz sensors (both Honeywell 5800 and 2GIG 345 MHz), the ability to build and customize up to four (4) individually controlled and operated Smart Area Partitions, One-Touch Arming, Chime & Voice functionality, Alarm.com connectivity, a digital slideshow picture frame, and much more.

But what makes the 2GIG Edge different and unique is its new features. First of all, the Edge has a completely refreshed design for a 2GIG Panel, as it is the first system from 2GIG to break away from the traditional all-white panel. Instead, the Edge comes in a black design that looks impressively modern and fits in nicely with almost any setting. We're also pleased to say that 2GIG was able to fit more hardware into the Edge Panel, putting it in on par with the Qolsys IQ Panel 2+ panels. This includes a built-in glass break detector, a front panel camera that offers facial recognition, and an 85 dB sounder for alarm events.

One noteworthy difference with regard to 2GIG Edge facial recognition is that it can be used for automatically arming and disarming the system upon detecting the user's face, which is not possible on the IQ Panel 2 Plus. Other familiar IQ2+ features also offered with the Edge include optional automatic Bluetooth disarming for your phone, panel live-streaming for compatible Alarm.com Cameras, and full connectivity with the Alarm.com security and automation platform.

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the 2GIG Edge is the fact that it has a built-in LTE cellular communicator. This is used for connecting the system with Alarm.com, since ADC requires that all systems using their services have an active cellular communication path. This is in addition to the internal WIFI card for the 2GIG Edge that is also used for communicating with Alarm.com. Using cellular and internet communication together on a security system is often referred to as dual-path connectivity, and it is great because it helps to ensure that the system stays monitored during any type of communication outage. But while internet connectivity is technically optional, cellular communication is required. This means that you will need a monitoring plan that includes cellular communication to get the 2GIG Edge monitored. Some monitoring plans you may consider include the Gold and Platinum Level Plans from Alarm Grid (Self or Full). You can learn all about Alarm Grid monitoring plans in this comprehensive blog post.

As we mentioned before, the cellular communicator for the 2GIG Edge is built into the panel. While this might seem like a positive attribute, it is a bit of a double-EDGEd sword when you consider the issue more closely. On one hand, this means that there is no need to purchase a separate communicator for the 2GIG Edge. Everything needed for the system to connect with Alarm.com is built into the panel. But this also means that if something ever goes wrong with the communicator, then it will be necessary to replace the entire panel, rather than just simply swapping out the communicator. The same is true for the system's WIFI card. If it is damaged, then a completely new system is needed. There is also no word on how a built-in LTE cellular communicator will affect the system in the very distant future when LTE will inevitably face its own sunset. Fortunately, this is unlikely to be a concern for at least 15 to 20 years. We've also seen the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus experience tremendous success while also opting for an integrated, irreplaceable LTE cellular communicator and WIFI card, so there's a good chance that the Edge will end up being just as successful. But we do want to give recognition to Resideo and their PROA7PLUS System for having the foresight to use fully replaceable LTE cellular radios (AT&T or Verizon), plus fully replaceable WIFI modules.

One thing new to the Edge that we have never seen on any other alarm control panel before is a 700-Series Z-Wave Controller. Also known as Z-Wave Plus Version 2, the 700-Series of Z-Wave Smart Home Automation promises significantly better wireless range and battery life, as well as much stronger wireless security when compared with previous iterations of Z-Wave technology. Although we haven't seen many 700-Series Z-wave devices hit the market just yet, it is worth mentioning that 2GIG recently released their own Z-Wave 700-Series Smart Thermostat, the 2GIG STZ-1. This smart thermostat can make a great addition to your new 2GIG Edge System and the automation network you plan to build around it. Remember that we have all sorts of Z-Wave lights and Z-Wave door locks available on our site for you to construct a complete smart home to make your life easier. But if you want to hold out a bit longer for the 700-Series Z-wave devices that will inevitably make their way to the marketplace sooner rather than later, then we don't blame you at all. And as you may have guessed, every Z-Wave home automation device that you pair locally with the 2GIG Edge will also be accessible remotely through Alarm.com once you get the system monitored with a plan that includes remote access.

With all of the introduction and explanation out of the way, let's take a look at the new products. First up is the base 2GIG Edge Panel, available in AT&T LTE and Verizon LTE:

If you are starting from scratch, then you might prefer to purchase one of our 2GIG Edge Starter Kits, which also include some sensors for you to pair with the system, as well as a Honeywell LT-Cable for easily powering the system. You can choose whether you want a fully encrypted kit with only encrypted sensors or a standard wireless kit, where the included door and window sensors don't utilize wireless encryption. Keep in mind that you can always upgrade to encrypted sensors later if you start out with a non-encrypted system. And also remember that you will need to decide whether you want your 2GIG Edge System to have an AT&T LTE Communicator or a Verizon LTE Communicator. This may be the most important consideration prior to purchase since the LTE communicator can't be replaced. Be sure to check coverage maps for the area where the panel will be used, and choose whichever carrier will have the best signal in the area.

Our system kits come in two (2) sizes. First, we will look at the 3-1 Edge System Kits that include three (3) wireless door and window sensors, and one (1) wireless motion detection sensor. These 3-1 Kits are best-suited for use in a smaller home or an apartment. Here are our 2GIG Edge 3-1 System Kits:

We also have our 10-1 Edge System Kits that come with ten (10) door and window alarm sensors, and one (1) motion sensor. This size kit is best used for a larger home or a small business. Again, the same equivalents apply to this size, so you have four (4) possible kits to choose from. Here are the 2GIG Edge 10-1 System Kits from Alarm Grid:

Lastly, we want to check out the system accessories for the 2GIG Edge. There are a few usual suspects here, including a replacement transformer and a replacement backup battery, plus a specially prepared power cord released by 2GIG. But we think the most interesting accessory is the wireless touchscreen keypad built exclusively for use with the 2GIG Edge Alarm System. Again in a similar fashion to the IQ Panel 2 Plus, the 2GIG Edge Remote Keypad mimics the system's display and can perform virtually any system function, much like the IQ Remote. But unlike Qolsys and the IQ Remote, 2GIG has made their remote keypad with an end-user replaceable battery, which is a huge improvement in our eyes.


Here are the 2GIG Edge System Accessories:

One final note about the 2GIG Edge is that there has been no indication that 2GIG intends to release a new "exclusive" sensor lineup for use with the system. Historically, this is a bit unusual, as you traditionally see a new security system (especially one as heavily promoted and anticipated as the 2GIG Edge) released alongside a new lineup of sensors designed specifically to accompany the system. Even the last major releases from 2GIG saw this, as the 2GIG GC2e and 2GIG GC3e became synonymous with the encrypted 2GIG eSeries Sensors. We only mention this because it's likely that some users out there will be actively looking for sensors to add to their new 2GIG Edge System, and they may be surprised to learn that there is no special 2GIG Edge Sensor Family. However, you still have a plethora of great sensor options to choose from, as the 2GIG Edge thrives in terms of backward compatibility. As we mentioned earlier, the system supports encrypted sensors from the 2GIG eSeries Lineup, plus non-encrypted Honeywell 5800 Sensors (uni-directional only) and 2GIG 345 MHz Sensors. If you are looking to expand upon your 2GIG Edge Alarm System, then those three (3) sensor families give you some awesome options to choose from!

The 2GIG Edge System, our 2GIG Edge System Kits, and the 2GIG Edge Accessories are all available now, and they can be purchased from the Alarm Grid website. Do you have any thoughts or questions about the 2GIG Edge? Leave them down below as a comment. We would love to get some discussions started on this super exciting new security system. Do you think the 2GIG Edge has what it takes to compete with strong systems like the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus and Resideo PROA7PLUS? What aspect of the 2GIG Edge has you the most excited? Is there anything you would like to see in a future firmware update or patch for the Edge? Get the discussions started down below, as we look forward to hearing from you. And stay tuned to our blog for more security system news coming soon!

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